I still remember that Yang Hui was originally arranged into his own Jinling group.

In a flash, many years have passed, and many things have happened. Since then, I haven't been in touch again.

Now seeing that he has become like this, Chen GE's heart is shocked beyond measure.

"Waste, I asked you to pick it up. Did you ignore my words?"

Murongyan continued to fight.

Kicked Yang Hui aside.

All the people on the scene were frightened into silence.

"Ha ha, let's laugh. Don't ruin our auction interest because of a slave, and I'm not afraid to tell you that my Murong family has a big business. There are only things we don't know, but nothing we don't know. So tonight, as long as you are willing to pay, you can auction anything you want!"

Murong Yan laughed.

"Are there any pictures of Murong's head?"

Just then, a small voice came.

The sound is not loud, but it is particularly harsh.

And it's amazing that the scene is so chaotic that everyone seems to hear the sound very clearly.

"Who is it? Are you crazy?"

"Did I hear you right? He wants the head of the Murong family?"


The whole audience was silent and everyone looked around.

"Who said that? Stand up?"

Murong Yan was even more furious and arrogant.

Boom, boom!

The bodyguards of Murong family poured out and came to the scene one after another.

At this time, a man like a housekeeper stood up.

He looked around, and finally his eyes rested on a young man sitting in the corner.

Immediately brought people around.

"What did you say?"

The housekeeper went to Chen Ge who was drinking and asked coldly.


Chen Ge took a sip of wine and nodded.

Then take out a cigarette and light it directly.

But when I touched my body, there was no fire.

"Take an exergy?"

Chen Ge asked the housekeeper.

"You, you're dying!"

The housekeeper saw that Chen Ge didn't pay attention to himself at all. At present, he was furious.

He punched Chen Ge directly.

Chen Ge picked up a knife and fork from the table. In the electric light and flint room, he penetrated directly from the housekeeper's mouth, asked the housekeeper to face sideways and nailed him to the table alive.

"Woo woo..."

The housekeeper's cheeks were pierced and he couldn't speak at the moment.

Can only keep screaming.


The bodyguards at the scene were all startled, and some even touched their faces.

Chen Ge searched him and finally found a lighter.


Chen Ge lit a cigarette.

"Chen... Chen Shao? Is it Chen Shao?"

By the light of the fire, everyone recognized Chen Ge.

One by one.

"What are you talking about? Is he Chen Ge?"

Murongyan's eyes were cold. They investigated the Chen family for so long. How could they not know Chen Ge?

"Yes, he's the Chen Song of the Chen family! It's said that he's dead?"

Many rich businessmen were stunned.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who know me?" Chen Ge shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Ha ha, this is heaven. There's a way you don't go. There's no door to hell. You break in. At the right time, we want to hand over the remaining assets of your Chen family, but Li Zhenguo refuses to live or die. Well, the young master of the Chen family is here. Everything seems to be logical!"

Murong Yan jumped down and said with a cold smile.

"Young master Murong, I think you have made a mistake!"

Chen Ge threw the smoke on the ground and put it out.

"What's up?" Murong Yan frowned.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? I'm here today to auction some heads of Murong family! You have three brothers. I'll take them together today, one for one yuan, four in total!"

Chen Ge smiled.

"But I don't have any money with me today. I owe you four yuan. Let me write an IOU. I believe no one should bid with me at the scene?"

Chen Ge glanced around.

"No, no, no!"

All the rich businessmen were scared back a dozen steps.

"Ha ha ha, is this man crazy?"

Unexpectedly, the bodyguards laughed when they heard this.

"Yes, with a few efforts, I dare to ask for the heads of four young people!"

"Don't you know that master murongyan's skill is comparable to that of ordinary people?"

The crowd looked like a fool.

"You dare to humiliate me, you're dying!"

Dark thunder flashed in Murong Yun's eyes.

Then he looked at his palms and suddenly erupted.


"Take your life!"

With that, murongyan flew directly towards Chen Ge.

Just in mid air.

Inexplicably, I felt a strong pressure on him.

It felt like someone threw a mountain at him.

That sense of powerlessness is irresistible.


Under the pressure, the flying Murong Yan knelt directly on the ground.

The floor tiles are directly broken by kneeling.

Half of the body is trapped in the soil.

He spat blood and vomited all over his face.

At the moment, there was a strong shock in my eyes.

The bodyguards on one side all shut their mouths quietly at the moment.

"How is that possible?"

The bodyguards were stunned.

Looking at Chen Ge again, there was no ridicule, only a strong shock.

Chen Ge was holding a pen and wrote a four yuan IOU.

Then he came to Murong Yan's side.

I don't know what I did when I moved my finger.

Seeing mu Rongyan burst out of the soil and fell heavily to the ground.


Murong Yan said in horror.

"Hehe, the deal has been made. By the way, this man is my friend. I want to take him away. Should you have no problem?"

Chen Ge smiled.

Everyone dared not speak, stared at the strange man and took the unconscious Yang Hui away.

"Young master!"

People dare to surround.

"Are you all right, young master?"

The crowd asked eagerly.

"I'm fine. I just hurt my knee. Hum, I think this man is afraid of the power of my Murong family, so he doesn't dare to do it!"

Murong Yan sneered.

But when he turned his head, he found that his men were all staring at him.

"What's the matter?"

Murong Yan frowned and said.

"Young master, your neck is bleeding? It seems that your neck has moved?"

The crowd was stunned.


Murongyan wanted to look down.


Blood gushed.

His whole head fell off.

Obviously, you can't die anymore.

"Ah! Young master!"

There was a panic at the scene.

Unexpectedly, someone stabbed the fourth young master of Murong family!

Hot spring villa.

When Yang Hui lay in bed, he felt a comfortable feeling, which made him gradually conscious.

He slowly opened his eyes and vaguely saw a man.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes:

"Chen Ge? I... am I right?"

He turned over in shock and sat up directly

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