The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 389 Jade Dragon Festival

The Jade Dragon Festival is a traditional festival in the Jade Dragon Kingdom. It starts on the first day of March every year and lasts for seven days. It has been more than 300 years since the establishment of the Yulong Kingdom.

The Jade Dragon Festival is actually a ceremony to thank the Jade Dragon God and pray for the surrender of the Dragon God.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Jin, who is wearing a formal dress at the moment, and who has completely changed his appearance on weekdays, finds it strange and absurd.

The Jade Dragon God was killed by himself some days ago. Who would have thought that at this moment, he was actually presiding over the prayer ceremony for the Jade Dragon God.


Lin was at a loss for words, and he didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Kind of like laughing.

Very few people know about the Jade Dragon God. The Emperor He Gan knew very well that this matter could not be leaked or leaked, so in fact, the totem 'Jade Dragon God' believed by the common people, and the actual Jade Dragon God who was killed by Lin Jin , is not the same.

As a totem and belief, the Jade Dragon God is perfect and divine.

But to be honest, the Jade Dragon God that Lin Jin had seen had nothing to do with the divine, but was greedy, cruel, and selfish.

However, in their hearts, the ignorant people worship the Jade Dragon God as the guardian deity of the Jade Dragon Kingdom, and this worship has been deeply rooted for hundreds of years. It seems that the Jade Dragon God is very powerful, but in fact, it is regarded as a tool.

Just a tool dragon.

Because it lasted for more than 300 years, this celebration and blessing ceremony was very cumbersome, and it was not inside the reunion, but on a wide street outside, and then it would go all the way to the Jade Dragon Temple.

It is already crowded at this moment. It is said that many people have come before dawn, and all they want is to go to the Jade Dragon Temple and put a stick of incense on it.

The people are very superstitious about this. In fact, not to mention that the old dragon has died. Even if he is still alive, the other party can't bring any blessings to the people.

"Master Lin Jian, we can start!"

Next to it, an appraiser opened his mouth to remind.

Lin Jin nodded and started the boring and cumbersome ceremony.

In previous years, for the blessing ceremony of the Jade Dragon Festival, an appraiser was selected from the Appraiser Association to serve as the host, but most of them were rotated among the familiar people.

But this year, many people found that the host this time was a new face.

Not only is it a new face, but from the outside, it is very young.

Naturally, some people are curious, some people are suspicious, and the identity of the young appraiser has also become the focus of everyone's discussion, especially seeing this young man wearing three-ringed animal sleeves, it makes many people who know it unclear. .

In the Jade Dragon Kingdom, the three-ringed appraisers are definitely rare, and they can be counted with one hand, and many people can name every three-ringed appraiser in the Yulong Kingdom.

But this young man, many people don't know who it is.

But some people know that after the exchange of information, when the ceremony is halfway through, many people know that the person who presided over the blessing ceremony this year is called Lin Jin, from Hongye City, and is the youngest three-ring appraiser in the Jade Dragon Kingdom.

"Even if it is a three-ring appraiser, this is too young. How solemn and solemn to pray for the Jade Dragon Festival, can this young boy be taken down?"

Someone asked.

And there are a lot of people who think so.

Along the way, tens of thousands of people formed a stream of people, following the prayer team to the Jade Dragon Temple.

As the most important festival in the entire Jade Dragon Kingdom in a year, there are naturally many high-ranking officials attending the ceremony, not only high-ranking officials, but also many people from the He family's royal family.

At this moment, on the Jade Dragon Temple side, the officials have long been dressed neatly, standing there solemnly and solemnly.

As the emperor, He Gan naturally has to be present, behind him are the princes and grandsons.

Several princesses were also present. This year, the sixth and seventh princesses also came.

He Qing was almost suffocated in the palace. She was playful by nature and liked to be lively. This time, she had a chance, of course, she wanted to run out to join in the fun.

On the contrary, He Yuxijing, she usually does not come to such a very boring celebration in her opinion, but this time she came, and even she took the initiative to ask what to do, the main reason is that He Yu quietly and A word she said.

"I heard that the person who presided over the Yulong Festival prayer ceremony this time is Lin Jianshi."

It was just such a sentence, He Yu came, and from the very beginning, she had been looking outside, as if she was waiting for someone.

He Qing next to him smiled and whispered: "It's not time yet, Sister Yu, this is not like you, you are so eager to see Master Lin Jian?"

He Yu was made a big red face by He Qing, but he forced a straight face: "Don't talk nonsense, Lin Jianshi saved me before, and he has never said thank you to him face to face, this time I just want to thank him face to face. That's it."

"Understood, I understand." He Qing's picture I know I know how to express.

The conversation between the two was also whispered, after all, it was a very solemn occasion.

The emperor prayed for blessings. In previous years, the officials of the royal palace presided over the ceremony, but this year, His Majesty the emperor did not do so as usual, but had to wait.

Wait for the host of the Appraisal Association to come to lead this blessing ceremony.

There have been precedents for this in the past, but it rarely happened. Of course, there are well-informed people among the senior officials in the DPRK, and they understand that this is because of Lin Jianshi.

In addition, what happened the night before yesterday shocked the entire royal city. After all, to search for Yang Qingshi, thousands of city guards were dispatched.

This order is under the Zuo Overseer, but it is Your Majesty who asks the Zuo Overseer to do things.

Therefore, regarding Lin Jin, the upper circles have long started to discuss and communicate with each other. In a word, Lin Jin is very capable, and His Majesty values ​​it very much.

However, most people still have reservations about Lin Jin's ability, but everyone knows that this Jade Dragon Festival prayer event is a very good touchstone.

Because the last link of this celebration is to randomly select one person to be promoted to beast pet in the way of 'question' among the crowd. This is the most powerful method for an appraiser. Said, no one can say that it is completely certain to promote the first-order beast pet to the second-order. As for the second and third, it is even more difficult. The first-ring appraiser can't do it at all, and the second-ring appraiser may happen to be able to do it.

Even if it is a three-ring appraiser, if you want to achieve 100% of two and three, you will not dare to guarantee it. Fortunately, as long as you can reach the three-ring appraiser, you are still very sure when you are in the first-order to the second-order. In addition, there are many people at the scene. Most of the pets owned by the common people are first-order, so in the past few decades, they have all been promoted from first-order to second-order. The only difference is that the individual beast pets are different.

Even so, if you can pick a beast at random and promote it from the first rank to the second rank, it is a very test of the appraiser's ability, at least the second ring appraiser can't do it.

Therefore, if Lin Jin can successfully complete it, at least it shows that he really has the level of a three-ring appraiser.

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