Jia Ming abandoned the game. It's a pity for Mr. Wang and others.

But there is no way.

No one at the scene knew Miao doctor, so he couldn't give Jia Ming a fair and just judgment.

Medical skill is the most rigorous thing and can't make do with it.

If there is a problem with medication, there is likely to be a big problem.

Therefore, no one has the courage to ask for Jia Ming's withdrawal.

Finally, ye Youran, Xie Zehua and Shan Yuanfang entered the final competition.

"There is only one patient in the final game. The three of you are diagnosed separately. Now let's invite the patient."

Guan Shien announced that the game would continue.

This time it was a sleepy old woman in a wheelchair.

To ye Youran's great surprise.

At this time, it was an old acquaintance Zhijun who pushed the old woman out.

Zhijun is the grandson of the old Chu leader. At this time, he didn't wear a military uniform, but he looked like a childe.

In the dean's room, ye Youran had some good feelings for Zhijun.

But Zhijun promised ye Youran wild Chinese herbal medicine for more than 30 years, but it didn't materialize.

Ye Youran thought he couldn't find traditional Chinese medicine. He was ashamed of himself and didn't dare to appear!

I didn't expect him to appear in this way at this time.

And who is the old woman he is pushing?

Is it his grandmother?

Ye Youran thought to herself in her heart.

Zhijun is a soldier, and it is said that the Chu family is a high-ranking official in the capital.

Ordinary people are not entitled to such treatment as Zhijun.

What's more, it is said that Zhijun's grandmother is in extremely poor health.

Therefore, it is highly possible that the old woman is Zhijun's own grandmother, that is, the wife of the old head of Chu.

"This patient is a patient recommended by the hospital of the Beijing Military Region. This patient is special. She can't speak now, so she can't consult her, but she can consult her relatives. According to the ranking, you can diagnose Shan Yuanfang first."

Guan Shien said to Shan Yuanfang.

Shan Yuanfang stepped forward and slightly attached herself. First, she felt the pulse for the old lady.

Guan Shien's introduction also confirmed ye Youran's conjecture.

Since Zhijun is a relative of grandma.

Then they should be grandparents and grandchildren.

When ye Youran secretly guessed in his heart.

Shan Yuanfang had cut her pulse and began to check her body. She also opened her eyelids and mouth.

"Is grandma in a deep coma caused by trauma? When was this about?"

Shan Yuanfang asked Zhijun.

"About half a month ago, she fell and suffered a head injury. After being rescued in the military region hospital, she had been out of danger, but because she was too excited, her injury relapsed and fell into a coma so far."

Zhijun frowned and said with worry.

Ye Youran even keenly noticed it.

At this time, the old Chu leaders on the rostrum were all pale.

If ye Youran guesses well.

At that time, Zhijun's grandmother suddenly fell down and was sent to the rescue room.

And Zhijun's grandfather, that is, the old head of Chu, was worried that he became ill and couldn't get up.

After the old Chu leader fell ill, he was sent to Qingyuan City and was rescued temporarily by Ye Youran.

But after Zhijun's grandmother left indefinitely, I heard that old Chu lived long on the eve of the day.

He was so excited that he worsened his head injury and now he has become a vegetable.

At the thought of this, ye Youran suddenly admired the old head of Chu, the old husband and wife.

Husband and wife have been together for decades until they are old!

It's rare in the world that their feelings can be so loving.


After Shan Yuanfang asked a few questions again, she also tried to knock on Grandma's knee.

I found that grandma's knee still had some natural reactions.

This shows that the coma time is not long, and the neurons in the body have not died.

However, I want to wake up a vegetable.

That's definitely not a simple thing.

The awakening of vegetative people requires scientific management.

The most important thing is the care between relatives.

Shan Yuanfang fell into meditation for a moment.

After a long time, I began to write down the diagnosis and treatment.

"Xie Zehua, it's your turn."

See that Shan Yuanfang has begun to write.

Guan Shien announced that Xie Zehua could come forward for diagnosis.

Xie Zehua also cut the pulse first.

This time, Xie Zehua's pulse took longer.

"Have you tried arousal therapy, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy or electric shock therapy?"

Xie Zehua asked Zhijun.

However, it can be seen that Xie Zehua seems to know Zhijun.

So he opened his mouth and looked very respectful in tone.

In fact, there is no specific treatment for plant patients.

In clinic, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, improving cerebral circulation, nutritional nerve therapy and electrical stimulation are mainly used.

The effect of treatment is related to age, etiology, duration, complications and so on.

Generally speaking, the treatment effect of young, traumatic, vegetative state with short time and no complications is relatively good.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase the partial pressure of blood oxygen, increase the content of blood oxygen and increase the blood flow of cerebral basilar artery.

It is beneficial to the repair and awakening of brainstem reticular structure, and can also accelerate the proliferation of capillaries in the lesion area.

So as to promote axonal regeneration of nerve cells, grow new collateral branches and establish new nerve connections,.

In particular, it has a relatively significant effect on restoring the neural connection and function of the ascending projection activation system of the reticular structure.

Ye Youran doesn't know much about these things.

Because ye Youran is a real pure traditional Chinese medicine.

Xie Zehua contracted to master Wenjie.

Old man Bao Wenjie himself is a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

He also has some attainments in western medicine.

So Xie Zehua also inherited the mantle of old man Bao and asked such a professional question.

"Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been carried out once, but the effect is not obvious. Electric shock therapy... Has not been taken yet."

Zhijun said truthfully.

"Well, I see. I have already known about the old man's condition, dear review teachers and leaders. My treatment plan is to continue to take hyperbaric oxygen treatment, one course of treatment for ten days, at least three courses of treatment."

"According to the degree of recovery, supplemented by electric shock treatment. At the same time, relatives need to exercise the patient in the morning, noon and evening every day, and accompany the patient to speak for at least one hour."

"In such a month, the possibility of the elderly waking up will exceed 50%. If they can't wake up, it's hard to wake up again."

Xie Zehua said confidently.

Zhijun's treatment plan is also reasonable.

So that many professors of traditional Chinese medicine and even masters of traditional Chinese medicine can't find fault.

After all, this is the most scientific and the only symptomatic treatment at present.


However, when Xie Zehua thought his treatment plan would be recognized or even approved by many people.

A slight sneer came very harshly.

Xie Zehua turned his head angrily. At this time, it was ye Youran who was laughing.

"Ye Youran, what do you mean? Do you have a problem with my treatment?"

Ye Youran has always pressed Xie Zehua.

This makes Xie Zehua very unhappy.

If anyone laughed at him at this time, maybe he could barely accept it.

But ye Youran just can't.

"No problem, just follow your treatment plan! I promise, not a month, half a month will be enough to kill her."

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