This Lin Jin is only a ring beast appraiser.

Zhang He's first reaction was that the other party was talking nonsense. Thinking of this, his originally flustered heart calmed down again.

"Yes, he must be afraid of losing to me, so he deliberately said this. He can't see what kind of hidden bloodline it is. If he can see it, wouldn't it be more powerful than President Wang Ji's second ring beast appraiser? Hmph, Lin Jin ah Lin Jin, you are really clever but you are mistaken by your cleverness, you deceive your client, and forge the book of beast identification, that is the biggest taboo among the taboos, I see how you end up this time."

A glint flashed in Zhang He's eyes.

After the people around were shocked, they also thought the same.

Some people even showed contempt for Lin Jin.

If you are not skilled, you can still rely on hard work, but if your character is not good, then it will be no help. As a beast appraiser, cheating and forging book of beast appraisers is impossible for anyone to forgive. Once confirmed, it will be punished by the world. people despise.

Even Zhao Ying, who had some sympathy for Lin Jin, shook her head at this time.

"Lin Jin, you are so courageous, you dare to forge the book of beast identification, nonsense." Zhang He planned to attack.

Lin Jin was still calm, he just said lightly: "What are you calling? There is a method for identifying the bloodline of the Golden Armored Earth Dragon in the classic book "The Blood Mirror of Ten Thousand Beasts". already."

The Book of Blood of All Beasts is an extremely classic book on beast appraising. It has been circulated for hundreds of years. It is a must-read for beast appraisers. Of course, the book contains a lot of content, and it is impossible to remember all of them. However, in the branch, there are related books, so someone immediately fetched them, specifically to find the verification method of the Golden Armored Earth Dragon.

If the bloodline has been determined before, it can be verified by relying on it. If not, then if the bloodline is identified by verification, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

That's why it shows the importance of the beast appraiser.

The verification method is very simple, take a few specific materials, and then take a drop of stone skin lizard blood and mix it into the container.

Seeing the blood dripping, just under everyone's eyelids, it slowly turned golden yellow.

"It's really the bloodline of the Golden Armored Earth Dragon!"

Someone shouted, but also because they were too shocked, their voices were shaking. The bloodline of the Golden Armored Earth Dragon is a rare bloodline. Even if this beast pet cannot use it, it can definitely sell for a good price.

At the moment, everyone looked at Lin Jin with the same eyes as a monster.

Especially Zhang He, after seeing the animal blood turn golden, he was stunned and speechless.

"It's actually the bloodline of the Golden Armored Earth Dragon, how did he see it?"

Lin Jin not only saw that the stone skin lizard had hidden bloodlines, but also identified the type and attributes of the hidden bloodlines, which was far superior to Zhang He.

In this comparison, although this stone-skin lizard is good, it is not suitable for the client, so Lin Jin recommends the more suitable Feng Linghu, which has no problems at all, and is really for the client.

On the other hand, Zhang He, if he really asks the client to sign a blood contract with the stone skin lizard, and when the bloodline is opened in the future, the fun will be great.

Just thinking about it makes me terrified.

It was clear at a glance who would win and who would lose. Even the few clients who had looked down on Lin Jin before, all stepped forward to thank him sincerely. After all, the facts were right in front of them.

Zhang He's face was sullen, but his face was hot. Originally, he was going to step on Lin Jin, but he never thought that it was himself who would be embarrassed, but if he lost, he lost. No matter how thick-skinned there is, there is no way to deny it. At the moment, he gritted his teeth at Lin Jin reluctantly and said, "I lost!"

Now, he just wants to leave as soon as possible.

Lin Jin stopped the other party and smiled slightly: "You haven't admitted your mistake yet."

Zhang He's face flushed red and his fists creaked.

I will endure.

I can't bear it.

"I was wrong!"

"What? The voice is too low, I didn't hear it." Lin Jin said deliberately.

"I was wrong!"

