The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 576 Happiness is the most important thing

To this day, Bell's parents still believe that the most dangerous spell Bell taught Zannah is to disapparate.

If they knew that Bell actually started teaching Zannah to use the three unforgivable curses when Zannah was not yet 8 years old... Elena might feel very proud? But William will definitely not be able to resist killing his relatives and kill Bell!

After all, he had wanted to do this for a long time.


"Forget it, since you don't know those simple spells, you should be able to do the simpler obstacle spells, right?"

After thinking for a while, Shanna finally felt that it would be a waste of time to catch another wave of people now, so she reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​'laying off' the idiots in front of her.

"That's what the Obstacle Curse does."

Afraid that these idiots wouldn't understand what a barrier spell was because of the different names, Shanna kindly waved her wand, allowing the dozen or so people on the grass to experience the effect of the barrier spell for themselves.

But judging from everyone's faces, they seemed unwilling to accept Shanna's kindness.

After a few seconds of excruciating slow motion, the young monks who were finally able to move smoothly nodded hurriedly and said loudly, 'I know! knew! ’. Afraid that Shanna would be kind enough to give them a try again.

"Very good, these are the rules. Do you remember them all clearly?"

Shanna asked loudly.

At the same time, she silently made up her mind in her heart. If any fool dared to make trouble for her and said he didn't remember it, her patience was about to run out and she would have to leave him with an unforgettable memory. .

After all, the rules of Quidditch are so simple. They can be summed up in one sentence: ‘There are no rules! ’.

If you still can’t remember this, then you are definitely looking for trouble on purpose!


I don't know if they sensed the evil look in Shanna's eyes, but everyone straightened their backs and answered loudly, and no one dropped their chains.

Then, these people experienced two hours that they will never forget...

"Why don't you let me play! Ah!?

Tell me, why don't you let me play? Why don't you let me play! ? "

Shanna looked at the group of ungrateful bad guys in front of her in disbelief.

You know, she taught him Quidditch.

The flying broomsticks used by everyone now are all provided by her.

(Since flying swords tend to fall off, they are not suitable for Quidditch games.

Except God. )

It turned out to be good now. She had only been playing for less than two hours, and these guys actually dared to unite and stop playing without her! ?

Did she look too easy to bully, or did these guys think that after two hours of strenuous exercise, she couldn't cut anyone anymore? ah! ?

Thinking of this, Shanna opened the small satchel on her waist and rummaged for the flying sword she bought a few years ago.

It happened that during this period, she had learned some methods of killing people in the melee combat skills class, but she had not had time to try them yet. Now that someone is coming to her door, she has to practice it.

"Sister, it's not that we don't let you play, it's just that if you keep playing like this, you really can't hold it anymore!"

The tallest young monk was pushed out by others and had no choice but to say to Shanna.

By the way, when did those bastards discuss this? Why did they act in unison and sell him out!

"Can't bear it? What can't you bear?"

Shanna looked at the tall bad guy in front of her with confusion, unable to understand what he was saying.

By the way, she learned Chinese from her brother, so she should be at a very high level. But why couldn't she understand what the other party meant?

This is really strange.

"I can't bear anything anymore!"

Seeing Shanna's unconscious look, the young monk really almost cried.

Although they could not cast the madness spell, the diarrhea curse and the soul-stealing curse, they had fully felt the powerful effects of these three spells in the past nearly two hours.

The worst thing is that I had some stomach discomfort today. Therefore, after I was unfortunately struck by the diarrhea curse before, I accidentally ended up with diarrhea in my pants.

Everyone is no longer a child in the lower house. If you shit your pants in front of everyone, you will almost want to die.

And coincidentally, everyone is at an age when they are most likely to act impulsively.

So, after noticing the other people's expressions of suppressing laughter, the little monk who had shitted his pants couldn't think about it for a moment. Anger arose in his heart and his hatred turned to fear. He plunged his head towards the ground, determined to return to the earth. Mother's arms.

In the end, it was Shanna who had a kind face and a soft heart, and couldn't bear to see the other person wither away at this beautiful age that was just waiting to bloom, so she controlled the other person with a soul-stealing spell and tied herself to a tree so that the other person could calm down for a while. .

By the way, she was so kind-hearted that she even threatened the others viciously, telling them not to tell anyone about someone pooping their pants, otherwise she would curse that person and make him poop his pants every day.

At this point, the little monk possessed by the declining god finally stopped struggling and was tied to the tree obediently, watching the others continue to be tortured.

Then the young monk discovered that it looked pretty good being tied up?

Cough cough cough!

In short, this incident tells us that even the Imperius Curse, which everyone in the British wizarding world talks about, can be used to save people!

So, there are no evil spells, only evil wizards.

That’s it!

And although it's not as bad as the little monk who pooped his pants, the others are not much better.

At the end of the day, they even gritted their teeth and didn't care about the rules and regulations. They just surrounded Shanna with a group of people.

As a result, except for making Shanna have more fun, it had no effect.

A group of people were completely defeated...

In the end, with everyone threatening her with death, Shanna could only pouted angrily, ran off the field and stamped her feet.

After Shanna left the field, Luna, who had been watching for a long time, finally had a chance to play.

After all, no matter how unreliable Shanna is, she will not abuse her own people as well.

The game started again, and everyone, who was finally no longer being played by Zannah, experienced the fun of this game called 'Quidditch' for the first time.

Everyone shouted loudly, waving their staffs and chasing the three kinds of balls in the air.

The golden snitch flashes, the bludger whizzes, and all kinds of spells fly. The scene is like a chaotic dance of demons.

But none of that matters. Having fun is the most important thing.

So, when Bell found his sister, such a shocking scene appeared in front of him.

"What are they doing?"

Walking behind Shanna who was giving blind instructions, Bell asked in a dumbfounded voice.

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