The Nemesis

Chapter 10 - Edwin vs Emil

Dean told Katie that his head is feeling heavy, and everything is spinning in front of his vision. Edwin said to Katie that without a map, it's possible to get to the location. But, missing flare is troublesome. Dean informed Katie & Edwin that the man called himself Emil Isakov. He is working for someone else, and his objective is to get hiddenite from us. First, we don't know when and how that man stole the flare from us. And later, he came after the map. We tried to resist him. He knocked us all out in an instant. After that, Dean asked for water and collapsed.

Edwin quickly guessed that the enemy is no joke, and he beat three guys at once like they were nothing. Besides, these guys already knew combat. Edwin asked Katie to stay with them, and he went in haste towards the location. Dean informed that Emil left a little while ago.

Meanwhile, Emil didn't go anywhere, and he was sitting on the branch of the very same tree. As soon as Edwin started running, Emil asked him to stop. He told Edwin that he is here. Where did Edwin is going to find him? And Emil also said that he didn't forget about him and Katie. Emil is surprised to see that Kaite managed to broke the barrier of that Dungeon.

He praised Katie addressing her that he never expected that a brat like her would manage to break the spell that he cast. Katie told him that it's not that hard. After all, she is the apprentice of Sorcery. Again, she informs Edwin that she knows a little about this Emil Isakov.

Emil Isakov is dauntless, self-reliant, and arrogant. He was born and grew up in a small family in an ordinary community outside the Kingdom of Pisces. Twelve years ago, a massive fire broke out in their village, which turned everything into dust. Emil interrupted and told them that the higher-ups of Pisces plotted everything. They didn't even spare the children, and all of that circumstances made him the man he is now. He seeks vengeance against this kingdom. Katie told Edwin that Emil is a wanted criminal. The Pisces' authority has nothing to do with an incident in his village. Katie asked Emil that how did a criminal like him become a hired thug.

Emil shouted that you brats know nothing about it. I will take my revenge and teach them a good lesson. And about becoming a hired thug, he has nothing to say. He told them that his master is paying him good fortune. Lastly, Edwin asked why he wanted to get hiddenite? He meant that it is not rare and does not have any magic use. On this curiosity, Emil replied that's none of their concern. Earlier, he decided not to kill any kid, but now Emil admits that he is itching to kill them. Katie whispered to Edwin that we are no match against him. And she also predicted that the nearby mentor is dead too. Edwin ȧssures Katie that he thought of a plan already.

For now, Katie believed Edwin, and both of them stood against Emil for a fight. Katie shouted at him, and with expressing anger, she said to Emil that he would be going to pay for hurting her friends. Deep down, Katie remained calm, and she is trying to remember some defensive spells against the magic. But Emil's magic is too strong against them. Remember, Edwin is not proficient with magic because he can't use a single spell as he never learned that. If it goes like this, they should end up like Chad and others. Edwin instructed Katie that the range battle is useless. We must have to make him fight in close range. For a moment, Katie and Edwin took cover in trees nearby.

Emil is too overconfident, and as he was toying with those three and laughing hilariously, he intends to do the same thing with these two. Edwin told Katie that now it's time for the plan to work, let's go. Katie spreads the potion of smoke nearby themselves and one on Emil itself. He quickly countered that and cleared the smoke near him. He saw Edwin is standing right in front of him with a knife in hand. Emil called him a fool and told him that Edwin could never defeat him.

Edwin chuckled and told him that winning the fight is never always important, but we must have the courage to fight every battle, even in this fight which doesn't have any chance for him. Emil told him that he approves his bravery, but now Edwin is making him mad. Emil asked Edwin that where did Katie went, and Emil ȧssumed that Edwin sent Katie to bring the mentors. Emil told Edwin to bring it on as he would like to punish Edwin by himself for his foolish bravery. However, Katie has never gone anywhere, and right now, she goes around Emil and waiting for Edwin's signal.

