The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 571 Quiet Night

Normally, when using a personal terminal to play games, if a communication call comes in, the game interface will not be ejected, only a prompt box will pop up at the top of the screen.

But Bell simply doesn't know too much about the behavior of his pets.

He was sure that little Fina, who was always focused on playing games, would definitely ignore the prompt box at the top of the screen. Even if he calls Fina for a whole day, the other party may not pick up the message.

Therefore, without Fina's knowledge, he changed the settings of Fina's personal terminal without authorization.

As a result, this is what it is now.

At this time, little Fina was like a 200-pound child who was suddenly told that the supper was gone. It cried loudly and rolled around on the sofa.

It's a good thing that Bell didn't see his cute pet like this, otherwise he would have to cruelly send little Fina to Shanna's place to live for a period of time and undergo electrotherapy to cure Internet addiction.

After rolling around on the sofa for nearly a minute, Xiao Fina finally managed to calm down.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that it saw the owner of the personal terminal displayed on the screen before.

If it were replaced by Master Zanna's communication, there is no king but Fina is not the kind of beast that cares about false reputation.

‘Crack! ’

After wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Fina pressed her little paw on the connect button, and then stared at the screen aggrievedly, hoping that through her condemning eyes, the owner who had privately changed its personal terminal settings would feel guilty.

And then help it adjust the settings back.

"Fina, why are you so slow?"

Bell looked at his cute pet on the screen in confusion.

You know, ever since Xiao Fina became obsessed with games, she would never let her personal terminal be more than one meter away from her.

Even when I go to the toilet, I have to carry him.


"Okay, don't get the advantage and behave well. If you don't deal with it, you will be fine.

Now hurry up and find Kelsha and the others, ask them to prepare some desserts immediately, and then you will deliver them to the dining hall, be quick.

By the way, remember to have pudding, creamy cherry flavored. "

Ignoring Xiao Fina's complaints, Bell ordered.

Although Lim did not come with him, the three Kelshas who were responsible for maintaining and managing various things in the suitcase space had to be brought with them.

Although Kesha's cooking skills are not as good as Lim's, they are definitely at the level of chefs. At least many times higher than Bell himself.

Not to mention, the three of them had received hellish training from Lim before coming here.

Therefore, Bell's so-called slogan of "get rid of dependence on Lim and become independent and self-reliant" was really just a shout from the beginning.

While waiting for the dessert to be delivered, Bell was not idle either.

He went to the food pick-up area again and reluctantly picked out a few delicious ones from the remaining dishes. When others looked at the monsters in their eyes, he put a few more plates back.

There was no way he could help it. Thinking of those delicious desserts, he couldn't help but salivate, and then he felt a little hungry again.

‘Whoosh~! ’

Under the dim sky in the evening, a dark shadow flashed on the ground.

The owner had told it before that this was not its own territory, so it had to keep a low profile and try not to use its magical powers outside if it was not needed.

Therefore, although it was a bit troublesome, Fina still did not choose to fly, but ran quickly on the ground.

Maybe you really played too many games during this period? This feeling of running at full strength made it very uncomfortable.

But even so, it didn't dare to slow down even a little bit.

There's nothing he can do about it, but he knows that creamy cherry-flavored pudding is Master Shanna's favorite food, and he really doesn't dare to neglect it!

Crossing the mound and passing through the forest, Fina dashed left and right. Under the astonished gazes of others, she rushed into the dining hall with a graceful movement.

Without any pause, it followed the scent it sensed and found its owner.

Jumping up on the table, little Fina panted violently while stretching her little head in front of her master.

After rubbing his cute little pet's head, Bell took off a small cloth bag from Fina's neck.

Seeing little Fina panting, Bell took out the dessert from the bag and thought:

‘Perhaps Fina can do this once a day and treat it as exercise. ’

Little Fina, who had no idea that she would be working part-time as a food delivery person, was staring longingly at her master's hand.

After running so far just now, it also wanted to eat dessert.

"Yo! Small life is not bad!

What's so delicious about this? Very sweet looking. "

Ma Jingjing couldn't help but swallowed as she looked at the various beautifully designed foods on the table.

She was originally worried about whether Bell and others could adapt to life in the academy, so she came here specifically.

As a result, now it seems that these guys seem to be more nourished than her?

"Senior, would you like to sit down and have something to eat together?"

Bell invited with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite."

With that said, Ma Jingjing sat next to Hermione.

She couldn't resist the temptation of these snacks on the table that she had never seen before but looked delicious.

"Is this all your British food?"

Carefully picking up the small plate in front of her, Ma Jingjing observed it curiously.

The cake on the plate exuded an alluring sweet smell that made her want to swallow it in one bite.

"Not all of them, some of them are specialty desserts from other European countries."

Bell said.

Due to time constraints, what the three elves of Kesha made were short-term meals.

But even so, these desserts are delicious.

It has to be said that after thousands of years of serving wizards, household skills are almost engraved into the bones of house elves.

It is no exaggeration to say that every house elf is a perfect decathlete.

After the pleasant dessert time, Bell, who was full of heart and stomach, said goodbye to Ma Jingjing, and then returned to his small courtyard with his sister and girlfriend.

In the evening, the three of them sat in the yard, enjoying the cool night breeze while doing their own things.

Zannah leaned on the recliner, her eyes slightly closed, and practiced Occlumency.

She is still a little short of mastering the immortal flame spell that her brother taught her, and she is very motivated now.

Bell held a piece of arcane gold in his hand, and while analyzing its internal structure through magic power, he was also thinking about how to hammer and forge it.

From time to time, he would answer some questions for Hermione.

Hermione, on the other hand, took the formation book that Bell had just given her and studied hard, trying to catch up with the progress of the formation class in the shortest possible time.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

Under the illumination of the magical light, this scene is extremely warm and harmonious.

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