"What's Mr. Qinglong's explanation? I only need Yin blood beads during my trip!"

Chen Ge said faintly.

"Ha ha, that's good. Everyone will go in later. Everything will act according to the plan. We must arrange the array as soon as possible!"

After giving orders, the people went to the cave.

Taoist Qinglong was the first to enter the main hall of the general's tomb.

Qinglong and others have entered the general's tomb many times over the years, so they are familiar with the road.

Soon, under his leadership, the people came to the main tomb.

There is a cave in the general's tomb.

And repose on a mountain to build a tomb.

The height is hundreds of meters.

The depth before and after is at least thousands of meters.

The space is huge.

A huge coffin is placed in the annular tomb.

Around, 72 huge stone tablets are set up in a ring.

According to Taoist Qinglong, some magical immortal tools are placed in the ear room behind one of the stone tablets.

"Hurry up, everyone! Lay down the array and trap the headless general!"

The green dragon looked cold and fierce, and then roared.

The experienced Taoists quickly placed the array command flag.

Now cast the spell.

In an instant, the huge iron chain formed by immortal patterns quickly came around the coffin and bound the coffin firmly.


However, the headless general in the coffin seems to have noticed someone's invasion.

Chen Ge clearly saw that the coffin was shocked.


Xu Haiying's eyelids beat hard.

The next moment, bang!

With a loud noise, the coffin was opened.

The huge iron chain formed by the Dharma array dissipated in an instant.

The huge coffin lid shot at the crowd at great speed.

Xu Haiying can't dodge.

It's going to be hit.

Singer Chen pinched his sword and used it. The coffin was split into two, wiped Xu Haiying's cheek and flew out, heavily inlaid in the mountain.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Xu Haiying nods to Chen Ge.

Chen GE's eyes now have looked into the sarcophagus.

I saw a pair of feet on the coffin.

Then an iron corpse wearing armor and holding a big knife but without a head stood up.

Chen Ge knows that it is a headless general.

The whole body was filled with magic Qi. As soon as it appeared, the temperature of the whole space decreased by a few points.

"Use immortal array!"

Taoist Qinglong was full of sweat and roared.

Regardless of others, everyone set up a fairy array one after another.

In the underground mansion of headless general, there is Longyuan inner pill.

Taoist priest Qinglong, they are disciples of Zhu Shengsan. What they want to capture is also Longyuan inner pill.

However, from the outside, to entering the tomb, until I met this extremely powerful headless general.

The whole process made Chen Ge feel strange.

For example, Taoist Qinglong has a big problem.

It can be seen that he clearly knows a lot about this place, but he can't know the secrets of the 72 tombs.

If you don't know, the headless general is so strong, but he still brings so many experts to resist with the immortal array.

According to Qin Bo, the headless general is a corpse of a demon. In fact, the Taoist realm can be dealt with by immortal array?

Don't you want to try it when you know you're going to die?

"Mr. Chen also noticed something wrong?"

At this time, Qin Yanran's whispers came to Chen GE's ears.

"Miss Qin, you must understand?"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"Well, Mr. Chen, please be careful, too. I thought there was something wrong with the green dragon Taoist priest!" Qin Yanran said coldly.

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