The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 573 The first flying competition of Yandu Academy has begun~

Chapter 573 The first flying competition of Yandu Academy has begun~!

"I have a small speed car that I never drive. One day I drove it on a whim..."

‘Whoosh~! ’


Shanna glared dissatisfied at the retreating figure in front of her. The little girl was very dissatisfied with this bad guy who dared to interrupt her singing.

Today, as she had a rare day off, she planned to follow her brother's instructions and go to the middle courtyard to play with Miss Luna for a while.

On a whim, she took out her favorite little speedster and decided to take a ride.

Maybe later she could invite Miss Luna to take a few laps over the academy and overlook the scenery of the academy from the air.

However, not long after leaving the Upper House, her good mood was destroyed again and again.

I don’t know if it’s because today is Sunday? In short, on the road where usually no one is seen, today you can always see students flying with swords or wearing flying shoes.

There are a lot of people, but it’s not really a big deal. Anyway, the sky is such a big place, enough for everyone to deal with. She is not a domineering person, and she will not say that she dislikes others for blocking her way.

Just kidding, you know, her temper is inherited from her brother, it is simply the embodiment of gentleness.

But the problem is that the clay figurine is still angry. It is impossible for a living person like her to be kneaded at will, right?

‘Whoosh~! ’

Another figure passed by the speeding car at high speed.

What was different from before was that this figure did not continue to go away like this, but turned back and looked at Shanna sarcastically.

'Ah! Even flying! At this speed, it's like a tortoise crawling, so only those stupid old haters with a lot of money will buy it. ’

Coming from an ordinary family, he might not be able to afford a high-end product like a speed car in his life.

So, it doesn’t matter whether you say you can’t eat the grapes, you say the grapes are sour, or… it doesn’t matter. In short, he just looked down upon these people from big families.

In his opinion, if those people were not from a good background, they would not even be qualified to carry his shoes.

Thinking of this, he felt angry and couldn't help but make an internationally recognized gesture to the speeding car behind him.


Now Shanna couldn't bear it anymore. Her little, it's a gentle temper. But no matter how gentle your temper is, you can't stand the stimulation of international gestures!

And the problem is, the academy clearly has regulations that the speed limit for flying over the academy is 40 miles.

Her current flying speed is 40 miles!

These bad guys, it's fine for them not to obey the traffic rules and speed, but now they dare to mock her, a good girl who obeys the rules?

If you don't give them some color, they probably don't even know how long Merlin's beard is!

Thinking of this, Shanna stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

To hell with speed limits and all that!

‘Boom~! ’

The roar of a sonic boom exploded, and the speeding car accelerated beyond the speed of sound in less than 2 seconds.

The violent airflow caused by the extremely fast flight blew all the unprepared students in front of them away.

Some people who use flight shoes are better. It takes a little time to control their body shape.

But those students who fly with swords are in dire straits. After dropping their flying swords, they could only moan and fall downwards. Feijian's shortcomings were clearly exposed at this moment.

I hope these guys won't leave any psychological shadow because of this and stay away from the sky completely.

A group of people stared dumbly at the speeding car's back. They wondered what had happened to this guy.

Then, the group of people saw the window of the flying car open, and a soft little hand stretched out from it, making an international gesture towards them.


After a brief silence, the students who were still in the sky immediately exploded.

"This guy is so arrogant! Brothers, fuck him!"

Just kidding, they are all young people who are just getting angry. How can they endure such humiliation?

If they can endure this, then after what happened today, how can they still have the dignity to hang out in the academy?

As a result, figures one after another roared and injected spiritual power into the flying magic weapon at their feet, and chased at high speed towards the speeding car that had only a small black dot left.

‘Hmph~! Tell you bad guys not to obey the traffic rules! ’

While flying, Zannah thought proudly.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed in the rearview mirror that something strange seemed to have happened to the bad guys behind her.

With a wave of her hand, she controlled the image in the rearview mirror to float out.

After zooming in on the screen and observing it carefully for a while, she excitedly discovered that those bad guys seemed to be trying hard to catch up with her?

This is so much fun!

She had long wanted to participate in the racing competition held at home.

But because she had to go to class and her parents always said that the competition was too dangerous and refused to let her participate, she was never able to do so.

Now, even though none of those guys in the back are driving speedsters, they should still be able to provide her with a little bit of fun?

Thinking of this, Shanna immediately slowed down her speed. She wanted to wait for the bad guys behind to catch up.

As for the original plan to go and play with Miss Luna, Shanna had completely forgotten about it.

Seeing that the speeding car dared to stop and wait for them, such an arrogant attitude made everyone even more furious.

I saw everyone's silhouettes flashing and appearing on the side of the speeding car one after another.

After everyone was in place, a student stood up spontaneously.

"Everyone, get ready! Countdown to 3 seconds! 3, 2, 1, start!"

Just like that, without any warning, the first and probably the last flying competition of Yandu Academy started~!

‘Boom~! ’

A sound like thunder came from far away, causing Bell to open his eyes curiously.

"What's the sound? Dry land thunder?"

Bell glanced at the dazzling sun in the sky in confusion.

This cloudless blue sky doesn't look like it's going to rain, so why is there thunder?

Before Bell could wonder for too long, he was surprised to find that one after another black shadows streaked across the sky above his head.


Bell was silent.

If he saw it correctly, the speeding car in front should be his sister's 'Bena'.

So didn’t Zannah go to play with Luna? Why did you rush into the car?

Moreover, what happened to the dozen or so speeding cars following the Bena?

"Professor Menethil~! Professor Menethil~!"

Not long after the speeding car overhead passed by, anxious shouts reached Bell's ears from a distance.

Because this title was so unfamiliar, it took Bell a while to suddenly realize that he was looking for him.

"Uh, sir, what do you want to see me for?"

Looking at the unknown gentleman who was sweating profusely with anxiety, Bell asked knowingly.

Even if the other party didn't say it, he could guess that the reason why the other party came to him was ninety-nine times because of his sister.

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