The Nemesis

Chapter 8 - Suspicious Presence

At midnight, Chad wakes up and also woke up Dean. They are discussing something unusual. Chad told Dean that someone is lurking around them. First, Chad thought that the presence he felt is the mentor. But, due to some observations, it didn't feel right. Dean is suspicious that how come anyone is here when the other mentors are monitoring the whole Forest. Katie said that this specific person must be someone skillful. She was awake too. There was a shadow of a person nearby the tent, and those three didn't saw it. But the person knew that they know his presence.

That person was shocked that they discovered his presence. So he thought careless proceeding would cause trouble to him. In the morning, they are ready to go further into the Comberg woods. Edwin is still clueless, and as Chad, Dean, and Katie, Freya also knew someone is lurking around them. On the way, those four were discussing how to confront him or get away from that. Chad suggests we don't know who is that, his abilities, and judging by the way, he is tailing us he sure someone strong. Freya asked them why not tell Edwin about all of this.

Dean answered that look at Edwin. He is wandering around with us like nobody is watching over us. Besides, he is not on our level. Let it be like that, and we will deal with this on our own. If things get messy, we have a flare. Agreeing to the Dean's words, everybody agreed. Katie shouted at them and said alright, that's the spot. Freya looked into the map and addressed Katie that you fool, we have a way to go. What is your point by that's the spot? Katie told them that she didn't mean they reached their target but something else.

Dean is telling them that he got it, what Katie means. It is the spot where they can find Fennels. Chad asked Katie that why she would look for the Fennel. Freya interrupted and said that she is thinking about brewing a basic mind control potion. Chad got immediately click in his head. He found out on his own that what Kaite is thinking by brewing the potion. Dean is thinking about something and told everyone that take the fennels.

Then Edwin & Katie will move forward with the map, and Chad, Dean, Freya will stay behind and work on that potion.

Everybody agreed. Edwin stayed quiet, and he followed their plan. Edwin insisted that Chad keep the map with himself. Edwin has already memorized the map. Later, when they separated, they went in different directions. On the way, Edwin told Katie that he knows that someone is tailing us. Besides, if your friends already knew, why don't they tell me? Katie answered with a question, so you found out too, how? Edwin told Katie that they are underestimating him. She advised Edwin to hold his horses. Again, Katie told Edwin that she intended to inform him anyways, even if those three disagreed.

Edwin told her honestly he is not expecting this from them. Katie made it clear that it's none of her concern, and they have to move forward. After knowing all of that, Edwin's doubt is gone. He is sure that these four are a bunch of idiots. Their mentality is that they feel superior among us juniors. What's the point of giving them a promotion early. I get it that they sure made a good team, and they know each other's way of thinking about particular circumstances. Now knowing them a bit, Edwin thought over their arrogance. But he acknowledged that these guys are good. Besides, nobody is perfect. I must play nice for now. One day I will deal with their arrogance.

Katie felt suspicious of the path they were taking towards their target. She asked where did Edwin is heading? She had looked at the map and admit that this way is not correct. Edwin told her that he is taking a shortcut and also, the person who is tailing them is no longer there. Katie laughed and informed him that, you idiot, you would fall off the cliff. Edwin chuckles and told Katie that he is right about that. Again, he asked Katie that he knew that she and her friends are lying.

Katie asked him what the lie is? Edwin answered that nothing more, the lie is all of them are already know this Comberg woods well. Yet, they said they never been here. Katie lost in her thought that he looks dumb, acts dumb but, he knows how to find the truth. This Edwin is not just an ordinary academy student. He sure has potential. Just by dropping one clue that there is a cliff. He found out that we lied about the first time in Comberg woods. But, even this thing is true that he might have not enough skills to get a promotion early.

Here these four seniors know that they are clever than Edwin and also treats him like he is inferior to them. On the other hand, Edwin is just trying to outsmart them. He is over-confident. Edwin is just shooting arrows in the dark. After that, he asked Katie that what they were doing last time here in this Woods. In response to that, Katie answered they all were here to get the Chrysogonum Setaceum.

The Chrysogonum Setaceum is a common, large plant and is observable in most wet regions. It blooms once a year, for two months.

It has tiny, trifoliate leaves, which are usually bright green. It also grows small flowers, which can be white, light grey, dark brown, and dark silver.

These plants grow in tiny groups, but it's tricky to control and maintain their growth. It is good medicine to relieve a sore throat.

As a defense mechanism, the Chrysogonum Setaceum grows thick thorns. They rely on wind pollination to reproduce. Once pollinated, it grows sufficiently large, inedible fruits.

Edwin applauded and praised Katie that she had good knowledge about this plant. She told him that it's nothing, and she wants to be good at her work. Katie asked Edwin that what to do, regroup to go forward or go by ourselves. Edwin told her that if the particular person is not following us, that means he is not after neither of us. So, he stuck with them it means regrouping would be a wise decision. Besides, we are a team. Let's go towards them. Katie agreed, and they both went back to them.

Here, Chad started to brew the potion.. Dean and Freya are looking for that person who is tailing them.

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