The Nemesis

Chapter 6 - Growing Up

The little orphanage was a bit outside of the town's nearby fields. With him, there were 5-6 kids who also made that orphanage their home. Growing up, Edwin prefers to be alone. He doesn't hate to live with them, nor they have any problem with him. It is just his state of mind. He likes to wander in fields and forests. As all of his memory vanished, it's like he is reborn. In time, he gained knowledge about this world.

There are four continents in this world. Floga, Nero, Edafos, and Anemos. Each continent has three different Kingdoms. The three kingdoms of those continents are as follows:

1. Floga- Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

2. Nero- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

3. Edafos- Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

4. Anemos- Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

There used to be two more kingdoms Astrop and Ornaos. In the 5th continent. Long ago, the continental war waged between those two kingdoms. It results in their extinction. Not many survivors are left. But, those who survived now scattered across the four continents to live good lives. All mentioned kingdom's rulers are selected based on people's choices, as a democracy concept. The leader remains in power as long as people want him to. To watch over the continents and maintain the peace within. The mages play a crucial role in each kingdom. They all serve as an advisor to the leader.

The timeline here is the same as of the Earth's 3500 BC. When Zodiac Gods ended the massive war of this realm, they found all of these fourteen kingdoms. Since then, the calendar started here by wizards. Currently, the year is 457. When Edwin arrived here, the year was 453. Time flies, Edwin has grown.

In this world, when a kid becomes ten years old, they have the liberty to choose whatever they want to learn. They can choose between profession, art, or military services, etc. When Edwin got a chance, he decides to become a warrior. Most of his academy people chose that. There are three basic rules to join the class of warriors.

First, the kid must be a citizen of the respected territory. Second, they must have all the basic knowledge. And third, the age criteria, which is negligible if an individual is talented. Edwin is not that talented at that time. So, he joined at the age of 10. Here, he would spend three years learning about the warrior faction.

As always, Edwin loved to spent time alone. He thought making friends will be pointless. Edwin didn't want to pick any fights not had any intentions of hurting anyone. He had a bad temper. Due to that habit, he knew that he would easily be in a quarrel. In days of his academy, so many people called him arrogant. Popularity, favoritism, and being bossy was never his forte. He is just too shy even to speak.

It's not like that he never tried to make friends or join some group of people to eat, play and practice the things they've learned. He tries those things back in the orphanage and academy, but he always feels like the people don't want to include him with them. He gave up on trying that. The reason is his missing citizenship mark. They all treat him like an outsider. These ways of thinking about him never bothered Edwin.

Year 461, one year passed since Edwin joined the academy of warriors. One day, to examine their capability, their mentor decides to take everyone on the forest camping. David Morris is the mentor of Edwin's batch. He made seven to eight groups of five people.

The next day, He gave him the objective to find the Hiddenite in the forest. This Hiddenite with a brilliant-cut and the size of hazelnut is in an inferior condition. These gems are unpopular, but they're a fairly common gemstone species. These gems contain enhancing properties that make for a piece of defensive jewelry.

David instructed them that this camping will last for a week in Comberg Woods. The forest was small, crowded, and verdant. Its canopy was ruled by juniper, asp, and crab apple, who left just enough light for a diversity of plants to control the moist and fertile bottom layer below.

Bundled vines dangled from a couple of trees, and flowers, which were scattered sporadically, added colorful variety to the otherwise homogeneous landscape.

A tumult of beastly sounds, most belonged to insects, reverberated through the air and were accompanied by the barrage of noise coming from a waterfall in the distance. It doesn't have any wild animals. Those who successfully retrieve Hiddenite will gain extra points for evaluation.

Listening to the description of the forest and the test, everybody in the ȧssembly hall excited about that. Edwin was not happy. After that announcement, everybody left.

Later on that day, Edwin was lying on the ground near the river bank. It was a time of evening. David was passing by that route and saw him. When David approaches him, he noticed that Edwin is depressed. David speaks to him then Edwin told him that Edwin is depressed because nobody around him would ever want to be in the team with him. He doesn't know what to do when his classmate treat him like he is one of them. What did he do? Why they hate him?

David told him not to overthink things. People always have opinions about others, but sometimes we must examine ourselves too. I am observing you since day one. Pointing the finger at Edwin, David continued talking that you hardly spoke with anyone, you don't even show some kindness and politeness, never smile. Yet, you expect that people will treat you right. You know this is the root of your problem. I am your mentor, and my intention is not to blame you. But I intend to tell you to think from a different perspective.

Indeed, you are not one of them, and they don't consider you the citizen of this Pisces Kingdom. You are living here past seven years. Some people only think in one direction. Blaming others will never make a change within.

And we can not change their way of thinking. What we must do is that we should keep different perspectives about the same thing. I know this all now going all over your head. My point is to improve yourself, socialize with them often. One day you will find a true friend in them. I know you, you are one of my best students. You never disappointed me with the things I taught you. I believe in you, Edwin. Let's get over it.

Edwin understood the point, and he said to himself that he is a fool, blaming others for self behavior. He apologized to David. David told him not to feel low for being ourselves. The way we are, we are. Edwin felt good when he opened up to David. Later, David asked him to join him for dinner.

While eating, Edwin asked David about the group of people. David told him to keep his patience till tomorrow. David notices that Edwin's mood is completely changed.. And by the behavior, it felt like Edwin accepted the necessity of change.

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