"Hehe, of course, if it's real, you don't even have the power of a war. Even the little doll without phase could only split with one of him and draw!"

Qin Bo laughed.

"No phase baby?"

Chen Ge listened to the master and obviously didn't pay attention to the elder.

"Uncle Qin, why did you leave because of things?"

Now many questions, Chen Ge urgently wants to know the answer.

"It's because after Zhu Shengsan attacked the general's tomb, that force appeared again. I caught their traces. For many years, various clues told me that the forces of the sun alliance are distributed in the secular world, and they have been catching people over the years!"

Qin Bodao.

Chen Ge came to the spirit: "no wonder you told me about the sun alliance. I know it's not the time. Originally, my cultivation level at that time could not reach this level!"

Chen Ge finally understood Qin Bo's good intentions.

"Yes, but now, I should tell you about the Sun Alliance..."

Uncle Qin took a sip of tea and then said:

"The sun alliance is the secular world. Later generations give it a name, and his real name should be called the sun moon immortal sect!"

"Thousands of years ago, the fairyland suffered a catastrophe. Many immortal sects and even immortals fell. Even some super demons were ruined and disappeared. No one can tell what happened that year."

"However, the sun moon immortal sect is a rare and even the only immortal sect that has survived."

"A friend of mine, Taoist Heifeng, once caught the Sun Alliance in the sea. Well, the people now called Sun Moon Xianzong have also fought. He told me that they can easily kill him if they choose a woman at will!"

"I knew at that time that Xianzong did exist!"

"Yes, they have been arresting people. Your uncle and your fiancee were taken away by the people of riyuexianzong!"

"It's just that your Uncle Chen Ping'an is an obsolete product. He can't open up immortal roots. He was delegated by the sun moon immortal sect. Only then can everyone have a chance to escape!"

"It's a pity that your disciple Liba is also, but it's possible to open up immortal roots. Unfortunately, he is not cultivated the day after tomorrow, resulting in the foundation slowly breaking down. I estimate that the people of Riyue immortal sect have made great efforts to develop him, but it's obvious that he has been abandoned and delegated!"

Qin Bo said.

After listening to Chen Ge, he suddenly realized that many things in front were right.

The people of the sun moon immortal sect took away the people. It was really a special training.

Instead of simply making secret methods, internal strength experts, feelings, Liba and their Uncle Chen Ping'an are all eliminated.

Chen Ge also suddenly woke up:

"Uncle Qin, do you mean that my fiancee Su Muhan has immortal roots?"

Uncle Qin nodded: "yes, and speaking of it, at first, I came to Jinling because of her. Later, when I investigated your second Uncle Chen Ping'an, you came into my sight. I found that there is a nine turn yuan God on you. You are the reincarnation of the God of war!"

"Originally, you have been tracking the sun moon immortal sect! Then Muhan, are you sure they took it?"

Previously, Chen Ge only found a lot of evidence pointing out that Mu Han was captured by the sun alliance, but there was no absolute basis.

But now

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