"The letter said that Chen GE's skill was extremely powerful! I had to invite three people out of the mountain!"

Said the child.

"Hahaha, well, the sword technique of the three of us has finally become great. Just in time, we can take a so-called expert to try. We just hope our opponent will not be too weak, otherwise, it's a pity that the sword technique of the three of us is perfect!"

The three shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Write back immediately and we'll go by appointment!"

Said the three.


Go back to Chen Ge.

Bai Xiaofei and rebar were released.

"Liba, see you, master!"

Liba was surprised and delighted to see Chen Ge.

At that time, he left the Chen family and went to South Vietnam to find clues. He asked Liba to return to Jinling to assist Li Zhenguo.

I haven't seen him for many years.

"Well, you've suffered!"

Chen Ge said.

"Brother Chen, the Murong family not only let us back, but also returned all our Jinling property they occupied! Let us bring back a letter of war!"

Bai Xiaofei said at the moment.

"Hehe, Murong's family made a war against me?"

Chen Ge shook his head without a bitter smile.

Open it and see Chen Ge. Three days later, a decisive battle will be held on the top of Yunding mountain to solve all disputes at one time!

"Hum, the Murong family has always been ruthless and vicious. In fact, they know it's not Chen Shao's opponent and deliberately procrastinate!"

Li Zhenguo said.

"Hehe, but I'm more interested. I want to see how they're going to deal with me in three days. OK, I'll take this afternoon!"

Chen Ge smiled.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei: "by the way, Xiaofei, do you have any clues about what I asked you to come back to investigate!"

"Really, but as soon as I was ready to do it, I was caught by the Murong family!"

Bai Xiaofei went to the side and drank a big slobber: "after I came back three months ago, I took the picture of the holy fruit tree you gave me, launched all the power I could launch, secretly investigating!"

"Finally, I focused on Professor Bao. Professor Bao said that he had seen this ancient plant! But just in time for his business trip, so I was delayed for a few days. Later, I was caught!"

Bai Xiaofei said angrily.

"Professor Bao? Where is he now?" Chen Ge was surprised.

"Oh, Professor Bao is a botany expert who specializes in studying all kinds of plants from ancient to modern times. He has great skills. He was specially hired by your Jinling university to become a professor a year and a half ago!"

"But I just met him in a hurry. I felt that this man was very mysterious and different from ordinary experts and professors!"

Bai Xiaofei said.

"OK, please contact me immediately!" Chen Ge said.


Soon, Bai Xiaofei hung up: "Chen Shao, it is estimated that it will be tomorrow afternoon. His assistant told me that he will return to Jinling after his business trip tomorrow afternoon!"

"I see!"

Chen Ge nodded, then looked at Yang Hui and Li Zhenguo and said, "since the Murong family has spit out the industry, you are responsible for receiving it all!"

"Understand, Chen Shao!"

And wait until noon the next day.

Jinling commercial street has changed its course again and returned to Chen's banner.

Yang Hui was appointed as the general manager of the commercial street.

Yang Hui must be conscientious when he can reach the present.

"President Yang, there is a woman outside who wants to see you!"

Just then, my subordinates came to report.

"OK, I'll go out and have a look!"

Yang Hui put down his things and came out.

He frowned at the sight of someone coming.

"Willow shade?"

This woman is no one else, it is Yang Hui's ex girlfriend Liu Yin.

"I haven't found you yet, but you found me?"

Yang Hui was furious.

"Yang Hui, I'm sorry. I was wrong. That man didn't want me and took everything from me. Now you are not only the boss of the commercial street, but also the boss of Jinling assets. Please help me. That man forced me to do everything before!"

Liu Yin cried.

"Hum, do you think I will forgive you?"

Yang Hui shook his head helplessly.

"Yang Hui, I know you have feelings for me. Although I have done many wrong things, do you have the heart to watch me die?"

Liu Yin cried into a ball.

"What? Death?"

Yang Hui was stunned.

Liu Yin sobbed, "that man, he not only robbed me of my money, but also blackmailed me and asked me to collect enough 50 million for him, otherwise he would kill me!"

"I know, I'm sorry for you, and I'm going to die. Before I die, I just ask Yang Hui you can forgive me!"

Liu Yin kept kowtowing to Yang Hui.

Just hit his forehead with blood.

Yang Hui couldn't bear it: "Liu Yin, get up. Anyway, we are in love. Although it's impossible for the two of us, I'm not narrow-minded enough to die!"

"They are waiting for me at tomorrow's Tavern now!"

The willow shade sobbed.

"Tomorrow's tavern? Hum, at that time, this was the tavern I opened for you!"

Yang Hui shook her head.

"Take me there and I'll talk to them!"

Subsequently, Yang Hui drove straight to the tavern with two bodyguards.

In the final analysis, it should also belong to its own territory now.

So Yang Hui didn't care.

Hot spring villa, in the office.

Chen Ge is practicing at the moment.

At that moment, I couldn't help opening my eyes and shaking my head.

"This silly Yang Hui is almost the same as before. When a woman cries, her heart softens. Unexpectedly, if this woman hurts you, your eight lives will be lost!"

When Chen Ge practiced, his divine consciousness covered a large area.

And Chen Ge can be multi-purpose.

Therefore, when he is practicing, he is always used to paying attention to the things around him while practicing.

To prevent himself from being attacked.

This is still a habit that Chen GE has maintained for so long.

Chen Ge naturally heard what happened at the gate of the hot spring villa just now.

"Bang bang!"

At this time, Bai Xiaofei came and knocked at the door.

"Brother Chen, someone just told me that Yang Hui left with a woman, and that woman had long taken refuge in the Murong family! Liba said whether to remind Yang Hui that it's better if it's okay. If there's any problem, we can also find a chance to deal with the Murong family directly!"

Bai Xiaofei road.

"I already know about this. Just leave it alone. By the way, I have written a Dharma here in duplicate. You and rebar keep one copy respectively. From today on, you should practice in strict accordance with the method of breathing, exhaling, receiving and guiding Qi I taught above, okay?"

Chen gedao.

"Ah? OK!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed and took it.

"After practicing this skill, can I become a strong Qi master of the secret method like the Murong family?"

Bai Xiaofei road.

"Do you think I will give you such a low-level thing? Uncle Zhou Wanjiang gave me this dharma. If you concentrate on Cultivation and cooperate with me to wash marrow and forge bones for you, you may one day be able to step into the cultivation world and become a cultivator. Naturally, it is not comparable to those ordinary people of Murong family!"

Chen gedao.

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