This sound, Zhang He shouted, he just wanted to cry now, he lost his face today. This time, Lin Jin nodded with satisfaction: "It's not enough to know what's wrong, you have to humbly correct it! I'm busy, so I won't tell you more, you can reflect on it yourself."

After speaking, Lin Jin turned around and walked away under everyone's attention, like an expert from outside the world.

After going outside, Lin Jin laughed.


That's the way it is. The more you ignore some people, the more they will get ahead. If that's the case, why give him face? In the competition just now, rather than Zhang He leading Lin Jin into the pit, it would be better to say that Lin Jin also pulled and dragged the other person to jump down together. Jump out of the pit.

As a result, Lin Zhi was superior.

After this incident, Lin Jin understood the power of the Beast Museum.

In fact, Lin Jin only wrote a very small part of the book on the beast detection. If he really wrote all the information on the stone tablet in the museum, it would not only shock everyone, but also frighten them to death. .

Fortunately, Lin Jin knew how to keep it. The Beast Museum is so perverted, of course, it must be regarded as a top secret and must not be exposed.

Lin Jin believed in fate. Since fate brought him to this world, and he had no way to go back, he might as well live his life here and experience this different world.

Must think about it.

What if you don't want to open it?

After going out, Lin Jin took a few steps before realizing it. He didn't know where to go, but fortunately, a person ran behind him in small steps.

"Master Lin Jian!"

Zhao Ying is very excited at this time. Her dream since childhood was to become an excellent animal appraiser, and she has always worked hard for this dream.

Continuous learning, continuous practice, and finally becoming a trainee animal appraiser, can be regarded as the first step.

Having truly entered the profession of a beast appraiser, Zhao Ying knew how deep the water was. To become an official beast appraiser, she had to rely on talent, hard work and time. All three were indispensable.

She has worked very hard, but she still has a long way to go before becoming a first-ring beast appraiser, and the more she studies, the more she understands the horror of a formal beast appraiser.

Today, Lin Jin's beast-watching has refreshed her cognition once again.

Because at that time, she also carefully observed the two beast pets below. To be honest, there are not many things that can be seen, most of which are the animal species and attributes. Zhang He is very powerful, and he can actually see the blood vessels. Relatively speaking, Lin As far as he can, he has the demeanor of a master, and his views are even more nuanced. The results of the competition also illustrate this point.

This is not the point. The point is that Zhao Ying had heard rumors before and always believed that Lin Jin, the first-ring beast-evaluator, was not worthy of his name. He is far inferior to the president Wang Ji and another official beast appraiser. Even the scores of several apprentice appraisers are higher than him. This incident once became the laughing stock of the association, and Lin Jin became everyone. joke.

The beast appraising accident became the last straw that broke the camel's back. It directly knocked Lin Jin, the official one-ring beast appraiser, to the bottom of the valley. He was despised and disdained by everyone, and it seemed that there was no chance of turning over again.

Even a new apprentice animal appraiser like Zhao Ying, to be honest, looked down on Lin Jin from the bottom of his heart.

Although she didn't speak coldly, she knew that she wanted to go to the countryside with Lin Jin as a partner, and she was very repulsive, because she felt that she couldn't learn anything from Lin Jin, and it was a waste of time.

But now, all previous views and impressions have been completely overturned.

Just now, Lin Jianshi was light-hearted, easily defeated Zhang He, and obviously had some spare power. This is the knowledge and ability that a ring beast appraiser should have.

Rumors are not credible.

"Master Lin Jian, this time we are going to Jian Beast in Changping Town. We may need to stay there for a day. Do you need to prepare something?"

Zhao Ying was polite before, but now she is really respectful.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Jin felt that he had nothing to do, just bring his own blood deed beast.

Changping Town is one of the eleven towns of Hongye City. It is not far away, but the road is difficult to walk. Climb up the mountain for five miles, climb down the mountain for five miles, and then take a winding road to see Changping Town. .

The weather is gloomy and cold these few days, everyone pays attention to keeping warm. In addition, if you like this book, please vote a lot, and if you don't have a collection, click on the collection!

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