"You have the right direction to investigate. The girl Su Muhan was indeed captured by the people of the sun moon immortal sect. I knew she would be today from the moment I knew she had immortal roots!"

"So in addition to paying attention to you, I also paid special attention to her, because I was lurking on their ship the night she set out for Nanyang on Hong Kong Island!"

Qin Bodao.

Chen GE's eyes widened.

Qin Bo is Xu Daolai.

That night.

Qin Bo dressed up as the canteen master on board and closely monitored Su Muhan's situation.

As a result, in the early morning, a huge immortal force approached.

Qin Bo knew that this day finally came.

At that time, the ground on the ship was shaking and the sea was choppy.

The girls and children on board were frightened.

But Su Muhan is still directing everyone to be quiet.

But at that time, after all, she was just a mortal. How could she resist the power of the "great God Wu" of the sun moon immortal sect.

Soon, a huge vortex formed at the scene, just like a big mouth for killing people, devouring the whole ship.

This is the first time I have come into close contact with the sun moon immortal sect for so long.

At that time, I noticed that a strong force locked me, so I turned into a streamer and left.

Then the whole boat was taken away by the sun moon immortal sect.

When I returned to the original place, the great God Wu had disappeared without a trace.

Qin Bo told the story of that night.

"Sun Moon immortal sect, don't know if they have malice?" Chen Ge said.

"In fact, it's hard to say. No one knows what the sun moon immortal sect wants to do. Moreover, for so long, people with immortal roots have been captured by them. I don't know how many. However, they can't all be developed. Someone must be delegated. Just like your second uncle and your apprentice, very few have escaped!"

Qin Bo shook his head.

Chen Ge frowned: "it's reasonable that these people, regardless of the development law of the secular world, forcibly abducted people and left. It's difficult to tell whether they are good or bad by this alone!"

"As for uncle Qin, the great God Wu you mentioned is the bronze immortal weapon similar to a warship?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, but you can really guess. It's not a warship, but a space fairy! But you can't blame you. How could you know this at that time!"

"And uncle Qin, I want to ask you something..."

Chen Ge remembered that he had seen an old beggar on the mural many times, which looked like Uncle Qin.

That's a man of thousands of years.

Now look at Uncle Qin's accomplishments. Even the title of Wuxiang elder is a Wuxiang doll. It can be seen how terrible uncle Qin's real identity is!

"Silly boy, I don't know what you think, but now you can only listen to me. What you should know, I will tell you myself at that time. What you shouldn't know is like the sun moon immortal sect. At the beginning, I knew what was going on and wouldn't tell you!"

Qin Bo smiled and said.

"I understand, uncle Qin!"

"Later, I knew it was impossible for me to deal with the sun moon immortal sect alone, so I had to find a helper!"

Qin Bo looked at Chen Ge: "Xiao Ge, that person is you!"

"But when I put all my attention on you, I found that I was not the only one who knew the secret of the nine turn yuan God on you!"

"There is another man who is making your idea!"

Chen Ge knew who Qin Bo was talking about: "you mean, my grandfather Chen DIANCANG?"

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