While Chen Ge and Qin Yanran communicate with each other.

A group of experts in the cultivation world fought fiercely with the headless general.

When the headless general waved his long knife, a huge black awn attached to the long knife and burst everywhere.

All the experts who attacked with the array were forced out.

"Golden Dragon array!"

Xu Haiying roared at the moment, and everyone agreed.

I saw twelve people jumping out, all of them Taoist accomplishments.

Each holding a flag.

Recite the Dharma formula silently.

In an instant, the whole space became windy, and even at the top, a layer of dark cloud appeared in an instant, enveloping the whole space.

Hoo Hoo!

When the wind roared, we saw a golden dragon formed by golden light.

Roar up to the sky.


After the giant golden dragon roared, it immediately oppressed the headless general.

The headless general held up his long knife and confronted the huge golden dragon.

Soon, all the twelve people holding the flag were sweating on their forehead.

"Mr. Chen, use the order of heaven to help us!"

On the other side, the green dragon Taoist priest standing outside the array shouted.

"Mr. Chen, come on, Xu will not be able to support!"

The corners of Xu Haiying's mouth spewed blood.


Chen Ge frowned and then offered Wei Tianling to reverse the original decline in an instant.

With the blessing of Wei Tianling, the power of the golden dragon is even greater.

Click, click!

At the foot of the headless general, the stone surface showed spider web cracks, spreading rapidly everywhere.

Seeing the twelve masters and the most powerful Chen Ge, they were all dragged down.

At the moment, Qinglong suddenly smiled coldly.

He raised his hand and pointed at the entrance of the cave where the people came in.

The black light flashed.

A huge stone engraved with Dharma seal fell from the hole.


The mountain trembled and the boulder closed the door.

In this way, everyone can't get out.

"Qinglong, what do you want to do?"

A flash of panic flashed across Qin Yanran's face.

Chen Ge is using Wei Tianling to cast spells. Although she can't get away, she is also aware of the situation here.

"What do you want to do? Miss Qin is so smart that she can't see it?"

The green dragon carries his hands.

"You want to kill everyone?"

Qin Yanran looked angry and then slapped the green dragon directly.

However, with a wave of the green dragon's hand, a powerful black light flashed, repelling Qin Yanran and the Taoist realm guards behind Qin Yanran.

Strong and unstoppable.

"You! How did you become so powerful?"

Qin Yanran was unbelievable.

Chen Ge was also surprised.

Although I was very careful, I was in a critical situation just now. I only wanted to save people, but I forgot to be on guard against Qinglong.

"Miss Qin, he is not Taoist priest Qinglong. He is Qinglong's master, Zhu Shengsan!"

Chen Ge roared.

"What? Qinglong's master?"

Xu Haiying was surprised.

"Hahaha! A group of younger generation, I have taken great pains to gather you. Yes, I am Zhu Shengsan!"

With that, Qinglong changed his shape.

It seems that he has become a white haired old man. His body is thin and his whole face is like bark.

Let everyone take a breath.

"Chen Ge, I really didn't read you wrong. You are very smart, but you are too young and lack a little experience. You are just a material that can be made!"

Zhu Shengsan carried his hands and nodded at Chen Ge.

"Zhu Shengsan, with your strength, I'm afraid our 100 or 200 people are not your opponent, and you have tried your best to lead these experts into the general's tomb several times. What do you want?"

Chen Ge frowned.

More doubt in my heart.

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