Everyone's thoughts were different, and at this time, the noise outside could already be heard.


Generally speaking, not in special years, the ceremonies of the emperor, the royal family and the officials are separated from the common people, one in the inner court and the other in the outer court.

If there are some major years, the emperor will celebrate the Jade Dragon Festival with the people.

Speaking of which, this year is not a special annual fee, but this time, the Jade Dragon Emperor chose to celebrate with the people. At this moment, the emperor and the civil and military officials are on the Jade Dragon Platform in the Temple Square. This Jade Dragon Platform is in a ring shape, divided into three parts. Up and down, there are twelve steps on each platform. Around the Yulong Platform, there are guards by the Imperial Army. It is impossible for ordinary people to go up, let alone get close. It can only be seen at a certain distance between the imperial guards and the emperor's dragon face.

The whole process of the Jade Dragon Festival is going on in an orderly manner.

As the host of the celebration, Lin Jin naturally had to wait on the Jade Dragon Platform.

At this moment, he was wearing an appraiser's dress and his attitude was calm. At this moment, the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty really saw Lin Jin up close, and he exclaimed in his heart that this Lin Jianshi was too young.

But it was unbelievable that Lin Jin stepped onto the stage, including the pets brought by the Imperial Guard, as well as the pets of many high-ranking officials.

This has never happened before.

In fact, this strange phenomenon has been discovered long ago.

Usually on the road, there are many people and all kinds of animal pets are messy. In previous years, there were all kinds of animal pets roaring and chirping, but this year is different. In the whole street, except for the sound of ritual music, there is no other sound. The beast pets are all quiet and quiet, like a reckless man, who suddenly becomes knowledgeable and reasonable.

Some people attribute it to the appearance of the Jade Dragon God, revealing the power of the dragon, and some people say other reasons, but as long as they have some knowledge, they will understand that this situation is inseparable from Lin Jin.

All of a sudden, Lin Jin's image was covered with another layer of mystery among the officials.

He Qing in the back was not surprised at all.

This is the exclusive supernatural power of the 'curator'. As a disciple of the 'curator', Lin Jianshi, of course, will, at this moment, He Qing actually has an inexplicable sense of pride.

But He Yu, who was beside her, looked at the solemn and solemn Lin Jin over there, wondering what was in her mind.

The next step is to recite some prepared hymns and prayers. Generally speaking, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning.

Anyway, Lin Jin is holding on hard now. He only feels that his waist hurts, his legs are sore, and his throat is still dry. Unfortunately, he can't drink water because of the whole situation. Drinking water can hold up, but now I feel a little unbearable.

"Let's end it now."

Lin Jin couldn't remember the first time he had this idea.

The next place is where the many appraisers of the Appraiser Association are located. Yu Mantang looked at Lin Jin on the stage with some unhappiness, and he was jealous.

It has been a year since he was promoted to the three-ring appraiser, but he has not had such a chance to show his face.

"I don't believe that you, Lin Jin, are a peerless genius. I'll ask the fortune-telling beast in a while, and I'll see how you would deal with it." Yu Mantang secretly said in his heart.

He knew that it was wrong to think so, but he still hoped that Lin Jin would have a big somersault in a while.

In fact, there are not a few people who have the same idea. After all, many veteran appraisers have no such opportunity to show their faces. It is false to say that they are not jealous.

Especially for many appraisers, they have been stuck at the juncture of the second ring appraiser for decades. They have failed several times in trying to attack the third ring. Lin Jin, who is so young in their eyes, has actually overwhelmed them. After experiencing Yang Qingshi, it still made them unconvinced.

Therefore, many people are praying, hoping that Lin will ask for the signature in a while and pick a second-order beast pet, or even a third-order beast, and he will definitely make a fool of himself at that time.

Of course, there are not many third-order beast pets, and the possibility of being picked is relatively small, but the second-order is still possible.

Finally, the tedious and boring ceremony was over, and Lin Jin finally let out a sigh of relief. Next time, he won't come again if this kind of thing kills him.

"The next step is to ask for blessings."

Lin had practiced as soon as possible. This part is to ask a person of high moral character to go to the lottery tube, divide it three times, draw out three bamboo sticks, and determine the orientation according to the signature text. The ground of the Jade Dragon Temple is a piece of hexagonal slate. These slates are very particular. There are 81 bamboo sticks in this lottery tube, all of which are drawn three times. According to the signature, the position of a piece of slate can be determined, and the pets brought by the people above will be blessed once.

In fact, it is the host who uses the means to advance to the first rank.

This link is also one of the favorites of many people. It is a bit like a big lottery, and once the lottery is won, it is the first prize, which can change fate.

Advanced beast pets change fate.

In previous years, either Lin Jin presided over the ceremony at this moment to draw lots, or it was the temple and temple to draw lots, but if His Majesty the Emperor was there, the emperor would definitely be doing his part.

It's the same this time.

This rule, Tan Xun and others have also explained to Lin Jin long ago, so Lin Jin asked His Majesty the Emperor of the Yulong Kingdom to personally ask for the signature. He Gan also attended today in full costume, and the pomp was very big. At this moment, he walked slowly, and then according to the etiquette, he worshipped the heaven and the god of jade dragon, and then said something that Lin Jin did not remember at all. , Blessed by the Dragon God, how will the Yulong Kingdom be prosperous from now on, the country will be prosperous and the people will be safe.

After talking about it, He Gancai picked up the lottery bucket and shook it.

blah blah blah!

The first wooden sign fell, and immediately someone stepped forward to pick it up respectfully, and then handed it to He Gan with both hands, He Gan glanced at it, and laughed: "Kun Yuan sign, it's not bad."

Really good.

Temple Zhu held up the wooden sign and showed it to everyone.

Then He Gan shook it for a second time. This time, he saw that the content of the wooden sign was 'Ben sign'. Although this is rare, it was also available in previous years. However, the appearance of He Kun Yuan sign was very rare.

In fact, with two wooden signs, the position can be roughly locked. When the second one was displayed, the hundreds of people in the southeast corner were extremely excited.

Because the locked position of the two wooden signs is in the position where they are, that is to say, no matter what the third sign is, it must be in this position and will not jump out of this range.

People in other areas are naturally downcast.

But everyone knows that in the end, it should be one person.

Of course, if it is divided according to the floor, it cannot actually be said to be a person, because among the many floors, there is a special one.

It was the only 'Wolong Stone' in the Jade Dragon Temple.

There are also many legends about this Wolong Stone, but the biggest difference is that this Wolong Stone is larger than other slates, so there are more people standing on it, at least five or six people and their pets can stand.

However, in the entire Jade Dragon Temple, this kind of Wolong Stone is unique. Among thousands of floors, the possibility of winning this piece is extremely small, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in ten thousand. So in the past few hundred years, no unlucky person has been able to draw this piece.

Even now, the Wolong Stone is in this area, but the probability of winning is one percent.

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