Ye Youran's words immediately made the whole scene in an uproar.

What do you mean half a month can kill her.

Is that too absolute and too direct?

Also, ye Youran, like Xie Zehua, is just a rookie.

Ye Youran is not a judge.

Who is qualified to evaluate other people's treatment plans?

Even Zhijun and the old head of Chu changed their faces at this time.

However, their faces changed greatly, not because ye Youran's words were too direct.

But because of Ye Youran's four words "die".

They all believe in ye Youran's medical skills.

In the military region hospital in Beijing, many doctors and professors prescribe almost the same treatment scheme as Xie Zehua's.

They all suggested hyperbaric oxygen therapy and adjuvant electric shock stimulation therapy.

According to the doctor, the patient has not been unconscious for a long time.

Effective treatment as soon as possible can be faster and have a greater chance to wake up patients.

At that time, Zhijun and the old head of Chu were very tangled.

Participating in the dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine is bound to affect the progress of treatment.

And it is said that the longer the delay, the lower the probability of awakening.

However, the old head of Chu and Zhijun still believe in ye Youran too much.

In order to attend this TCM debate meeting as promised, the old Chu leader finally decided to postpone the electric shock therapy.

So the patient had only one hyperbaric oxygen treatment for the time being.

The later electric shock stimulation therapy can only wait until they come back from Qingyuan City, if ye Youran's treatment effect is not obvious.

To continue electric shock therapy.

Now I hear ye Youran say that taking hyperbaric oxygen and electric shock treatment will die.

They were in a cold sweat.

"Ye Youran, you don't talk nonsense here. You study traditional Chinese medicine but don't understand western medicine. What qualifications do you have to say that my treatment is wrong?"

Xie Zehua said almost gnashing his teeth:

"Also, in my opinion, whether traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, as long as it can cure the disease and save people, it is good medicine. We should learn and inherit good medicine."

"Aren't you trying to belittle my treatment plan just to show off?"

"Since you say my treatment plan is not good, tell me what's wrong."

"If you can't say it, I'm not finished with you."

Xie Zehua has been suffocating.

It was not easy to have patients involved in western medicine. He thought he could show his skills.

Win the final championship!

Unexpectedly, ye Youran jumped out to deny him at this time.

"I really don't know much about western medicine. Your treatment plan itself has no problem. You can take such a treatment plan for any patient."

Ye Youran's voice turned and then said:

"But have you considered the special situation of this patient? Do you know how old she is?"

"I can't judge whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective, because this is not the field of traditional Chinese medicine."

"But electric shock treatment is absolutely not advisable."

"At her age, and now at the beginning of a serious illness, strong stimulation will not have any effect, but may also damage her reflex nerve."

"If the power is too large, her body tissues will be stimulated, and her muscles will contract involuntarily, causing great damage."

"If it is serious, it will damage the normal work of her heart, lungs and nervous system, and worry about her life."

"The electricity is too small, but it can't stimulate and wake up, but it will damage her nerve endings to varying degrees and kill a large number of cells in some parts."

"At the age of this patient, her body function itself has been exhausted and her ability to regenerate cells has been greatly weakened."

"You said you took electric shock therapy, would it kill her?"

Ye leisurely and witty.

Xie Zehua was speechless.

Because ye Youran is telling the truth.

Electric shock therapy does have such concerns and side effects.

Therefore, electric shock therapy is generally not recommended.

Even if it is used, it also needs to be strictly controlled.

Except for patients with respiratory arrest or heart failure.

Except death, there is no big deal. In this case of life or death, electric shock therapy will be adopted recklessly.

Because at that time, there was no need to consider the adverse consequences of electric shock therapy.

But now the patient's actual situation.

Electric shock therapy is really a bad idea.

At least now she's unconscious, but she's still alive.

Electric shock therapy could kill her immediately.

However, this is also a last resort.

The longer a vegetable waits, the lower the hope of awakening.

This is a time to race against time. We must seize the time with death.

"Ye Youran, you are alarmist."

Xie Zehua retorted with an ugly face:

"Any disease, any treatment has sequelae."

"It's one-third poison. Any medicine, even Chinese patent medicine, will have certain toxicity and certain consequences."

"Do you refuse all treatment and all medication just because of these consequences?"

In Xie Zehua's opinion.

Although the consequences of electric shock therapy are clear.

But this is the best and most effective treatment at the moment.

Even say a bad word.

At the age of the patient.

I can only fight.

Either wake up or die.

It's better to die than to be unconscious.

Of course, Xie Zehua can only think about this idea in his heart.

He doesn't have the courage to say it.

"Of course, we can't refuse all treatments. But all treatments must follow the position of minimum consequences."

Ye Youran said firmly.

In fact, medical students will understand this truth.

It's like taking medicine for pregnant women.

Many people think that pregnant women are pregnant and can't take medicine even if they have a cold.

In fact, this concept is wrong.

When a pregnant woman gets sick, there will be viruses in her body, and these viruses will also be transmitted to the fetus.

Some viruses may cause fetal malformation or even abortion if they are not treated as soon as possible.

Therefore, the illness of pregnant women is by no means to eliminate all drugs.

However, it needs to be measured by doctors. If the harm of medication is greater than that of no medication, it must not be used.

But if the harm of medication is less than that of no medication.

Then you have to take medicine.

Therefore, ye Youran's view is.

The patient can be treated, but not blindly.

"Tell me, if you don't take my treatment plan, what better treatment plan do you have? If you can say a better treatment plan than mine, I'll see you later."

Xie Zehua said with red eyes.

Xie Zehua's understanding of modern medicine is definitely much deeper than ye Youran.

Xie Zehua knows.

At present, the treatment of plant patients all over the world is nothing more than these treatment schemes.

Hyperbaric oxygen is the main treatment, according to authoritative reports.

The cure rate of hyperbaric oxygen can reach almost 30% to 50%.

If hyperbaric oxygen therapy is ineffective, electric shock therapy will generally be taken.

The whole world is like this. How can ye Youran say a better treatment than this?

"Master Chu on the podium just said that medicine is not martial arts. It can't be used as a weapon to attack others, and it's not allowed to bet. You're embarrassing me!"


Shezewharton was furious.

But ye Youran interrupted first:

"Who can prepare seven silver needles for me? I'll wake her up right away."

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