The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 5 Going to the Countryside to Detect the Beast

This way, Lin Jin was holding his blood-bond beast Xiaohuo all the way. He asked Zhao Ying, but the other party could only see that Xiaohuo was extremely hungry, and asked why he didn't feed the pets.

Lin Jin is self-aware of suffering. It's not that he doesn't give food, it's that he can't feed it at all. Xiaohuo doesn't eat now.

The reason is most likely due to the small fire injury.

But Lin Jin didn't know how his pet was injured, and there was nothing in the memory he acquired, but it didn't matter, there was a beast museum, and he had more than a dozen treatment methods, any one of which could treat the pet. of injuries.

Lin Jin had no money in his pocket, and when he arrived in Changping Town, he asked Zhao Ying to borrow some of the medicinal materials he needed.


Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association.

"Have you heard that Lin Jianshi and Zhang He competed against the beasts in public..."

"Lin Jin? Does he dare to be so high-profile now?"

"No, guess who won?"

"Lin Jin is a one-ring beast appraiser after all, but he is well-known for his unworthy name. If he compares with other apprentices, he will definitely win. After all, a dead camel is bigger than a horse, but Zhang He is not an ordinary apprentice. This Zhang He is one of the top three apprentices. In the latest rating, the top three apprentices have surpassed Lin Jin. Besides, the president is now directing Zhang He personally. How can you compete with Lin Jin? So, I guess Zhang He won."

"Wrong, it was Lin Jin who won... I tell you, the process was quite exciting..."

"What? Zhang He actually saw the hidden bloodline on the beast pet. That's amazing, but why did he still lose?"

"True or false, Lin Jin can even see the attributes of his hidden bloodline. It's too exaggerated."

"It must have been a big luck. I heard that Lin Jin was an official animal appraiser in the past. He was lucky and passed the test. Otherwise, with his ability, he would not be able to pass the test for another ten years."

The private competition between Lin Jin and Zhang He immediately spread, and many people in the association were discussing it.

"Did Zhang He really lose to that Lin Jin?" In an elegant tea house, a beautiful and graceful woman frowned. The beast pet beside her had white scales as thick as a human waist and a meter long. The big python also felt the master's displeasure, and spat out a slender snake letter.

Opposite is her subordinate, who specially helps her to inquire about news.

"Okay, I understand!" The woman waved her hand to let the other person go out, and then leaned forward, her posture was lazy and showed a unique charm of a woman, her bumpy body was soft and boneless, as if she was like her animal pet. Generally, it is a beautiful snake.

Jia Qian, an apprentice appraiser of the Redleaf City Animal Appraiser Association, is ranked first among the apprentices in the association, and the score is even higher than that of the official beast appraiser Lin Jin.

Therefore, in terms of status, she is almost no different from an official animal appraiser, her prestige and power have surpassed Lin Jin, and most people believe that she is enough to crush Lin Jin, a misnamed fellow, in terms of beast appraising skills and knowledge. .

"Lin Jin, Lin Jin, I know your skills best. We were classmates back then. If I didn't feel sick and dropped out of the exam before the exam, how could it have made you take advantage of it?"

Thinking of the past, Jia Qian gritted her teeth.

She hated Lin.

Back then, she and Lin Jin took the official exam together, but she dropped out of the exam due to physical reasons. It happened that there were some other candidates with good strength who also had problems. As a result, Lin Jin picked up a bargain.

It's also because of this that Lin Jin only relied on luck and spread rumors that didn't live up to the name.

It's strange to say, maybe because of this incident, Jia Qian was worried. She didn't perform well in the next two years of exams, and she failed to pass the exam. Go downhill.

Jia Qian is going downhill.

But she was not reconciled, and blamed it all on Lin End.

Becoming an official animal appraiser has become her obsession. There is also a shortcut to become an official beast appraiser, which is to get a 'recommendation' from the local branch. In this way, she can become an official beast appraiser as an exception because of her last exam score, which was only one point behind.

However, to get a referral, a prerequisite is required.

Only if there is a gap in the official beast appraiser of the local association, she can get this recommendation. The president, Wang Ji, fully supports her. Now she only needs to force Lin Jin away, or try to make the other party make mistakes and cancel the official qualification of the other party. In this way, Your own way to the top can be opened up.

In the Redleaf City Beast Appraiser Association, there are only two official places. Besides Lin Jin, the other official animal appraiser is called Gao Jiang. He is the young master of the Gao family, one of the three major families in Hongye City. Huge, even the chairman Wang Ji had to be polite when he saw the helm of the Gao family, so Lin Jin, who had no support or foundation, naturally became the 'soft persimmon' in the eyes of Jia Qian and Wang Ji. It has also become a stumbling block on Jia Qian's road to ascendance.

"It doesn't matter, relying on luck to detect beasts is destined to not last long. The previous beast-monitoring accident has already alerted the upper level of the association. At most half a month, the supervisor will be arranged to come. At that time, Lin Jin's official qualification will definitely be cancelled. , I only need to wait for another half a month. And Lin Jin was sent to Changping Town to learn beasts. It was a thankless job. It only took half a day, and the townsmen were dissatisfied, and there were too many... Hmph , Even if he is skilled, there are only two people, one is a yellow-haired girl who has just entered the hut, how many beasts can he learn even if he is exhausted? Therefore, it will definitely make the villagers dissatisfied. This matter is added to the news, and Lin Jin has no chance of turning over again. , tsk tsk, when it comes to torturing people, this President Wang is truly unmatched."


Going to the countryside to appraise beasts is a thankless thing. Usually, even a trainee beast appraiser does not want to go. First, there is no oil and water, and secondly, it is really tiring.

Originally, Lin Jin, as an official one-ring beast appraiser, didn't need to come, but Wang Ji wanted to suppress him, so naturally all the dirty and tiring work was thrown over.

Looking at the endless line in front of her, Zhao Ying felt her scalp tingle.

They are helping people here to identify beasts on the streets of Changping Town. The place is already overcrowded. This kind of activity is hosted by the Beast Appraiser Association. It only takes ten coins for the identification once, so every time, it will attract a lot of people. When people come to appraise beasts, on weekdays, at least six or seven apprentice appraisers come together, but this time, it was only the two of them, not to mention half a day, even one more day would not be able to handle it.

"Master Lin Jian, you... have you offended President Wang?" Zhao Ying was so curious that she couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Lin Jin shook his head.

In my memory, my predecessor was very respectful to Wang Ji and had no grudges.

However, the long queue in front of them is indeed scary enough.

These people are either holding, holding or dragging their respective beast pets with cages, seeking identification, and at a glance, they are in a mess, with human voices and animal sounds, so lively.

They come, the security.

Lin Jin didn't think much about it, isn't it about beasts, he doesn't know it anyway, but with the Beast Museum, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Just now, he borrowed some silver from Zhao Ying, and according to the method of treating Xiaohuo in the museum, he chose a prescription that was relatively easy to obtain medicinal materials, went to buy the medicinal materials, and then 'boiled Dan'.

Although Xiaohuo, a beast pet, can't help a little, but after all, it is his own blood beast, and he still has to take good care of it.

Baking pills is a basic skill for a beast appraiser, but unfortunately Lin Jin doesn't know it. Fortunately, with Zhao Ying around, Lin Jin shamelessly asked the apprentice beast appraiser to cook pills by himself, and he himself gave them the beasts.

His method of identifying beasts is very unique. He doesn't use beast talismans, he doesn't even open magic eyes, and he doesn't even tie the magic seal. He just touches the beast pet with his hand, then he picks up the pen and writes the conclusion on the prepared paper.

The speed was a little unreal.

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