"I don't like fighting desperately for other women..."

Stalker Shilock's sharp laughter choked, and a faintly resentful tone came.

"I don't like fighting in the deep sea," said Black Plague DiRigi: "I like a dark, humid environment, which makes me comfortable, but the deep sea only makes me feel dull."

"I don't like the deep sea either." Evil Dragon Spitz shuddered and said, "Those terrifying existences lurking deep in the trench, even if they just think about it, will make me shudder."

"I don't like it either." Maker Luke said solemnly: "Compared with siege, I am better at defending the city."

"Me too" Antoun the Flame Devourer said slowly: "I like heat, not cold."

Longfoot Rotes looked at me, spread his tentacles, and said regretfully: "I really like naval battles, but if everyone refuses to go, I will naturally not go. I don't want to fight even if there is no chance of winning again. The battle is over."

I stood sluggishly in place, completely unexpected that it would end like this.

I thought everyone would either look for mutual help or friendship and help me, even this time... Hey, I always thought that I was very popular. There are people covering it everywhere, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

Just as one of my hearts fell infinitely, even when desperate, Shilock’s almost crazy voice sounded again: "...but if it’s for you, in order to make you awaken your memory, don’t say The deep sea is to enter the dark and cold space again, and I am willing!"

Stalker Shirlock's body bent like a snake suddenly stood upright, her frantic expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a flame-like heat, she bowed at me religiously, and screamed: "If you need it if."

I was desperate, but was overwhelmed by the sudden hope.

The voice of the Flame Devourer Anthun also followed: "Although the cold seabed is not my favorite, since I regard you as a little friend, I will naturally not stand idly by."

"Although I'm not good at fighting under the sea, it might be nice to participate once in a while," Black Plague DiRigi said: "Just don't blame me for infecting this sea with plague."

"Your Majesty once said that the dragons are fearless. I always take this sentence as a motto, and I always watch myself not to be afraid, but I am still afraid. I am afraid of injury, fear of death, and fear of those terrible existences in the deep sea. , But His Majesty also taught me that if I have friends, I must do my best for my friends, because friendship is one of the most hard-won emotions. I have already broken one motto and don’t want to break another, so—" Evil Dragon Spitz stared at me and smiled and said: "I decided to help you, even if I face the sea monster that makes me the most warrior, I will not back down, at least, not this time."

"Indeed, I am good at defending the city and I am honoring it, but at the same time, I am also an inventor and a scientist. I like to study unknown creatures, especially those new creatures that I can provoke," the maker Luke said lightly. , Immediately, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I'm very curious, what kind of creature it is that claims to be a god..."

As he spoke, his eyes showed a cruel and cruel meaning: "The truth cuts through their torso and analyzes their structure carefully. It is best for Rotes to help explore their spirit..."

"Such a perverted study, forgive me for not participating." Longfoot Rotes waved his tentacles and said, "Since there are so many partners to help you, I am obligated to accept your invitation. Seriously, I also hate it. The Seagod clan, when I just settled here, they came here very rudely to harass. Fortunately, I recovered part of my strength and gave them a lesson. Only then was I able to get along well, but this Liangzi was settled. Up..."

Falling from heaven to hell, and returning from **** to heaven, I have already experienced the excitement of this.

Afterwards, we discussed the battle plan again, but before that, there was one thing that needed me to solve, and that was the release of the real bodies of Black Plague Dirich and Stalker Shilock.

The location where they were sealed happened to be within the territory of Eri City. Seriously, it was a bit troublesome.

Today’s Erri City has a tight political situation, and the sealed location is right next to a certain big town. Due to the tight political situation, the security work in these big towns is relatively good. Although it is not perfect, but it is not perfect. It is impossible to dig the ground without the guard's sight.

Not to mention that these people were still sent by me.

After thinking about it, I still couldn't think of a suitable way, so I pulled my hair in distress.

Everyone saw that I was distressed, so they asked the reason. After I told the reason, all the apostles and the dragon showed disdain at the same time.

"Such a simple question, you still need to think hard?" Evil Dragon Spitz first made a disdainful voice.

"Don't you need to think about a good way?" I asked rhetorically.

"Of course" Spitz said: "Under the reward, there must be a brave man. All problems can be solved by creating a small rumor."

"Rumor?" I wondered.

"Yes, it's rumors," Spitz said: "And there are rumors about treasures. As for the specific treasures, it doesn't need to be stated clearly, because the more unknown, the more curiosity it arouses."

"Hiss!" I took a sharp breath and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be so bad!"

"Does this have anything to do with whether it is bad or not?" Spitz was stunned, and said: "This is just the most basic means to arouse human desire. You didn't expect it, but you are not good at using it."

"Is it possible that you used to use it often?"

"Used, but not very often," Spitz said: "I can't do everything by myself. Someone has to help me. At this time, I have to lure them into profit."

I suddenly realized.

A crowd of people around was whispering, and Black Plague Dirich said to Stalker Silok: "It seems that he has a long way to go before awakening."

Shilock laughed uncontrollably, but the laughter was full of disappointment.

I really don't understand, whether I am awakened or not has anything to do with Stalker Shilock?

Turning my head to look at Longfoot Rotes, I handed him an inquiring look, but Rotes shook his tentacles and responded to me: I don't know.

I remember that the time when Longfoot Rotes came to Hefeng Continent was almost one of the earliest among the apostles. Even he didn’t even know what the Stalker Shilock had to do with me, that is to say, between me and Shilock , Perhaps there are some secrets that only Hilock and DiRigi know.

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