The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 574 Racing is a moment of pleasure

"There's no time to explain. Professor Menethil, come with me. We'll talk as we walk."

With that said, the gentleman grabbed Bell's arm and flew into the air.

In desperation, Bell could only follow behind the opponent and fly "slowly".

To be honest, Bell felt that with the speed that the other party was showing now, it would be impossible to catch up with his sister in this life, so he might as well stay where he was and explain the whole story to him.

After a brief explanation from the gentleman, Bell learned that at the beginning, for some unknown reason, his sister competed with several students at speed.

There was no need to think about the results. Those who used flying swords or flying shoes were quickly beaten to pieces by Zanna in a flying car.

After all, the safety performance of flying cars is simply not comparable to the other two flying props.

Therefore, the maximum speed that a flying car can reach is far higher than that of flying swords and flying shoes.

Although the first group of people were quickly defeated in humiliation, when other people on the ground saw such a fun thing, there would always be someone who couldn't help but want to get involved.

As for other people joining, Shanna said that she simply doesn't welcome them too much.

She doesn't care who her opponent is, as long as she has someone to play with.

As a result, the opponents changed one after another. The little girl was always being chased but never surpassed.

Over time, it will inevitably make her feel lonely.

Really... there is no one who can fight!

Just when Shanna started to feel a little bored, a new challenger aroused her interest again.

Although the Menethil family has not yet launched a cheap version of the speed car that is close to the people, those who can afford the luxury version of the speed car are those with rich family backgrounds.

Moreover, even in a big family with a rich family, few people would be as prodigal as Bell, giving a valuable luxury speed car to the younger generation of the family as a toy.

But as the saying goes, if the forest is big, there will always be a few birds of the Bell species.

Therefore, there are also some students in the academy who are also so luxurious that they carry a flying car with them.

And these people, after seeing Shanna being so cool... ahem, so arrogant, in order to maintain the peace of the academy, they resolutely took out their own speed cars and joined the competition with excitement. middle.

So, gradually, this flying competition really took the shape of a speeding competition.

Shanna, who was having fun, was driving faster and faster, and she seemed to be unable to control herself.

"Professor Menethil, please think of a solution quickly. We are really out of options."

The gentleman complained to Bell, looking as if he was about to cry.

When the chaos in the sky gets bigger and bigger, of course some teachers will notice it and want to stop it.

As a result, the few people who rushed into the sky and tried to stop the leading speeding car were all knocked away.

Fortunately, they were well prepared for defense before going to heaven, otherwise they might not have to go to the medicine hospital to lie down for a few days.

And the key problem is that those people in the flying car are all students of the academy, and it is difficult for them to launch an attack directly.

Therefore, after discovering that the black and red speed car sitting in the leader's car was an international student from Hogwarts, the gentlemen quickly sent someone to find Bell, hoping that Bell, the leading professor, could come forward and stop the leader. That little girl.

By the way, are all wizards so wild? What exactly are they handing in to school?

"Hahaha~! You should work harder! Come after me!"

Zannah, who had no idea that Hogwarts and even the three major magic schools in Europe had been murdered due to her own reasons, used her magic power to transmit her voice to the speeding car behind her.

Those guys were too weak and couldn't put any pressure on her, so she could only speak out to add some motivation to those stupid guys.

As expected, after hearing Shanna's arrogant provocation, the group of people gritted their teeth and increased their speed.

The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but face can’t be lost!

"Okay, don't worry, I'll stop them right away."

Seeing that the speed of a group of flying cars increased again, Bell felt that the impact would be really bad if it continued like this, so he agreed with a smile.

After saying that, he injected more magic power into the flying shoes. Before the gentleman asked what he planned to do and whether he needed any help, he disappeared with a loud sonic boom. In situ.


Rubbing his ears that were buzzing from the sonic boom, the gentleman felt that their previous guesses were confirmed.

Wizards really are so wild!

By the way, should they follow the international trend, reform their teaching methods, and make them a little wilder?

Due to the limited area of ​​the academy, strictly speaking, the speed of the car is not really fast.

Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun if he bumped into the academy's protective formation.

Let’s not talk about whether there will be car crashes or other casualties. Even if they are unscathed, the gentlemen will have to peel off their skin later.

Therefore, after stimulating the speed of his flying shoes to the extreme, Bell quickly caught up with the "illegal racing" group.

Bell's figure turned into a black line. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he passed more than a dozen speeding cars and landed on the roof of the Bena.

"Okay, Shanna, that's almost enough. If you continue to play, the gentlemen will become impatient."

The same method that Shanna used before, Bell also transmitted the sound into the speeding car beneath him through the vibration of magic power.


In response, Shanna obediently slowed down the speed of the speeding car.

She was a little tired of playing at first. The venue was too small, the opponents were too weak, and there were no fun traps like those in regular racing competitions.

However, after today's pleasant play experience, she is even more yearning for the official speed competition.

It seems that after that, she will find time to have a good talk with her brother, and she must participate in a speed car race!

‘There are many obstacles! ’

After Zannah obediently began to slow down, Bell cast a large-area obstacle spell behind him.

After the other speeding cars plunged into the scope of the obstacle spell, their speed immediately dropped. It took about a minute before they finally stopped in mid-air.

"Okay, the fun time of playing is over. Next, I think you should think carefully about how to deal with the accusations from the gentlemen."

Before everyone in the speeding car could express their condemnation of Bell's interference in the game, Bell's words quickly caused the blush on everyone's faces to fade.

They were having too much fun before, and the rules of the academy were already thrown away by them.

But now that they had calmed down, when they thought about facing the roars of the gentlemen, everyone looked at each other, almost crying.

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