The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 570 Dinner is incomplete without dessert

"Brother, how are you?"

Shanna looked at her brother expectantly, waiting for the praise from him.

A light blue magical light emerged from Bell's right hand.

I saw him clenching his fist and punching hard to the right.

‘Boom~! ’

After a loud noise, the tree beside Bell, which was hugged by a man, was struck from the waist.


Bell praised.

At the same time, he also used the magic power in his hand to repair the poor tree that was affected.

"Okay, it's time to go eat. If you go late, there won't be any delicious food."

Holding Hermione's hand, Bell pulled his angry girlfriend toward the canteen not far away.

Unlike Hogwarts, where meals are served on demand, since there are fewer people in the academy dining hall, the chefs in the dining hall will start making meals early in order to prepare enough meals for thousands of teachers and students.

The prepared meals will be placed together and provided to the students in the form of a buffet.

Therefore, some delicious and popular food will be snatched up early by the students who arrive first.

Those who arrived late could only eat scraps.

"By the way, Shanna, have you visited Luna in the past few days?"

Bell suddenly asked his sister.

At this time, the three of them were sitting in the dining hall. The table in front of them was filled with all kinds of delicacies, making every student who passed by look at them in surprise.

You know, in order to prevent some people from maliciously grabbing food, the academy strictly stipulates that everyone must finish the food they take.

Now the three Bells actually took food that was probably not enough for thirty people. The students passing by had serious doubts that these three new British people might not be able to get out of the dining hall tonight.


Hearing her brother's question, Shanna first sighed in a decent manner, and then said:

“I’ve been there, but Miss Luna still hasn’t been able to make friends.

But I have already warned the guys in the middle courtyard. If anyone dares to bully Miss Luna, I will deal with him severely! "

As she spoke, Shanna waved her fist viciously to increase the persuasiveness of her words.

"That's it."

Bell nodded, indicating that he understood.

In fact, he had already expected what happened to Luna.

Luna's naturally powerful gift of Legilimency allows her to clearly feel the thoughts of those around her.

Therefore, as long as there is even a trace of disgust in the other person's heart, Luna will be able to catch it and stay away from the other person.

There was nothing wrong with this.

But what a coincidence, Luna herself has such a crazy temperament.

This leads to the fact that when other people come into contact with Luna for the first time, they will inevitably be frightened by Luna's temperament and have some not-so-good ideas.

The two factors are superimposed. In many cases, Luna will actively avoid those who try to get close.

"Bell, is little Luna really okay?"

After listening to Zannah's story about Luna's situation, Hermione couldn't help but become worried.

Although she didn't know why, Luna was always reluctant to approach her, but as a companion in a foreign country, she was still very worried about Luna's condition.

Having said that, after contacting Luna, she discovered that there were actually people with fewer friends than Bell in this world.

This is really surprising!

(So ​​this is why Luna is reluctant to approach Hermione.)

"It's okay. Shanna can just go and play with Luna for a while, or bring Luna over here to play."

Bell waved his hand and said.

He can only do this, otherwise what else can he do?

While eating and chatting, soon, the 'mountain of food' in front of the three of them became smaller and smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared without a trace, leaving only a mess of cups and plates.

After rubbing his belly, although he felt full, Bell still felt that something was missing.

He looked left and right.

"That's right! There's no dessert here!"

After slapping his palms, Bell suddenly understood.

I don’t know what the academy’s canteen is thinking. There is obviously some after-dinner fruit to eat after lunch, but why is there no dessert after dinner?

Could it be that you are afraid that eating too many sweets before going to bed at night will cause tooth decay?

Speaking of which, among the many elixirs, there is indeed no variety that can treat tooth decay.

Similar to spells, monks mostly use elixirs, magic weapons, or talismans for combat purposes. As for the varieties used to serve daily life, there are far fewer magic potions and alchemy tools than wizards.

Of course, this does not mean that monks cannot make elixirs to treat tooth decay, but they have to find a familiar alchemist to customize them.

This is very troublesome. It is difficult for some young monks from ordinary families to know any alchemists.

Without dessert, Bell always felt that his stomach was still unfilled, which made him scratch his head and feel very uncomfortable.

"Brother, I want to eat pudding."

Shanna, who also felt something was wrong in her stomach, looked at her brother pitifully.

"Hold on."

He could bear it, but Bell couldn't let his sister suffer the same injustice.

So, he decisively took out his personal terminal and dialed a number in his address book.

In Scamander's suitcase...well, actually it's Belle's suitcase.

In the living room on the first floor of the western-style building, Xiao Fina, who had not been seen for a long time, was sitting on the sofa, staring intently at the personal terminal in front of her.

I saw the little guy's two little paws crossing the afterimages and tapping on the screen.

There is no way, those hateful wizards, everyone has ten fingers, this is simply cheating!

It only has two small claws. In order not to fall into a disadvantage in APM, it can only spend more effort and work on claw speed.

Suddenly, two rays of light shot out from Xiao Fina's eyes, and the speed of waving her claws suddenly accelerated.

It's going to steal people's heads!

You know, it is no longer what it was back then.

As a Bian that has perfectly inherited the intelligence of its master, after a long period of experience, its current level can be said to have improved many times.

And today, the time has finally come!

It is about to get the first head in its life as a beast, complete the breakthrough of zero, realize the transformation of the salty cat, and completely embark on the road of king from now on!

Although I feel a little sorry for that guy Penello, the combination of "Black and White" will be disbanded today, and it will step out of the ranks of rookies!

(Penello: ‘You are the only one who is a loser! I am not a loser!’)

Suddenly, suddenly again, the guy opposite saw only a trace of blood left. With this claw, the head was about to be obtained.

Unexpectedly, the game interface was ejected, and the communication request interface occupied the entire screen, making the claw it was determined to win empty.


In an instant, the world seemed to have come to a standstill. Little Fina stared blankly at the screen in front of her, even her breathing stopped.

The next moment...

"Awwwwwwwwww* # % @——!"

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