While Chen Ge spoke, he winked at Xu Haiying and others.

I want to finish it together, but with the help of the headless general, I can win a glimmer of vitality for everyone.

However, when all the people led God to retreat together.

Zhu Shengsan also waved his hand.

Around, a light mask was formed immediately.

Envelop everyone in it.

If you retreat at this time, Wei Tianling.

It's like letting everyone kill themselves.

"You are so mean!"

Xu Haiying roared angrily.

Chen Ge even frowned: "you spent so many years just trying to kill us alive?"

"Hahaha, for the sake of your death, I can tell you. As Chen Ge said, it's easy for me to kill you!"

"However, your Taoist blood is far more important than the value of your own existence, because for so many years, I have never been able to understand the secret of the general's tomb, and I have never been able to get what I want. However, a strange phenomenon is increasing day by day!"

Zhu Shengsan said.

"What is it?" Qin Yanran, who was already injured, asked.

"As you can see, it is the group of Yin soldiers you met before. Their changes are changing with each passing day, and their evil spirit is becoming stronger and stronger. With the headless general in front of you, you simply have no ability to affect such a huge Yin army and make their evil spirit rise!"

Zhu Shengsan.

"You mean, what we met before us is not a real headless general at all! You haven't even seen a real headless general?"

Chen gedao.

"Yes, I found something wrong hundreds of years ago, but now I'm more sure that this is not the legendary headless general, or a substitute for the town tomb!"

"I've been here many times and want to open all the organs here. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful my mana is, I still can't find what I want!"

Zhu Shengsan shook his head.

"What good can we do to you?" Xu Haiying asked.

"Of course, it's useful. Over the years, you have come to participate in the general's tomb four times, which has greatly inspired me. You are all old people. Have you noticed that every time you break into the general's tomb, what changes have taken place in the Yin soldiers in the general's tomb?"

Zhu Sheng smiled.

"Hiss, you mean, every time we come here, the cultivation of Yin soldiers here becomes stronger and stronger?" Xu Haiying thought deeply about them.

"Yes! But not every time you come, but every time your blood flows, the Yin soldiers will be extremely powerful. Therefore, I conclude that the headless general in the general's tomb must have a great connection with your Taoist blood!"

"It was a test several times before. Today, I finally confirmed my guess, so I intend to show up in person and open the secret of the general's tomb with your blood!"

Zhu Shengsan smiled.

"Originally, you have been tempting us with the ancient immortal tools from the general's tomb!"

Xu Haiying was furious.

"Well, you young people, I didn't need to tell you so much. If I didn't like Chen GE's cultivation talent, I wouldn't bother to talk nonsense to you!"

"Next, sacrifice with your blood!"

With that, Zhu Shengsan recited the spell.

Qin Yanran, on the other side, felt that the spell was very strange.

There was a crack on the back of her hand.

As the crack appeared, fresh blood flowed out.

All the people in the hood have cracks on the back of their hands.

At this time, I saw the jade pendant in Qin Yanran's neck, and suddenly the golden light flashed.

Followed by two white haired elders, they appeared in front of Qin Yanran

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