The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 507 Yang Ming is missing

In any case, even Mr. Zhong is so respectful and salutes now, and the others don't dare to ask any more questions. They are also coming up to salute, but many academy teachers secretly said, this senior looks very young, and he is also a A woman who is full of beauty and beauty.


Shuxiaolou didn't like this kind of scene, but because of the situation, she could only step up and stop her in order not to let these people disturb Lin Jinxue and the two beasts.

"Xiao Zhong, it's alright here, you can take someone back." Shuxiaolou gave an order directly, and Zhong Zifeng was a little puzzled when he heard it: "Senior, the six-eyed and six-eared beast in the town hall suddenly warned tonight, saying that Teacher Lin was attacked. We went to the Peach Blossom House to check, and sure enough, we didn't see Teacher Lin, and there were traces of magic on the scene, so we gathered together and followed the direction pointed by the six-eyed and six-eared beast..."

Zhong Zifeng was telling the story. The six-eyed and six-eared beast was one of the divine beasts of the Tianxuan Academy. Although it was not good at fighting, it was very keen.

When Shuxiaolou heard it, he said coldly, "That little fat man is as timid as a mouse, and he realized it only after he realized that everyone was kidnapped, it's of no use at all, and he has to teach him a lesson another day. One meal, deduct it for a month's food."

Zhong Zifeng accompanied him with a wry smile, while the other teachers all gasped.

As the senior teachers of the academy, they know the six-eyed and six-eared beast, and it has a great temper. Who dares to provoke it? How could the beasts of the town courtyard get a false name?

But the senior in front of him actually called him a little fat man, but thinking about it carefully, this nickname is appropriate, the six-eyed and six-eared beast is indeed fat enough.

"I said it's fine, everyone can go back in a while, let's go." Shuxiaolou said again, this time Zhong Zifeng didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly turned around and greeted everyone to go back.

At this time, Master Yan Jian whispered: "Mr. Zhong, Mr. Yang Ming suddenly left without saying goodbye tonight, and he doesn't know where to go. It shouldn't have anything to do with Mr. Lin's attack, right?"

Zhong Zifeng hadn't spoken yet, but Shuxiaolou, who had extremely good ears, was already startled, and said, "What are you talking about? Who said goodbye without saying goodbye?"

Zhong Zifeng hurriedly said, "It's a teacher of the academy, called Yang Ming. He suddenly left the academy after falling into the night today, and he disappeared. According to the rules of the academy, this is not allowed."

In simple words, it is to violate the rules and leave without authorization.

Shuxiaolou was immediately linked to the attack on Lin Jin, and she almost immediately asked, "What is the relationship between Yang Ming and Lin Jin?"

The teachers present were stunned when they heard it, and then they all remained silent.

Everyone knows that Yang Ming and Lin never deal with each other.

During Lin Jin's evaluation of the Fourth Ring, Mr. Yang Ming was always making things difficult. After that, the conflict between the two of them over the matter of competing for the first lecture hall has long been known to everyone.

This kind of thing can't be hidden in the academy.

At first, no one really thought about this, but when Shuxiaolou said this, they were also stunned, secretly thinking that these two things happened by coincidence.

How can it happen at the same time?

Lin Jin was forcibly taken away by someone using magic techniques. Mr. O’Clock has already judged it on the spot, but it seems that this incident has alarmed the senior master of Shuxiaolou. Maybe, Lin Jin has already been arrested. The seniors of the book were saved.


Certainly so.

Zhong Zifeng suddenly thought that Shuxiaolou had inquired about the 'curator' before, but now Zhong Zifeng already knew that Lin Jin was the curator's disciple. In this way, Senior Shu must know Lin Jin, so he would rescue him.

Besides, Yang Ming, he and Lin Jin had a conflict, and Zhong Zifeng knew that, so would it be Yang Ming who attacked Lin Jin?

Otherwise, why did he leave without saying goodbye? It was like fleeing in fear of a crime.

All of a sudden, Zhong Zifeng's heart was in a mess, and he frowned. There is no doubt that he absolutely does not want to see such a thing happen. The general direction between the teachers of the academy is to seek common ground while reserving differences. , let alone fight privately or even kill each other.

This is a taboo in the academy.

But if someone really dared to do this, Zhong Zifeng would never let it go.

"Perhaps, it's because I'm too loose and let loose." Zhong Zifeng secretly said in his heart, especially since this matter has attracted Shuxiaolou's attention, there must be a result.

He immediately said to Shuxiaolou: "I know what senior thinks, and please rest assured, I will order someone to find Teacher Yang Ming, and ask him to ask him clearly in person, this matter must not be fooled, if it is true Someone who disregards the rules of the academy and messes around, I Zhong Zifeng will not tolerate it."

In the last sentence, Zhong Zifeng changed his suave and elegant appearance, and now he finally showed his imposing manner and coercion as the first-level Beidou of Mount Tai in the academy.

At the same time, there was also a faint coercion of a beast gushing out from him, and the aura was so strong that it was simply appalling.

The people present, except Shuxiaolou, all felt that there was a mountain on their shoulders, which was a little breathless. You must know that they are also all four-ring appraisers. The ability to have the five rings is definitely not groundless. Now that Zhong has claimed to be advanced, absolutely no one will object.

As a result, Zhong Zifeng was invincible, and at this moment, Shuxiaolou waved his hand very impatiently: "Xiao Zhong, if you have something to take someone back to talk about it, don't disturb me here."

Zhong Zifeng's momentum immediately dissipated without a trace.

"Follow the teachings of the seniors." After Zhong Zifeng saluted, he led people away, but the other teachers noticed at this time that the senior's sleeves in Zhong Zifeng's mouth had five-ringed animal pattern sleeves.

It looks like the rumors are true.

In the academy, there is indeed another five-ring master. Some people even said that the reason why Mr. Zhong did not advance to the fifth ring is because this senior did not advance to the sixth ring. This is respect, otherwise Mr. Zhong would have been with him long ago. Like his younger brother Sima Daguo, he is a five-ring appraiser.

Shuxiaolou saw everyone leaving, so she moved a bit and came to Lin Jin's side.

Looking at Lin Jin again, the second blood contract is about to be completed at this moment. He, the fire wolf beast and the ghost-blood beast have formed a new balance at this moment, but Lin Jin is the main one, and the fire wolf beast is also based on blood. The power of the contract, control and suppress the ghost and blood beasts.

At this moment, the ghost-blood beast was divided into two by Lin Jin and the fire wolf beast. One part merged into Lin Jin's body to strengthen itself, and the other half was absorbed by the fire wolf beast and became part of the fire wolf beast.

This is the first time Shuxiaolou has seen this kind of blood contract secret method. She is extremely knowledgeable in the field of beast detection. She knows the beauty of this method after a little thought. It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who can come up with this method must be is a genius

Although he was impatient, Shuxiaolou could only wait patiently.

On the other side, Zhong Zifeng and others who returned to the academy also checked immediately and finally came to a conclusion.

Yang Ming is missing.

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