The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 572 Turtle Shell

Ma Jingjing is very happy today!

When she woke up in the morning, facing the rising sun and mist, she took a deep breath of the moist and cool air to dispel the last bit of sleepiness remaining in her mind.

The first class this morning was the close combat skills class she had been waiting for.

And today, she will complete her 'revenge'!


In fact, in the previous practical training class, she approached Bell with great interest and asked to compete with him.

Originally, in her expectation, she should have a fierce battle with Bell. In the end, she was inferior in skill and unfortunately lost.

Just like the competition between her and Shanna.

This is not her pride. You know, the use of magic weapons is not allowed in the actual combat training class.

The difficult silver-white liquid metal magic weapon that Bell used before cannot be taken out and used.

However, what Ma Jingjing didn't know was that Qianbian itself had no power. It was just a magic prop used to coordinate with the transformation technique.

In other words, how much power can be exerted by using Thousand Transformations depends entirely on the user's personal transformation skills.

Even without Qian Bian, Bell can still fight Wu Shuang back and forth, but he will be more embarrassed in the scene.

So, of course, the fierce battle that Ma Jingjing expected did not happen, and she was defeated by Bell without any chance of fighting back.

There was nothing she could do, her flying sword couldn't stop Bell's Divine Edge Shadowless Curse at all.

This defeat not only made Ma Jingjing realize the reality, but also further stimulated her fighting spirit.

As the saying goes, you should use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

When she was choosing courses before, she heard Bell himself say that the other party had not received any training in close combat skills.

Wizards and magicians are the same, they are purely long-range professions.

Then the problem is simple.

You know, she has been practicing swordsmanship with her elders since she was 5 years old.

Although she was no match for Bell in actual combat, she couldn't believe that she couldn't kill him in close combat!

"If you have the guts, don't hide!"

In the melee combat skills class, Ma Jingjing panted and stared at Bell.

This is wrong! The script shouldn't be like this!

"Didn't you say that you haven't learned any close combat skills?"

She had been chasing Bell for almost 10 minutes, and she had gone from being enthusiastic at the beginning to doubting her life now.

She didn't even hit the opponent with her sword!

‘So if you let me cut you with a sword, you will die! ’

Ma Jingjing thought angrily.

In fact, with her previous all-out effort to kill people, more than half of the students in the class now would be disabled even if they were hit by a sword.

Everyone else subconsciously stayed away from the location of the two people, curiously guessing what Bell had done to form such a deadly feud with Miss Ma?

And if he didn't have a certain understanding of Bell's strength, even the teacher would have stopped him.

He didn't want someone to die in his class, so he wouldn't be able to communicate with the academy.

"Yes, I have never learned melee skills, but I have learned dodge skills."

Bell said innocently.

In fact, strictly speaking, he didn't learn dodge skills or anything like that. It was just that he was beaten too much, and he gradually became self-taught.

Compared to the bludgers flying in the sky during basic training, Ma Jingjing's attack at this time was really nothing.

The value of being beaten until he was bruised and bruised every morning finally became apparent at this moment.

"I don't care! Anyway, you are not allowed to hide anymore! You are still not a man. If you are a man, just face him!"

Ma Jingjing, who was almost mad, probably didn't even know what she was talking about at this moment.

In short, no matter what, she must complete her 'revenge' today, and inflict the blow she received in the actual combat training class on Bell with profit!


Bell was speechless.

You know, although he is not yet 18 years old, British law stipulates that you can get married at the age of 15.

Even though it's Muggle law.

Therefore, at the age of 15, he should be considered a man in all respects.

Facing Ma Jingjing's direct invitation, Bell, a real man, would definitely not be able to refuse.

So, he threw away the long sword in his hand (it was not used, but it would be in the way), and the light blue magic light glowed in his hands, wrapping his hands like a pair of blue gloves.

Bowing slightly, applying strength to his legs, Bell's hands crossed the afterimages, intercepting all Ma Jingjing's attacks without falling to the ground.

1 minute...5 minutes...10 minutes...

Ma Jingjing suddenly jumped back and exited the battle circle.

"D-didn't you say you never learned melee combat skills?"

Ma Jingjing asked breathlessly.

The all-out attack for more than 20 minutes was too much even for her physical strength.

"Yes, but I have learned the skills of blocking."

Bell said with an innocent face again.

Compared to those bludgers with tricky angles, Ma Jingjing's attack was really nothing.


Looking at Bell who was calm and calm, looking like a normal person, and then looking at himself who was sweating profusely and looking a little embarrassed, I didn't know, but I thought it was her who was being held down and beaten by Bell before.

The more she thought about it, the angrier and more aggrieved she became. Ma Jingjing knew that her 'revenge' would not be completed today.

As a result, she was filled with anger and hatred, and she threw the long sword in her hand to the ground.

‘What do I need this long sword for? ’

"Uh, Senior Sister Ma, don't get excited, come back and play for a while."

Seeing that Ma Jingjing was planning to give up her career, Bell quickly persuaded her with gentle words.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Bell suddenly awakened to some strange hobby and became addicted to hitting.

During the previous period, he didn't just get hacked and did nothing else.

While dodging and blocking, he was also carefully observing Ma Jingjing's attack method.

Although what he wanted to learn was two-handed swordsmanship, Ma Jingjing used a more agile one-handed sword. But as the saying goes, everything leads to the same goal by different paths. Learn it first, and you can always use it later.

"Beat me and beat me! No more beating!"

Ma Jingjing roared angrily, turned around and left.

She is annoyed now when she sees Bell's hateful face.

How dare you mock her?

Wait for her! She will go back and think of a solution now!

As for whether you can figure it out, only God knows.


Seeing Ma Jingjing walking away without looking back, Bell, who was still unfinished, had no choice but to turn his attention to the others.

This frightened the melon-eaters watching the excitement around them, and they immediately started shouting loudly and gesticulating with their companions in front of them.

They don't want to fight with Bell's turtle shell. What if their confidence is gone?

Therefore, under the complicated gaze of the instructor, a group of people showed unprecedented enthusiasm and completed the first close combat skills class of this school year.

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