The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 577 Want to have an exciting Quidditch game?

In fact, Shanna didn't need to answer, Bell could roughly guess what happened.

After all, it was impossible for Luna to teach these young monks how to play Quidditch.

"Brother! Why are you here?"

Since all her attention was focused on the fierce Quidditch battle in the sky, Zannah only noticed her brother's arrival at this time.

"Come see what you're doing."

Bell said with a smile.

Although he left the care of Luna to Shanna, he felt at ease. As long as Shanna is here, Luna will never be bullied.

As for whether other people will be bullied by Shanna... Ahem, children should withstand more wind and rain, so that they can grow strong.

But no matter what, he was the leading professor of Hogwarts. Even though he couldn't visit Luna too often because of Hermione, he still had to show up occasionally.

After all, Luna is still a talent that he values ​​​​very much.

"We're playing Quidditch!"

Shanna said excitedly.

But the next moment, the little girl pouted dissatisfiedly and complained to her brother.

"Brother, listen to me, these bad guys are really bad!

It was obvious that I had worked so hard to teach them Quidditch. As a result, after they learned it, they stopped playing with me! "

"It's okay. Brother will play with you later."

Bell comforted with a smile.

From the bruised and swollen looks of the young monks in the sky, it was not difficult for him to guess why these people didn't take Shanna to play.

"Speaking of which, what's going on with that one over there?"

Bell looked at the little monk tied to the big tree strangely.

What he couldn't understand the most was that the other party was clearly being tied up, so why did he still show an expression of enjoyment?

So does this guy have any unique quirks?

"Oh, that guy. He was crazy before and always wanted to ride his broomstick to the ground, so I tied him up."

Shanna briefly described the 'facts' she witnessed in an understatement.

"So that's it."

Bell nodded suddenly.

He said that it was too early for Yandu Academy to allow young monks to study in boarding schools from the age of 5.

Now it seems that being separated from family members for a long time and living in an academy can easily lead to psychological problems in children.

With all these thoughts in his mind, Bell also enjoyed the new Quidditch game in the sky with his sister.

As we all know, Bell's favorite thing to watch when watching Quidditch matches was the fight between the players on both sides.

And now, although these little monks in the sky are all novices, their playing skills are terrible, but because of this, everyone is fighting so hard that it is so exciting!

I have to say that the rules of Zannah's new Quidditch game are very much to Bell's liking.

Ever since that day, Shanna taught about the Quidditch game in the Intermediate Court, it didn't take long for this exciting competitive sport to spread throughout Yandu Academy.

However, what is different from the beginning is that the young monks all chose to use flying shoes to compete.

There is no way, even if you put aside the inelegant riding posture of the broomstick, even if everyone wants to ride a broomstick, they really have no place to buy it.

There are no stores selling broomsticks in China. They can't just go to Shanna to borrow a broomstick every time they play a game, right?

Besides, that's not enough.

Zannah was not in the habit of carrying hundreds of broomsticks with her. The little girl didn't even remember when she stuffed the dozen broomsticks she had on her into her bag.

Therefore, the convenient, handsome and practical flying shoes eventually became the best choice for young monks.

Of course, flight shoes are not cheap after all, and most students don’t have them.

But this little difficulty is not a problem for all the smart people.

Don’t you know how to borrow it if you don’t have it?

Therefore, you can often see a scene like this on the grass:

When a Quidditch team loses a game, the first thing they do when they get off the field is take off their shoes. The next team members, who had been waiting outside the court for a long time, immediately stepped forward, put on their flying shoes and joined the game.

This is called replacing people without changing shoes.

Fortunately, the flying shoes are magic props that can automatically adjust the size according to the size of the user's feet.

Otherwise, many people will be sadly excluded because they cannot find flight shoes of the right size.

"Hey! Bell! Where are you going? Do you want to play an exciting game of Quidditch?"

While walking on the road, Bell heard a familiar greeting from a distance.

He turned around and saw a tall figure waving to him with a bright smile on his face.

The tall man's name is Wang Shouqiang, a physical practitioner in Class 2, Grade 3, Upper School.

Bell and the other party met in the weapon refining class.

Because both of them often went to the Weapon Refining Hall to ask questions, they gradually became familiar with each other as they went back and forth.

"No, I have to go to the teaching hall to find Vice President Liu. Let's wait until next time."

Bell declined with a smile.

He has a very important thing to deal with now, and there really is no time for an exciting game of Quidditch.

"You must be too busy. Every time I meet you, you have something to do.

As promised, you must have an exciting game of Quidditch with me next time. "

Seeing that Bell was really worried, Wang Shouqiang didn't force him.

He also knew that the other party also had the identity of a team leader. He was usually busy, which seemed to be normal?

"Okay, definitely next time."

Bell assured with a smile.

He was actually very happy about Wang Shouqiang's invitation.

After all, no one had invited him to play this new style of Quidditch for a long time.

After being tortured by him in turn, no one in Class 1 would ever mention the word 'Quidditch' in front of him again.

Obviously, Wang Shouqiang, who is a second-class student, does not understand Bell's brilliant record. I just hope he won't regret today's invitation in the future.

After bidding farewell to Wang Shouqiang, Bell quickly came to a majestic hall not far from the academy gate.

Stepping into the main hall, following the guidance of the sign board, he quickly found the location of the vice president's office.

After gently knocking on the door twice and getting permission from the person inside, Bell opened the door and walked in.

"Vice President Liu, I'm here."

Walking to the center of the room, Bell bowed respectfully and said to a kind old woman behind the desk.

"What's your name, Vice President Liu? Then when you meet outsiders, you can just call me Grandma Liu."

Vice President Liu looked at Bell with a smile on his face.

What she was most dissatisfied with was that Bell always kept seeing her.

After all, if Bell is so invisible, how can she get information from the other party?

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