Just do it.

After waking up, I immediately contacted Master Dewey through the crystal call, told him the general situation, and hoped that he could help me.

After listening to Master Dewey, he only asked one question: "Are you guaranteed to be able to control the situation?"

I hesitated, but finally responded: "Yes."

At least for the time being, Black Plague DeRigi and Stalker Silok have a good impression of me, even if they don't follow me, they are unlikely to be demon.

The plan went smoothly. At noon the next day, Master Dewey responded to me: "The news has been successfully spread."

Just as the evil dragon Spitz said, to lure them to profit, there must be a brave man under the reward.

As soon as he received the entrustment, Master Dewey immediately contacted the Dark Line stationed in Ere City and instructed him to dig pits and bury the antiques within 100 meters of the seal.

Antiques must be genuine, and some of them must be broken, but the way they are broken must be natural, and the traces of artificial crushing cannot be seen at a glance.

The burial location should be of different depths, and some gold coins and silver coins should be mixed in it...

In short, the total sum of these zeros and zeros is added together, and the estimated consumption is about three thousand gold coins.

Three thousand gold coins, this is the total income of about one thousand ordinary households in one year!

This is more attractive than property, for ordinary people.

After doing all this, Master Dewey ordered the secret line to take out ten gold coins and gift them to five retail rangers, asking them to spread out the treasures at the location of the seal without being caught.

Two gold coins may not be worth even a single breath for Master Dewey, but for the retail ranger, it is a great reward.

Seeing Li, the vast majority of these people with no homes and jobs began to wander around pubs, teahouses, dusty places, and gambling shops. While spending a lot of money, these fake news were quietly spread out.

Suddenly discovering that these retail rangers, who had no money and no career on weekdays, were delicious and delicious, suddenly they all had gold coins for fun, and they were genuine gold coins. Many people couldn't help but have a keen interest in their words for an instant.

So late at night, there was an excavation team composed of several people, digging at the location mentioned in the rumors, and soon dug a lot of antique fragments, and even a few gold coins!

Gold coins are naturally treasures, but these antique fragments are also condensed by someone who is interested, wrapped up, and sent to a special appraisal unit for appraisal.

The appraisal results came out very quickly. Although they are all fragments, they cannot conceal the fact that these things are genuine.

In an instant, the news exploded like a scourge in all directions.

After getting the news, the city owners of the towns around the seal land immediately sent troops to block the scene, and in a very short time, organized an excavation team to survey the area.

Soon, an exhilarating news spread to the ears of everyone in the city of Ariel again-within a kilometer of the seal area, there were not only complete antiques, but also at least hundreds of catties of gold and silver coins, as well as several tons of fine gold and mithsil.

This news was like a blockbuster, and it blew up most people in an instant.

There are not only antique gold coins, but also fine gold and mithril!

This is incredible!

When I asked why Master Dewey wanted to bury silver coins and fine gold and mithril, Master Dewey was also confused and said that he only buried antiques and gold coins, and silver coins and fine gold and mithril were not buried by him.

I remembered one thing instantly. I remember that the Ariel City excavation team opened the door of disaster because of the digging of Adamantite and Mithril, that is to say, the Black Plague Dirich and the Stalker Shilock, It was also sealed with fine gold and mithril!

In other words, as long as they break open the fine gold and mithril, they can regain their freedom!

At the moment, I told Master Dewey that he must find a way to break the fine gold and mithril, because my friend is right below.

Two days later, Master Dewey sent me a communication again, saying that the construction had begun.

Don't think this is just a simple sentence, but the process is extremely turbulent.

First of all, Carter Horton, who had experienced a catastrophe attack on the city, was very sensitive to tons of fine gold and mithril. He always felt that there might be some unknown and terrifying existence below, so he ordered the exploration team to leave. There, however, there are imperial decree and countermeasures. Although they are afraid of Carter Horton’s wrath, the money is touching. In order to satisfy their selfish desires, the local nobles jointly forced the city lord to continue digging and mining, and at the same time passed the imperial decree. Layers of barriers are set up on the road.

This block, stopped a lot of time, the exploration team, the excavation team's work day and night, and finally, the day before the arrival of the imperial decree, several tons of fine gold and mithril were successfully excavated and temporarily sealed in an unknown small In the warehouse.

When the fine gold and mithril were dug out, a crowd of people were still in fear, for fear that a group of monsters would suddenly burst out like Gobi, but the facts were not as unbearable as imagined, and there was no terrible existence breaking out of the ground. , Slaying the ban, but only wisps of black smoke came out.

At first, people were taken aback by the black smoke that came out slowly, thinking it was a terrible existence such as catastrophe, and it was true that all the staff who had been exposed to the black smoke had a high fever, and their bodies were weak and weak, and they had not survived a day. , They belch one after another.

Countless people were terrified, and the city lord even plucked up the courage to reprimand the nobles in person.

However, when the black smoke completely disappeared the next day, no one was harmed except the dead staff, and all were alive.

Someone immediately guessed that the black smoke might be a trap, a defensive method to prevent the theft of fine gold and mithril.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone agreed, and in order to prevent changes, they burned the dead staff corpses.

Then the next day, the angel arrived and read the imperial decree. A crowd of people looked reverent and bowed their orders. The angel was very satisfied, and then contacted Carter Horton through the crystal call to explain the specific situation.

Carter Horton was also quite satisfied with the performance of this group of current affairs, so he gave up.

Perhaps Carter Horton would never have imagined that his oral instructions were of no use, and even the local governor officials had concealed the matter. After all, bribes of hundreds of gold coins were huge sums of money.

What Carter Horton and everyone did not expect was that the place was really a sealed place, and what was sealed underneath were the Black Plague Dirich and Stalker Shilock.

The black smoke that came out earlier was the appearance of Stalker Shilock, and the black smoke that killed people behind was another form of Black Plague Dirich.

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