The Nemesis

Chapter 5 - To the Zodiac Realm

The ritual of the spell started. Aolis sensed that Edwin still has so much to ask. Before Edwin could speak, he told him to remember that he (Edwin) would find the answers over there. As soon as the ritual finishes, the portal appeared. Aolis picked up Edwin and threw him in that portal, saying him farewell.

In the meantime, Tracie and the rest of the others reported to Araceli. Tracie told Araceli that the Space Corps soldier Edwin Miller saved them by becoming the decoy himself. When Araceli found out this, she was surprised to know that Edwin is in Space Corps. Araceli and Edwin used to be friends before Araceli joined the Marines. She showed no empathy about the death of Edwin.

On the other hand, Tracie felt like it's a terrible loss to her. She started thinking about the first day in Arachnid. Edwin used to work under the current superior of Tracie, Elaine Stout. Six years ago, Tracie was a newbie to work with the Arachnid, and she showed potential and talent in her field. She started working under the supervision of Elaine Stout's research department. During those days, Edwin was the only friend from work to her. Later on, they both with Jasper went together on mission.

Elaine Stout, Jasper Cowell, and people currently present in the Excalibur crew knew Edwin very well. They realized that because of Edwin's act, they are safe now. Everybody paid respect to that sacrifice. After the discussion with the Captain of Patrol units of Space Corps about the incident, Araceli and the team parted ways. Now, Excalibur is heading towards the Earth.

Aolis reached his final moments, and he was confronted by the Third Knight just before he passes out. The third knight speaks to Aolis that he is impressed that Aolis managed to send him to the Zodiac realm. However, he called Aolis a fool to not consider the consequences. Quickly, Aolis realized that mistake. He laughed at Aolis, telling him that the spell is only good if somebody is coming from there to here. Vice versa, that spell is a failure.

Confidently, he said to Aolis that he knew how badly Aolis messed up. For a moment, Aolis hesitated to talk. Then he told the third that in the end, everything would be fine for him (Edwin). Aolis told the third knight that he doesn't regret anything now. He replied that he doesn't care. He pulled out his weapon and killed Aolis. He said to himself that Aolis is dying anyway, so why not kill him and satisfy oneself.

Edwin's life flashes in front of his eyes, and he found himself falling into the hole. He felt terrible pain all over his body, and suddenly the condition of syncope occurs. After some time, he opened his eyes. Somebody is waking him up. The person who waked him up was a seven-year-old girl. She called Edwin, "You little squirt, wake up." Listening to that words, Edwin said to himself that, who is she calling little squirt? Wait! where am I? Why I'm lying here? Edwin tried to remember. But, nothing comes up in his mind. It's all blank. He only remembered his name. He told her that his name is Edwin, just Edwin. And he doesn't know anything at all. Here, Edwin's age, body, and mind changed to that of the four years kid. It is the thing that Aolis messed up. While traveling to that portal, the spell's aftermath caused this scenario.

They were in the forest. It was enormous, dense, and prospering. The canopy of pine, Buxus, and poplar are monopolizing. Cascading lights bouncing between the leaves allowed for a hedgehog of mushrooms to rule the rich grounds below. Bundled branches drooped from many a tree, and a mishmash of flowers, which claimed quiet corners, adorned the otherwise amber backdrop. A tumult of beastly noises, predominantly those of bird songs, brightened up the forest and added to the sounds of the occasional sounds of breaking twigs beneath the feet of larger animals.

She asked him again that what is he doing in this forest? Edwin didn't reply. She told him that her name is Myra Royce. Myra is a seven-year-old girl and lives in the kingdom of Pisces with her parents. Later she asked Edwin to follow her. At that time, Edwin is clueless, and Myra already warned him that this forest is full of wild animals. When Edwin learned that, he gets frightened. Having no other options, he decides to follow her. Myra had a handmade bow and arrow with her.

Myra isn't that talkative & Edwin didn't speak too. They both wandered in the forest quietly for an hour. Suddenly, Myra pulled him to take cover in the bushes. When Edwin asked, she told him to be quiet and observe the animal in front of them. That animal was Pyrenean Ibex. Edwin looked at him just before he wanted to ask what is that, Myra hit its vital point and killed that Pyrenean Ibex with one shot. An instant kill shocked Edwin.

Her father is a skilled and experienced hunter. She adopted that knowledge from him.

Myra was aware that Edwin is hungry, and she told him to wait for her father to join them. In the meantime, she lits the fire and started to roast some meat. Edwin thanked her for this kindness and ate it. The awkward silence continues. Myra again asked him that is anything he remembers now. Edwin gave the same response. Myra's father arrived there when they both finished eating.

Edwin was partially asleep. He overheard their conversation. Myra's father asked her, who is he? and where did she find him? Myra answered that she found him in the forest unconscious. He called himself Edwin. Edwin is clueless, doesn't know his homeland or anything about his parents. Besides, he doesn't have a citizenship mark of any kingdom on his waist. Also, she didn't observe any unique sign like the symbol of the dragon on her neck.

The information that Myra has given to her father shocked both him and Edwin. Even though Edwin is confused and doesn't know what this father-daughter is talking about, he pretended to be asleep in front of them. Myra's father told her that if this guy Edwin is not a kid, he would have killed him already. Myra ȧssures her father that she would have done the same. For a moment, Edwin was terrified. He thought both of them are Maniacs. Since he is just a kid, her father decides to present him to the superior of the Pisces kingdom. As we know, Aolis told Edwin this realm is pretty much back in time.

The very next day, he did as he planned. He presented him in front of the Elders and higher-ups of the Pisces Kingdom. The Mages and the different chiefs of the warrior factions were also there. After a little long discussion and examination, they found out that Edwin is not a threat to the people. However, the missing citizenship mark is given to the kids when they have already become two years old. Now, he is missing the mark, which is oddly suspicious.

To let him roam free around the kingdom without any supervision will not be a wise decision, so they all decide to send him to an orphanage. Edwin made his mind not to oppose anything that is happening here. He agreed and went to the orphanage.

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