"You're right. I'm back. Your injury has just healed and needs a good rest!"

Chen Ge asked, "Yang Hui, how did you become like this?"

"It's a long story. After you brought me into Jinling group, Li Shao and Ao, the son of President Li Zhenguo, also attached great importance to me. I was promoted almost once in a few months. I was the highest and achieved the position of general manager of Jinling commercial street!"

Yang Hui coughed and then said:

"Later, I had a girlfriend. Her name was Liu Yin. Originally, I felt silly that she was true love to me, and I paid all my heart to her!"

"Everything changed until the Murong family arrived. First, Li Shao's wife Shen Yuee took refuge in the Murong family and secretly murdered Li Shao. I know that the purpose of the Murong family is to seize the commercial street."

"I don't know which day I will have an accident, so I gave all the official seals and important documents of the commercial street, as well as my personal property to Liuyin for safekeeping!"

Speaking of this, Yang Hui felt a burst of regret.

"But I never dreamed. Later, I was framed by the Murong family. When I came out, something had happened in the commercial street. I found Liuyin and wanted to ask her for some documents and my property."

"As a result, she found someone to blow me out."

"Because she is actually a woman like Shen Yuee. She is snobbish. After knowing that I can't be his backer, she actually took refuge in an executive of the Murong family and gave up my personal property!"

"Not only that, I became a lost dog, and she didn't intend to let me go. She also asked someone to break my legs and let me be a slave in murongyan's house!"

Yang Hui said here and clenched his fists.

"So much has happened."

Chen Ge nodded.

"The Murong family has too much ambition. First, they squeeze our Chen group and become the largest family in China. Not only that, their ambition is not enough. They actually want to encroach on the Chen family's industry!"

Yang Hui said: "for this, many people have been in trouble!"

"I see. Do you want revenge?"

Chen Ge patted him on the shoulder.

"Revenge?" Yang Hui stared.

He dreams.

"However, the Murong family are very powerful. They are not ordinary people at all!"

Yang Hui is not.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of these people. By the way, what was the position of Li Zhenguo's son before?"

Chen Ge asked.

"It's the general manager of Jinling district!" Yang Hui said.

"Well, before this afternoon, I will take back all the lost of the Chen family!"

Chen Ge said.

At the same time, in the manor where the Murong family in Jinling is located.

There has been an uproar at the moment.

Because mu Rongyan was killed at the auction, and her thought was tragic.

Murong Jingtao is on the verge of collapse.

You know, the fourth son is his youngest son and his favorite.

Looking at his son's body, his hatred soon exceeded his grief.

"Who is it?!"

He roared.

"Chen's song!" said the bodyguards.

They are all strong Qi experts, with the inheritance of secret methods and extraordinary momentum, but at the moment, they don't know whether they are frightened by Chen Ge or how, even they have no confidence to speak.

"Yan'er is dead and the housekeeper is dead. Why are you bodyguards who have been specially trained by our Murong family alive?"

Murong Jingtao stood up with tears in his eyes and hands on his back.

Plop, plop!

The bodyguards listened and all knelt down.

"Spare your life, master. It's Chen Ge. It's too strong for us to get close!"

The bodyguards were silent.

"Can't get close? In this world, every one of you is a powerful person in the world. Unexpectedly, you told me that you can't get close? Do you think I'm old and confused?"

Murong Jingtao's face was angry.

If you raise your palm and luck, you will kill.

"Master, wait a minute!"

At this moment, six white haired old men sitting on the side without saying a word suddenly stood up.


"Master, I carefully checked Yan'er's injury, but I died under a very strong sword Qi. In today's world, many people can practice sword Qi, but it's rare to practice to this extent!"

An old man stroked his beard and said.

"Elder brother is right. It can be seen that these servants may not have lied. I'm afraid Chen GE's strength is beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners!"

Said several other elders.

"Those elders, what do you say? Is my swallow dying in vain? And this Chen song suddenly appears. Obviously, it is aimed at my Murong family!"

Murong Jingtao said.

"Well, it's really tricky, but if we rush to deal with Chen Ge, we may come to a worse end than Yan'er! Therefore, we must find someone over there!"

The elder thought.

"You mean, looking for Lei Jianzong?"

Murong Jingtao said in surprise.

"Yes, the reason why the Murong family established a huge economic structure under the orders of Lei Jianzong is that they build Lingye cultivation bases everywhere!"

"Now, our Murong family is in danger. They should provide some help!"

"What's more, from Yan'er's wound, I'm afraid Chen GE's strength is not under their Lei Jianzong experts. We can't deal with such people easily!"

The elder and others frowned.

"If we don't deal with it, won't Chen Ge deal with us?"

Hearing the elder say here, Murong Jingtao also calmed down.

According to the description of the bodyguards, Chen GE's means are simply too deep. He Murong Jingtao practices the secret method, but he has never seen this kind of existence.

"Don't worry, we have Chen GE's disciples in our hands. Let them go with his friends, and directly give Chen Ge the afternoon. We'll make an appointment with him for a decisive battle in three days. Three days later, it's your birthday. At that time, Lei Jianzong's people will also come and ask them to have more experts. Hum, I'm afraid Chen GE has three heads and six arms and is definitely not an opponent!"

The elder said with his hands on his back.

"That makes sense!"

Murong Yuntao nodded heavily.

"Come and contact Lei Jianzong. At the same time, let Liba and Bai Xiaofei go back, take our Murong family's afternoon, and make an appointment with Chen Ge three days later to the top of Yunding mountain, where the birthday banquet is held, so as to clear up all gratitude and resentment!"

Murong Yuntao said.


The men will do it at once.

At that time.

It is on an island far away from Jincheng.

There are three old men with white hair and light clothes sitting cross legged in a triangle.

Just watch them pinch their sword fingers.

He has formed a sword array and is cultivating.

At the moment, a little boy came in a hurry.

But no words.

"What's up?"

One of the elders said.

"It's the news from Murong family in Jinling that there is a crisis. Please three leaders to rescue! Otherwise, Murong family is full and in danger!"

"Well? Is there such a thing?"

The three old men opened their eyes.

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