
Wu Zhenhai and others were surprised.

At the same time, there is more happiness in my heart.

Fortunately, Taoist Heifeng came. If it wasn't for him, the three of them came to kill Chen Ge today. It's a unilateral Massacre by Chen Ge. Several people don't exist at the same level at all.

"Old three, are you all right? Sacrifice the sword array immediately!"

Wu Zhenhai got up and shouted immediately.

"I'm fine!"

Wu Zhenhe struggled to get up.

Then, look at the three people standing in the shape of Pinzi.

True Qi flows all over the three people, and a conjoined true Qi is formed.

"A thunderbolt!"

The next moment, the three shouted in unison.

A sword Qi was released in front of the three people and bombarded Chen Ge directly.

"What a thunderbolt!"

Chen Ge smiled coldly.

Then he directly met the sword Qi.

With a bang, he smashed the sword Qi and the sword array composed of three people.


The three people's blood gushed wildly and exploded in all directions.

Lying on the ground, my muscles and bones are breaking.

This is the most powerful sword technique handed down by their ancestors. It took them decades to understand it. Unexpectedly, it can't last a round in Chen GE's hands.

While they are angry, they also know the gap between them and Chen Ge.

Never love war.

"Wu ruofeng is your grandfather, isn't he? I can be regarded as an elder of the three of you according to the truth! This sword technique is not suitable for you, so don't practice it!"

Chen Ge smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Bah, Chen Ge, if you have seed, come with the three of us and let's fight again!"

Wu Zhenhai vomited blood and roared directly.

Then their bodies dissipated and flew directly to the distance.

"OK, let's see what else you three have..."

Chen Ge turned into a golden light and caught up directly.

The three came to a deserted and uninhabited field of tombs in Jinling.

As soon as he entered it, Chen Ge felt a cold and piercing chill.

"Interesting, it's an array!"

Chen Ge smiled.

"Chen Ge, this time I'll see how you come out of the bone etching remnant wind array!"

The sneer of the three people came, and then the figure disappeared directly in the array.

Boom, boom!

It was also with the voice of the three people that they saw the strong wind rising in the Dharma array.

It seems that in an instant, a hemispherical black area is formed.

Wrap Chen Ge in it.

The black wind roared, and every wind seemed to have a strong murderous spirit.

If ordinary people are in this array, they are bound to suffer thousands of cuts.

What a domineering array!

Chen Ge couldn't help nodding.

Just then, the dust in front changed, and a huge face appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being Chen Ge who defeated Wu ruofeng. Standing in my bone etching remnant wind array, he was unharmed. It's powerful. It's really powerful!"

The big face sneered.

"Who are you? Your accomplishments are far above the three, and not weaker than Wu ruofeng! There should be no second so strong in Wu ruofeng's family!"

Chen Ge asked.

"I'm Taoist Heifeng, Chen Ge. It's estimated that you don't know me, but I know you! The guy Wu ruofeng said that you have obtained the secret script in the flame cave and have succeeded in cultivation, so for the sake of insurance, I decided to use this array as the place where we first met!"

The dark wind Taoist laughed.

Then, the whole big face dissipated again and condensed into a figure.

Slowly appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Originally, Wu ruofeng told you the secret! Ha ha, it's a pity that he didn't say it comprehensively!"

Chen Ge stood with her hands down and smiled.

"What is it?"

The dark wind Taoist sneered.

"He only told you that I took the secrets in the flame cave, but he didn't tell you what those secrets are. It's not too late for me to tell you now. Among those secrets, there is a set of Secrets specially recording arrays!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Really? You mean, you can break my array? Hahaha, I really want to see it. Can I really break the bone etching residual wind array that I have practiced for hundreds of years?"

"If you can really break it, I might as well tell you a secret!"

Taoist Heifeng doesn't believe in Tao.

"OK, then do it!" Chen GE's eyes coagulated.

Then he pinched a sword formula with his hand.

"Force splits the sky!"

Chen Ge directly uses the heaven and earth sword technique to attack Taoist Heifeng.


Taoist Heifeng was obviously stunned.

He cursed.

A huge shield formed by a hurricane was instantly formed in front of him.


The two collide.

Click, click!

You can see the hurricane shield, the whole is like glass, directly broken.


Taoist Heifeng was shocked.

Then immediately raise your hand to stop.

As a result, the sword Qi came directly at the next moment.

Ignoring all the defenses of the Mafia.

Sheng Sheng split the Heifeng Taoist into two.


The figure of the black wind Taoist dissipated rapidly. Finally, under the condensation of the hurricane, a new body appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Ha ha, ha ha, it's really strong. Fortunately, I'm not a fool like Wu ruofeng. I choose to fight you hard, but use this array!"

"Otherwise, if we fight the enemy outside, we will kill me with the sword that surprised the world just now!"

The dark wind Taoist laughed.

Look proud.

Then he recited the law again.

The hurricane began to change again. It quickly swept up dust and gravel, forming a giant dragon. In addition, it generally formed a tiger.

Once up and down, he attacked Chen Ge directly.

More than that.

Almost at the same time, a black chain formed by hurricanes.

It spread from the ground.

Instantly bind Chen GE's whole body.

Ho ho!

Tigers roar and dragons soar.

Sounds seem to penetrate the sky.

Carrying supreme power.

"Chen Ge, I thought you were talented enough to be called a leader in the cultivation world, but I didn't expect that you were so stupid that you entered my Dharma array to die!"

"It's a pity. If I pass by, you'll be broken to pieces. How about we make a deal?"

Looking at Chen Ge who has been firmly locked by himself.

The black wind Taoist reaches out his hand to control the tiger and dragon that can deliver a fatal blow at any time.

"Deal? What deal?"

Chen Ge doesn't look flustered at all. Although she is bound by her hands and feet, Chen Ge is still complacent.

"There are two ways. First, you pass me the secret script. I only abolish your accomplishments and will not take your life. I, Taoist Heifeng, am not a good man, but don't compare me with the treacherous people like Wu ruofeng!"

"I urgently need to improve my cultivation because I have something important to do. How about it?"

The dark wind Taoist sneered.

"What about the second one?" Chen Ge asked.

"Second, you surrender to me and work for me. I won't waste your accomplishments, but you need to take my bone etching wind residual pill to prevent you from betraying me!"

The dark wind Taoist smiled and said.

"It sounds good, but unfortunately, I should ask you this sentence?"

Chen Ge sneered.

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