"What do you mean? Now that you have been subdued by me, I just need to recite the formula, and you will disappear in an instant."

Heifengdao humanity.

"That's just what you think, because now, you have been subdued by me. As long as I exert a little force, your soul will be punctured!"

Just see Chen Ge exert a little force around her.


A golden light flashed, and in an instant, the chain tied to Chen Ge immediately turned into nothing.

"Ah? How is that possible?"

Taoist Heifeng was surprised.

Release the dragon and tiger immediately.

Ho ho!

As soon as they went up and down, they rushed towards Chen Ge.

Just the next moment.

Chen Ge held her breath.

Raised a hand and recited something.

I saw that his whole body was covered with a layer of golden light.

At the next moment, Tianlong earth tiger rushed over, directly penetrated through Chen Ge, and instantly turned into nothing.

And Chen Ge, there is no damage at all.

As soon as the dark wind Taoist priest saw something bad, he immediately wanted to escape into a hurricane.

As a result, the Mafia Taoist found that there seemed to be something wrong with his array.

"You want to continue the wind escape, don't you?"

Chen Ge sneered.

Instead, his figure turned directly into the hurricane.

The hurricane formed a huge vortex, including the black wind Taoist.

"Ah! How can you escape from the wind? It's impossible!"

Taoist Heifeng realized that Chen Ge had just blocked his art of escaping from the wind.

Even more incredible.

Bang bang!

The flag of your array suddenly burst at this moment.

It seems to be breaking.

"Chen Ge, you are so weird!"

The black wind Taoist was shocked and roared.

The next moment, he was swallowed directly by his own hurricane.

When Taoist Heifeng opened his eyes again, his whole body seemed to be wrapped around his waist by a golden dragon.

Can't move at all.

His own Dharma array has disappeared, leaving only a pair of broken flags fluttering in the wind.

"I have told you that I am very familiar with the array. Do you think you are more stupid than Wu ruofeng and attack me? Now, your life and death are in my hands. As long as I make a little effort, you will be scared!"

Chen Ge drank coldly.

"Chen Ge, spare your life. Don't kill me. I have something important to do. Don't kill me!"

Taoist Heifeng hurriedly begged for mercy.

"What's the matter with you? I can see that you worked hard to find me, not just for my secret script!"

Chen Ge took the credit.

The black wind Taoist immediately fell to the ground.


Taoist Heifeng sprayed blood, and his blue face was pale.

"Indeed, I'm not just for the secret script. In fact, my original purpose was to persuade you to join hands with me, but..."

Taoist Heifeng didn't finish his words.

Chen Ge interrupted, "but after you came, you saw the third son of the Wu family challenging me, so you had a plan and advised me to join hands with you. I might not agree. Then you might as well design an array to let the third son of the Wu family lead me here and subdue me! If you don't help, you can also take the script from me, can't you?"

Taoist Heifeng nodded: "yes, you are really smart!"

"I thought my plan could be foolproof. Although you have strong cultivation and unprecedented martial arts skills, you can't play it in this array!"

"What I never expected was that you were really proficient in all the arrays and broke my array in an instant!"

The black wind Taoist shook his head and sighed.

"Well, your array is really good. If I hadn't practiced Yin Yang and five elements, I would be able to use the five elements shield, plus my understanding of the array, otherwise I would really die in your bone etching residual wind array!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Unfortunately, I did wrong, all wrong, so I can only die with regret!"

The black wind Taoist even cried bitterly.

"It's not a mistake. You still did the right thing. That is, just now, you didn't have an absolute intention to kill me. You just want to abolish my cultivation. It's precisely because of this that you can kneel in front of me. Otherwise, I'll let you die in your array and never exceed life!"

Chen GE's eyes coagulated.

The cold chill came and made Taoist Heifeng shiver all over.

"Come on, you want to join hands with me. What's up?"

Chen Ge frowned.

"It's a long story. First, it's for private affairs. Second, you may not believe it. It's also for the whole cultivation world..."

Heifengdao humanity.

"You should know that after we become Taoists, we should leave our blood in the secular world!"

"I, Taoist Heifeng, naturally have inheritance. Only a few decades ago, when I returned to the secular world, I found that all my own descendants had disappeared. It was later found out that they were all killed and died by absorbing the blood Zhenyuan!"

Blood Zhenyuan is a special Zhenyuan condensed after the sanctification of the body.

He can be regarded as the origin of blood, or as the innate attribute of the offspring after birth.

Chen GE learned this from the books presented to him by Zhou Wanjiang.

Such as the Mo family and the ancient family.

Why can they practice secret Dharma, but ordinary people are as difficult as heaven.

That's the difference.

Because the secret Dharma families are often the blood left by ancient great energy or spiritual practitioners like Wu ruofeng, black wind and Mo Longteng.

As soon as they were born, they had real blood.

It has a foundation for repairing truth.

However, there are few who can truly sanctify the body and step into the cultivation world.

The supreme elders he met in South Vietnam just stepped into the cultivation world, not the real cultivation people, because they have not really become saints.

But you can use Qi.

Another example is the third son of the Wu family. They can use genuine Qi, and together, they can also use a small-scale thunder running sword.


Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, but their death is too strange. I learned from many inquiries that they all died in the covenant of holy water and were absorbed by people!"

Heifengdao humanity.


Hearing about the four words of holy water, Chen Ge thought of Grandpa Chen DIANCANG in her mind.

Mo Canglong, the descendant of Mo Longteng, died in the covenant of holy water.

And most likely, he was killed by his grandfather Chen DIANCANG.

What's going on there? Up to now, Chen GE has no clue, because Chen DIANCANG seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

I can't find it yet.

"Holy water covenant, Sun Alliance, what's going on?"

Chen Ge shook his head in confusion.

"Chen Ge, do you... Do you know the sun alliance?"

The dark wind Taoist suddenly raised his head in amazement.

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