The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 575 Shanna’s Quidditch

Soon, several gentlemen responsible for maintaining order in the academy flew over angrily.

After learning the cause of the incident from Shanna, the gentlemen looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

They actually all knew about the students flying at speed.

But because it wasn't a big deal and it never caused any trouble, they had always turned a blind eye and closed one eye for so many years.

Unexpectedly, a little girl who obeyed the rules suddenly came this year.

Originally, it was a good thing for little girls to obey the rules.

But luckily, those who didn't follow the rules, in turn, mocked the other people who followed the rules.

Whoever it is, everyone will be angry!

So things finally developed to this point, and it seemed like everyone had a share in it?

Cough cough cough!

In short, after Bell repeatedly assured that he would teach Shanna a lesson when he returned, he led Shanna away.

Just kidding, he won't let those gentlemen punish his sister.

As for how he plans to teach Shanna a lesson?

Hmm... Just punish Shanna not to drive a car again today.

After all, I still have to give face to the gentlemen of the academy.

After watching Shanna fly away towards the middle courtyard, Bell returned to his small courtyard and continued to study the art of refining weapons.

"Be careful behind you! Pass the ball quickly! Quickly!"

In the middle courtyard of Yandu Academy, over a spacious lawn, a fierce Quidditch match was going on.

What? Why is there a Quidditch match in Yandu Academy, you ask?

That is of course the result of Shanna’s preaching!

Whenever she has free time, Shanna will follow her brother's instructions and come to the middle courtyard to play with Miss Luna.

But Yandu Academy is only so big, and after the last experience, all the students are now very honest, and no one speeds anymore, so Shanna has no excuse for racing again.

Therefore, after going back and forth, Shanna began to worry about what to play.

Although Miss Luna would be very satisfied even if she didn't do anything and just sit there and stare at the clouds in the sky, she didn't want to waste her precious time in a daze.

That would be more interesting than blowing up ant holes.

So, after discovering that there were many people wandering around boredly, the idea of ​​teaching Quidditch in Yandu Academy appeared in Shanna's mind.

Thinking about it carefully, since she was a child, she seemed to have only played double Quidditch with her brother and never played with anyone else.

Although Professor Snape had previously suggested that she join the Quidditch team of Slytherin House, she did not agree because she disliked the other members of the team who were too ugly.

Now that she is idle and bored, she might as well let the students from Yandu Academy come and play Quidditch with her.

So, under Zannah's coercion and inducement, a group of bruised and swollen little kids reluctantly rode on broomsticks and learned how to play Quidditch, which had a very puzzling name.

And then...Quidditch is so fun!

You know, who is Shanna? That is a lawless lord who fears that the world will not be in chaos!

What? You said wands are banned in Quidditch?

The one you're talking about is fake Quidditch. In real Quidditch, you have to play with a wand!

Come on, everyone is a wizard. Why not use a wand when eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom?

So, of course, when playing, you have to use a wand!


"You all listen to me. The rule of Quidditch is that you can use magic spells during the game! Oh, by the way, do you call it spells?

In short, you can directly attack the opponent's players!

However, one thing to note is that you cannot use direct lethal spells, and... there are also strong control spells, such as petrification and coma. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fun if you fell and died. "

Zannah explained the rules of Zannah's style of Quidditch to a group of dejected young monks in front of her.

"Sister Shanna, what kind of magic can I use?"

A young monk sniffed and asked in confusion.

This can't be used, and that can't be used. What's the difference between this and not being allowed to use spells?

"Why are you so stupid!

You can use frenzy to make the opponent indistinguishable from friend to foe!

You can also use curses to make the other party have diarrhea!

You can also use the Imperius Curse to control the opponent and throw the ball into your own goal! "

Shanna hated being stubborn and taught her new little brothers a lesson.

How could she find such a group of stupid guys!

Having said that, fortunately there are no other wizards here, and for the monks, there is no concept of the three unforgivable curses.

Otherwise, if people knew that Zannah was planning to use the 'evil' Imperius Curse on others just to play Quidditch, they would be so frightened that they would immediately call the Aurors.

It's just a Quidditch match, isn't it? ?

"Also, don't call me eldest sister, it's so unpleasant!"

As she spoke, Shanna flicked her fingers, condensed her magic power into a small ball, and hit the bad guy who dared to give her a nickname on the forehead, causing the other person to cover his forehead and let out a cry of pain.

"But, eldest sister..."


"No, it's Senior Shanna. We don't know how to use those spells you mentioned!"

After receiving a warning look from Shanna, the junior monk in the third year of the Intermediate Court decisively gave in and changed his mind, calling Shanna, who was technically one year younger than him, a senior.

"What!? You can't even use such a simple spell!?"

Zannah looked at each other in disbelief.

But then, she was shocked to find that not only the stupid guy who just spoke, but also the rest of the people nodded.

Those spells that are very dangerous upon hearing them are not something they who are still in the middle courtyard can learn.

But having said that, are the spell classes in the Upper House all about teaching such powerful spells? I’m suddenly looking forward to it!

Just when this group of young monks were harboring the misunderstanding of 'beauty' and imagining that they would be able to master such a powerful spell in the near future, Shanna covered her face hard and couldn't bear to look directly at the person in front of her. What a bunch of idiots.

She can use these simple spells before she is ten years old. Some of the guys in front of her now are even older than her, but in the end, not even one of them knows how to do it?

So, have these guys been sleepwalking every day for so many years?

What Shanna didn't know was that the six years of education in the Lower House of the Academy mainly taught students some basic knowledge and a few simple spells.

But not everyone is as unreliable as her brother, who dares to teach his younger sister, who is not yet 8 years old, to learn the three unforgivable curses.

Similarly, not every little wizard has extraordinary talents like her, and can really learn the three unforgivable curses when they are more than 8 years old.

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