The Nemesis

Chapter 9 - Enemy appears

On the way to Chad and others, Edwin asked Katie what the term Friend mean? What is friendship, according to her? Katie replied A friend is someone other than your family or partner that you share close affection. You share kindness, sympathy, empathy, compassion, loyalty, fun, and probably some common beliefs and values with them. They can be in person or thoughts of them, your next-door neighbor, or 1,000 miles away.

There are different degrees of friendship. Some friends are casual; you may share a couple of interests with them, and you may talk sometimes, but you are not as deep as you could be, and that is just how the friendship is. Other friends, you are more close. You spend time whenever you can, and you have been through it all. You may have had a childhood with them and have experienced ups and downs, and yet they are still good friends of yours. The two of you can go for a long time without talking, but once you start talking again, and it is like no time has passed. The relationship feels secure.

Friendship should be something easy to define and understand but, we are human, and humans are complicated! The base definition of a friend for most of us is someone who is there for us and whom we are there for in return. Sometimes, though, friendship has ups and downs. Friendships would form in the most unlikely of people and circumstances, and friendships do not wind up being that at all, and we get hurt.

Katie explained to him more than he wanted to know. On the other hand, Edwin understood each word regarding it. Katie wondered why did he ask such a fundamental thing. She made ȧssumptions that Edwin never had any friends till now. Katie asked him why he asked such a thing. Edwin answered that it's not like he never had a friend. But until now, no one ever explained this clearly. Now he understood what is it meant to be friends with someone.

Katie asked Edwin that how did he figure it out anyways that someone is tailing them. Edwin gave a response with the question asking Katie that does she know or heard about Cephalanthus Spicata. Katie answered that she knows about it. She started telling him that the Cephalanthus Spicata is a very rare, tiny plant and can be found in most snowy regions. It blooms in late summer.

It has tiny, heart-shaped leaves, which are usually mint green. It also grows decent-sized flowers, which can be light blue, dark bronze, and light yellow.

These plants grow in small numbers, but it's fairly hard to control and maintain their growth.

They can be used to help relieve pain.

As a defense mechanism, the Cephalanthus Spicata tastes horrible when eaten raw. Once pollinated, they grow small, inedible nuts.

Edwin told Katie that the answer lies in that explanation. That plant is growing in the snowy habitat. But Comberg Woods is not in the snowy place. He saw the plant of Cephalanthus Spicata when they all were busy camping. So, Edwin observed it with caution, and he found out that it was the person who is now spying on them.

Katie said, "I see, so that's how you figured it out. You really got some observation skills."

Later, they both started running towards them. It feels the necessity to join as soon as possible. When Edwin and Katie arrived at a rendezvous point, they saw no one is there. After all that time, it's getting darker over there in Comberg woods. Again Edwin and Katie made their mind to look nearby for them. A little far away, Katie spotted a Dungeon. She informed Edwin.

An extensive crypt in a murky quagmire marks the entrance to this dungeon. Beyond the tomb lies a grand, ragged room. It had a covering of roots, broken pottery, and rubble. Using firelight, they both started to look for their teammates. There were rows of tombs and several statues, busted and ravished by themselves. Ahead are two paths, but the left is a dead end. Its twisted trail leads past countless other pathways, and soon they would enter a ghostly area. Several stacks are of barrels against a wall. A skeleton holding a torch lies before it. Surprisingly, this place looks too old and no sign of anyone. That torch is burning.

Edwin whispered, don't lower your guard. They searched the whole dungeon, yet no one they have seen. Katie told Edwin that she suspects, but there is no presence of anyone here. Agreeing on that, they both found the way out of there. Despite finding the way, they could not able to get out of there. When they started moving towards it, then suddenly it appears to be a dead end. For a couple of times, they thought it is just a fluke. Now they realized that someone trapped them inside that dungeon enchanted with some illusional spell. They understood that someone is toying with them.

Meanwhile, Chad and his friends are looking for them. They wondered where did they both disappear. Freya felt the enemy's presence nearby. Dean lost his cool and shouted at that person. Come out already, and we know you are lurking around and following us from yesterday. They heard that person's voice is surrounding them. It is saying that he is impressed by the awareness they have. Chad exclaimed and called him a coward and asked him to come out and face him.

He laughed and came out in front of them. Later, he introduced himself as Emil Isakov. He was carrying a sword. Chad knew they messed up because it appears that Emil can use magic. Dean and Freya tried to throw a little solution of the brewed potion. Emil stopped them and suggested that this would only cause harm to themselves, not him because, the potion they made is not enough to save them. They made a potion instead of using spells for such a thing. It ensured him that none in this group could use magic. Emil told them that he would only ask one time to hand over the map. Dean refused to do that, and they decided to fight against him.

They already had their knives, and it's three on one. It seems that they would easily win against some thug. Emil advised them that you brats are nothing in front of him. Also, he doesn't hold anything against them. The only map for locating Hiddenite is all Emil needs. Freya admits that he is not any ordinary guy. He stole our flare before we realized that. Who knows? Maybe he already killed one of the supervisors of this activity. On top of that, we are here in the dense part of the forest. He chose to get a map from our group by analyzing the things.

Emil chuckled and asked, "My, My, Aren't you all clever brats? Do you still think you got any chance against me? Let me show you then." The fight started. Without even using sorcery or any spells, he defeated all of them in an instant. In between that, Freya used that potion two times. He admitted that he would like to kill them but, he also told them they are not even worth killing. He tied them on a tree and immobilized them. All of them took heavy blows from him, so they all lost consciousness. Before fading, Dean threatened him that, Damn! Emil, we will get you next time. Emil warned them that next when they will face him again, still the result will be like this. He took the map and got away. On the way, he remembered that with these three, there were also two kids. Then he ȧssumed that they both should have stuck in that Dungeon. Emil is confident that his barrier will not be broken by those two. Still, he went back to them. climbed over the same tree and started waiting for those two. He thought, perhaps those two will show up eventually.

Here, Katie and Edwin managed to break the barrier of that place and finally got out of it. Soon, they found Chad, Dean, Freya tied unconsciously beneath the tree. They noticed that all three of them got a heavy beating. Katie being hasty, tried to wake them up. Edwin is searching for a flare and found out that it is gone. The map is missing too.

Dean regains his consciousness by the effort of Katie's medicine.. Chad and Freya are still not moving.

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