The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 506 Blood Contract Two Beasts

Interestingly, that drop of blood was not extinguished, nor did it ignite the body of the ghost-blood beast. At this moment, the special drop of fire blood on the ghost-blood beast could be seen wandering, and he wanted to integrate into it.

This process didn't last long, and the drop of fire blood melted. At this moment, the flame did not go out, but began to flow into the ghost-blood beast with the light of a flame.

As if, out of thin air, the meridians in the ghost-blood beast's body were outlined.

It's a bit like the lines on the leaves, intricate and intricate, but they all converge and center.

The drop of Lin Jin's blood became the center of the ghost-blood beast, spreading like fire patterns of meridians, and it seemed that he was about to completely control this ghost-blood beast.

However, both Lin Jin and Shuxiaolou knew that it would not be that simple and easy to want the second beast of the blood contract, and it was also a fifth-order beast.

Sure enough, almost at the next moment, the originally peaceful ghost-blood beast suddenly swelled, uttering a terrifying roar, and the momentum that erupted in an instant was like a gust of wind, uprooting the trees in the distance.

At the same time, there was a bloody light from the ghost-blood beast, which instantly condensed into a scythe-like blade, and slashed towards Lin Jin.

It seems that Lin Jin is about to be cut into two sections.

Lin Jin hurriedly pinched a trick, and then borrowed the power of the blood pact to force the ghost-blood beast's counterattack, but the form was still extremely dangerous, as long as he made a slight mistake, he would be killed by the ghost-blood beast.

Shuxiaolou wants to help.

But she knows that outsiders can't help things like blood contracts, so the probability of failure will be higher.

However, Shuxiaolou will not watch Lin Jin die. If she really can't, she will still take action, but it is not yet that time.

In addition, Shuxiaolou really wants to see how Lin Jin intends to deal with this problem. If it is solved, it means that Lin Jin's method of the two blood pacts is better. If not, he can tell him his method to help him. He has it all in one hand.

At this moment, the Ghost Blood Scythe was only a few feet away from Lin Jin, and he also had a solemn expression on his face.

Lin Jin is very clear about the difficulty of this matter. You have to know that the deformed person before, relied on the two of them to be one, and this was barely able to maintain balance. He controlled the ghost-blood beast. Lin Jin was alone, and it was a second blood contract. To completely control the fifth-order ghost-blood beast, the difficulty is almost impossible.

Lin Jing knew this, but the perfect blood pact method given in the Beast Museum could solve this problem.

"small fire!"

At this time, Lin Jin suddenly shouted.

The next moment, Xiaohuo jumped out of Lin Jin's arm again, as if it had already received Lin Jin's order and knew what to do next.

After seeing Xiaohuo come out, he raised his head and screamed, and then a drop of blood was also forced out from between his eyebrows.

Blood of the Fire Wolf.

Then this drop of wolf blood was injected into the struggling ghost-blood beast.

Seeing this scene, Shu Xiaolou's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

"What, what does this mean?"

She didn't expect that Lin Jin would force his first blood pact beast pet to force his blood out of his body to merge with the second blood pact beast pet. This was something that he never dared to think about before.

"It's useless to do this. Do you want to use the power of the blood contract of the first pet to suppress the second pet? That's impossible. It's just a trick to deceive yourself. It doesn't make any sense to do so." Profound, rejected this possibility at the first time.

The reason is very simple. If the power of the blood contract is used, the first beast pet, like the owner of the blood contract, will not produce the result that one plus one equals two.

Because in essence, the first blood deed beast pet has been integrated with the owner, they are the same thing.

But Shuxiaolou also knew that Lin Jin was so talented that he would definitely not do this kind of meaningless thing on purpose. This operation must have a deep meaning.

Shuxiaolou pondered for a while, and suddenly thought about it, and thought of a possibility.

"No way."

Her eyes were full of shock and ecstasy after she figured out the problem. After all, she was the spirit of painting who had been studying the method of beating for 500 years in the animal-monitoring pavilion. In terms of knowledge and ability, among the appraisers in the world today, she Absolutely one of the best. Lin Jin felt that she had the ability of a six-ring appraiser, which was not what Lin Jin said.

"I understand." Shu Xiaolou muttered to himself at this time: "Lin Jin is not borrowing the power of the first pet to suppress the second pet, he wants the first pet to be with him, The second beast pet of the blood contract, I can't imagine that there is such an incredible solution in this world, no, there is still a lack of the key, the practice method is to make the blood contract beast blood contract other beasts, this is the key, Lin Make sure he has it, or he won't do it."

After Shuxiaolou figured it out, the gaze that looked at Lin Jin immediately became scorching hot.

Just like when she asked for the pulse-seeking needle technique in Lin Jin's hands a few days ago, she is now more interested in this secret technique that Lin Jin has mastered.

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Jin was at the critical moment of the second beast of the blood pact, she might have jumped up to ask for advice, and even if Lin Jin was willing to teach her, she would be willing to do anything.

For example, teach the opponent all the skills of beast detection that he has mastered.

At this time, Shuxiaolou was a bit like an ant on a hot pot, and she was a little impatient, but she knew very well that Lin Jin must not be disturbed at this time.

At this moment, there was movement in the distance, and several beasts that could fly quickly flew over from far to near.

Shuxiaolou immediately noticed, her brows wrinkled, her figure flashed, and the next second, she was already in front of that group of people.

This group of people are the teachers of Tianxuan Academy.

Zhong Zifeng was also present.

In addition to Zhong Zifeng, several other teachers in the academy, Yan Jianshi, Ouyang Jianshi, and others also followed.

Suddenly someone stopped them, and these teachers were immediately angry.

"This person must be one of the thieves who sneaked into the academy and attacked Teacher Lin before." Master Ouyang was so angry that he was about to use his means, and Zhong Zifeng immediately stopped him.

"Stop, this is not a thief, but a senior from the academy." After Zhong Zifeng saw clearly that it was the bookstore, he hurriedly shouted in fright, and then stepped forward to salute.

"Senior of the academy?" The other teachers were stunned for a moment, and some of them seemed to think of something quickly, with expressions of horror on their faces, but they hurriedly followed Zhong Zifeng and saluted respectfully.

Tianxuan Academy has existed for more than 600 years. Naturally, there are various legends. Everyone knows that Tianxuan Academy has a five-ring appraiser.

Everyone knows this, and this big man is now the great national teacher of Tianxuan Kingdom, and his honorary name is Sima Qing.

Sima Daguo Shi is also the same disciple of Mr. Zhong.

This is a big man in Tianxuan Academy, but there is also a legend that Tianxuan Academy actually has another five-ring appraiser.

However, this five-ring appraiser is extremely mysterious, and few people know it, but in the past, the great figures of the academy have mentioned this powerful senior.

Seeing Mr. Zhong Zifeng being so cautious and respectful at this moment, it naturally reminded everyone of this legend of the Five Rings.

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