In reality, Edwin is worst at one on one fight, and have no skills. Surprisingly he is managing to survive and fight back from the attacks of Emil. Taking blows and hitting the ground, again and again, Edwin is making himself get up every time. He started bleeding, and soon he felt that the moment arrive and he could not withstand the next punch. On the other side, Emil got aware of it. He went close to Edwin and asked him that he thought such a small plan could take down a guy like him.

Edwin deliberately stood up again.

And he told Emil that the plan is rarely going to work the way it should, and anyone that thinks it would be delusional because there will almost always be something or someone working against the plan. Plans only work when its carried out in a manner that has nothing to do with reality and can ignore the many different variables that might exist that could ruin the plan without that much effort. However, in this case, my planning is successful. In an instant, Edwin snatched the flare from Emil and threw it towards Katie. She caught it and immediately used it.

Emil got pissed because of this action. He understood that he fell right into their trap. He kicked Edwin, which made him fall to the ground, and rushed towards Katie. There Katie threw a flare above to make it visible to people nearby. Mad Emil started beating Katie mercilessly, and it was too much to take for her. Helpless, Edwin is watching all of that. He was praying for someone to come. Edwin saw a flare is reaching above the sky but realized it will be too late even if someone saw it now.

In a rage, Edwin shouted at Emil and told him to STOP. Emil laughed at him and asked him what Edwin would do to him if he didn't stop. Edwin lost it all in anger. For a moment, the speed of wind increased, and the whole atmosphere of that place changed. Edwin first stands up on his knees and then on his feet. In that state, Emil saw Edwin is unconscious, and he is using some defensive or illusionary spell. Emil shouted that it doesn't frighten him. He thought that Edwin is bluffing.

Emil didn't understand that Edwin is different. Still overconfident, abandoning the beating to Katie, Emil pulled out his sword and tried to kill Edwin. When Emil is about to stab him, his sword broke into pieces. Edwin breaks it like it's nothing with his bȧrė hands. The red aura emerges in the hands of Edwin. The same complexion appeared in his eyes which made Emil frightened. Katie is still conscious, and by lying down, she is watching everything. The humanoid shadow being emerges from the inside of Edwin. It looked like it is fragmented from his body. The sword appeared in front of Edwin.

The fragment body punched Emil in the face with that hand. Emil felt that blow and thought it is too much for him to handle now. Not only that, he heard voices of people approaching nearby. He made his escape quickly. Edwin collapsed too.

Soon, their supervisors came to aid them. They saw Katie was bleeding hard. Chad, Dean, and Freya are unconscious. There lies Edwin, and his hands were burnt and had several burnt marks underneath the eyes. The scene was not good. All of them are immediately dispatch for medical attention by supervisors.

None of them are aware of the scenario that occurs here. Everyone wondered what could have happened to those children. When the word spreads, they decided to cancel this activity in urgency. They sent everyone home. David arrived on the scene for his investigation. Although there were some professional investigators are already present, he joined. While David was looking here and there for clues, suddenly his vision falls on the sword on the ground. He wondered to whom it belongs.

He picked it up anyways. And observing it.

A long, narrow, smooth blade made of obsidian is held by a grip wrapped in ordinary, red salmon leather. One sharp edge makes sure this weapon is not just for hacking and slashing, but also great to block incoming attacks.

The blade has a jagged, curved cross-guard, adding just enough weight to make sure the blade sits firmly in the owner's hand and protecting those same hands as well. The cross-guard has an elegant sphere on each side, this weapon wasn't created by just any blacksmith.

A small pommel is decorated with precious gems, this weapon is meant for an important figure.

The blade itself is bȧrė. No markings, no decorations, and no engravings. A sheathed sword has a hidden blade and a sword in use will be dirty and bloody, so only the hilt needs decorations.

David felt that this weapon is used by champions and proven fighters. The capable hands of the country's greatest defenders deserve nothing less than this weapon's excellence.

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