The Nemesis

Chapter 18 - Team Formation

The next day, Everybody on the same team received the letter about the profiles of the other three members. Edwin received the data of Ashley, Tobias, and Myles. They all are members of a team of Ezar named Kasper Klausen. He is 26 years old Pisces' Ezar rank warrior.

Klausen belongs to the speed class. Working under him are two Zar, Myra Rees, and Bruce Hamilton. Zar subordinates of Klausen are promoted to Ezar this year, and to feel the gap, the Kezar Brock Hamilton sent these four people to him. These four would be the subordinates of Myra and Bruce. Along with that letter, Bruce asked them to ȧssemble on the training grounds.

By late morning, they all ȧssemble in that place. Bruce wanted to observe how these four people would get along. Bruce got there early and used incantation spells to stay off of their sight and sensory abilities. He wanted to see how the first interaction between them goes. Bruce knew that Ashley and Edwin were classmates, but Tobias and Myles were from the cavalry unit.

As soon as Ashley and Edwin meet, Ashley asked Edwin what the hell is wrong with the faction community. Why did they put me in the same squad as idiotic character people? Edwin answered that he is wondering the same about Tobias and Myles. Ashley laughed and said I was talking about you. Those two are my friends. Edwin felt the anger emotion, but he decides not to overreact. Yet he did. Edwin started arguing over it. Edwin asked Ashely that didn't see how he beat Khors. She answered, saying that what a show-off since the days of the academy. Ashley said, and what is the bigger joke that you (Edwin) are universal.

Edwin made it clear to Ashley that whatever she thinks, but there is no way he will work with someone who has no perspective thinking. Or have any sense of what they are speaking. And about showing off, it is nothing but a misunderstanding. I always showed what I am capable of, no more nor less. Ashley asked Edwin that does he wanted to get praise from her.

Ashley said that's the better way to be overconfident about it. She told Edwin that seriously, she too doesn't want to work with a low-grade universal class. Edwin laughed and asked Ashley in what way he is in the low-grade universal class.

Ashley answered that everyone knows in what way. You are average in incantation spells, have no specific elemental magic usage too. You belong to the combat class. Tobias interrupted and told them to stop fighting. It is not solving anything. Myles said that the faction doesn't define the skills of a warrior. It is for their potential growth in a particular type. And if you both have a problem with being subordinates, then complain directly to Bruce. Tobias said that it is simple as that.

Bruce appeared in front of them. He said, first of all, Myles, don't forget I have seniority both in age and rank. Show some respect to that. And you both stop arguing about your disagreements and differences. There is no way that either of you would go to another squad. So, bear with it. Alright, you guys now tell me who you are one by one. Tobias asked we already read the profiles of each other, and you have read it too. So, what's the point of doing it. Ashley said I am Ashley Morgan, universal type. Bruce stares at Tobias. Tobias said I am Tobias Fisher, a speed type, sir. Myles said I am Myles Carr, sorcery type.

Bruce advised Ashley to apologize to Edwin for calling him a low-grade universal, as it would point at the decision of elder Mage. Edwin interrupted, saying it's nothing like that. Back in the academy, I underestimated the psychic powers. I had a misconception about psychic might. But now that I had that clear and by observing her ability in an Ar test. Ashley spoke, fine, whatever, I have nothing against him either, except this guy is full of a flaunt and acts cool. Bruce told everyone after this chitchatting that they all have a mission to carry out.

We all have to head towards the village named Colveil. We have to investigate two more neighboring Colveil, Liveil and Sauveil.

Bruce spoke, as you all understand, our team consists of 7 members. 1-Ezar, 2- Zar, and 4- Ar. We would be dividing into two groups. First, me and my two subordinates Ar. And another is Myra and her subordinates Ar. At this moment, our Ezar Kalussen and Myra went on a mission. I am the one who would lead this pack. According to the intel, we have to investigate Sauveil and Liveil as soon as possible. So, I am dividing this group into two. Tobias and Edwin would be the subordinates of Myra. And vice versa Ashley and Myles would be mine.

We are going the west of Coveil towards Liveil, and Myles & Edwin would go east of town towards Sauveil. Understood? Bruce asked. Everyone nodded their head. Ashley asked Bruce what they would be investigating over there. Bruce smirked and mentioned a name, Emil Isakov. Edwin had fear in his eyes as he faced him before and nearly died. Bruce told everyone that Edwin had fought against Emil. And he beat Edwin till he lost consciousness. Ashley laughed and said serves him right. Bruce told Ashley to keep quiet and let him finish, as Bruce hates being interrupted.

That is the same reason Edwin is in the universal class. He has some unknown power even to Mages. I didn't believe it until Myra told me about this brat's story. Anyways, I explained in enough detail, and we have our formation ready, so we should go and prepare to move out. Before dismissing, Bruce told everyone that there are uniforms for them. They all should be sure to pick them up before starting their journey. Bruce leaves.

Edwin thought it is fair enough that his partner is Tobias and the Zar is his master. It couldn't go wrong. The involvement of Emil Isakov in Edwin's first ȧssignment is frightening even it is the perfect opportunity for him to prove his worth as a universal. But it's not going to happen soon. The universal class potential is on a whole different level. One can be perfect all-around if they possess strong magic, good speed, and better combat technique. In other words, they can fight against any class effectively.

The combat class can easily beat speed one. Because they generally have high physical strength and tough defense. Elemental/Alchemy magic is all this class can perform. Due to lack of Incantation power, combat is inferior to sorcery class. Sorcery has the lowest defense, and they can perform all three sorts of magic. An expert sorcerer can even become Mage class if he learns to control Divination. Lastly, the speed class. Speed warriors, as the name suggests, have more mobility and agility. As the spell cast takes little time and sorcery class is weak against the speed. It is not necessarily the case but, there is a 50-50 chance in the outcome versus sorcery. In range battle, the sorcerer has an advantage vice versa, and non-range combat is advantageous to speed. Out of all four classes, speed class is quite a complex one.. Except universal, speed is the second rare class.

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