The two elders, one in a black robe and the other in a white robe.

He has white hair, but he is a boy with white hair.

And as soon as they appeared, Chen Ge felt a strong pressure.

Since Chen Ge entered the realm of Taoism.

Apart from Qin Bo and Zhu Shengsan, no one has ever been able to give himself such oppression.

The result is obvious.

These two elders must be the strong immortal level mentioned by Uncle Qin.

"Black and white double saints? Interesting. When did the black and white double saints who dominated the cultivation world and became immortals become the bodyguard of this female doll thousands of years ago?"

Zhu Shengsan laughed.

"Zhu Shengsan, your real body has been destroyed. Now, in front of me, do you think it's necessary for us to fight?"

The white robed old man said coldly.

"Hum, yes, now I have only a touch of separation. I'm afraid it's very difficult to face you two immortals at the same time. However, I want to ask, the secret of the headless general will be revealed soon. Are you two not moved?"

Zhu Shengsan said with his hands on his back.

The white robed old man and the black robed old man looked at each other.

Seems to be hesitating.

"Grandpa white, Grandpa black, don't be bewitched by him. He wants to unlock the secret of the headless general at the cost of the blood of the whole cultivation world. He is insidious and cunning. He will certainly not share resources with you!"

Qin Yan Ran covered her wound and stood up.

With a wave of Zhu Shengsan's big hand, a black light flashed over Qin Yanran.

I saw that the wound on Qin Yanran had healed.

"Hehe, I don't want to hurt Miss Qin's life. Now, I've removed Miss Qin's spell. You want to protect Miss Qin, and these people in my array have lost their blood. However, the secret of the general's tomb will be revealed soon. Do you really want to see it?"

Zhu Shengsan said with a cold smile.

"Master black and white, no, save us. My ancestors know you. I'm the current sect leader of Tianshan Mountain!"

Xu Haiying roared.


The old man in black can't make up his mind at the moment.

"Are you just watching the fall of the cultivation world?" Xu Haiying asks for help.

"Second brother, don't tangle. We are also rising in the cultivation world. We must not just look at Zhu Shengsan and kill everyone! Do it!"

The white robed old man waved his hand.

Then he pinched his sword finger and rushed towards Zhu Shengsan.

"Slow down! Brother, listen to me. Our task is to protect Miss Qin Yanran. Now Miss Qin is fine, but if we can take advantage of this opportunity to see the rumors of the general's tomb, it's worth our trip!"

The old man in black advised.

"Second brother, you!"

The old man in white frowned.

"Hahaha, the black sage knows more. Moreover, you think I can't beat you, but can you kill me?"

"In the end, we were both defeated, and these young people in the cultivation world should lose their blood. However, when the secret of the general's tomb is revealed, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight the headless general."

"Do you think so?" Zhu Shengsan said.

These words made the white robed old man put down his hand.

"Grandpa Bai?" Qin Yan Ran said anxiously.

"Miss, I can rest assured that you are all right now, but what Zhu Shengsan said is not unreasonable. In the end, we are also wasting mana. We can't save these young people in the cultivation world at all. Even if we can't deal with the headless general at that time, we don't even have the ability to escape. At that time, we will really hurt miss!"

The white robed old man frowned and said.

"Hahaha, OK, both of you are understanding people. Today, with the help of you two, I have more confidence in Zhu Shengsan!"

Zhu Shengsan laughed and then continued to apply the spell. Chen Ge was fine, but Xu Haiying was pale and spitting blood. There were cracks in the Golden Dragon array and couldn't support it immediately.

With the blood of hundreds of good hands, it continued to flow down, and formed blood vessels, constantly infiltrating.

The crack at the foot of the headless general seemed to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His evil spirit is also growing.

Boom, boom!

Suddenly, the whole hall of the general's tomb trembled slightly.

Underground cracks are expanding rapidly.

The blood shed by the people was golden and quickly seeped down!


The earth moved and the mountains shook. This scene stunned Zhu Shengsan and the black and white saints.

"Did I succeed? The secret of the general's tomb is the blood of these practitioners!"

Zhu Sheng smiled very ferociously.

"No wonder the secret of the general's tomb has not been opened for so long. Brother, look, there seems to be a layer of space under the main hall!"

"It's terrible. I think the headless general's cultivation has surpassed the Taoist realm. Isn't the real master of the general's tomb more powerful?"

The white robed Saint carried his hands and stared at every move under the tomb.

Now, a huge hole has appeared in the cemetery.

Chen Ge felt that her body was gradually sinking, as if a strong suction came from the cave.

At that moment, Chen Ge was in a hurry, recited a Dharma and released Wei Tianling.

Instead, Wei Tianling fought back against the magic array that bound everyone.


A loud noise!

Wei Tianling was attacked by the array hood.

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, everyone gathered the Golden Dragon array together.

Chen Ge jumped up and ran into the hole below.


At this time, a powerful light was reflected in the cave.

In an instant, the whole magic mask will be defeated.

Zhu Shengsan, who performed his kung fu, was shocked to step back dozens of steps and hit the mountain hard.


Zhu Shengsan sprayed a mouthful of blood.

Black and white double saint's eyes shine: "come on, enter the cave!"

Then he jumped into the big hole.

"Mine, Longyuan Neidan is mine!"

Zhu Shengsan looked flustered and then went straight to the cave.

"What shall we do?"

Xu Haiying swallowed his saliva.

"It's all here. The secret of the general's tomb is below. Even if you die, you have to see what's going on in the general's tomb?"

Qin Yanran said.

Then he jumped down.

"Miss Qin is right. You have to see if you die!"

Everyone jumped down.

Boom, boom!

Go back to Chen Ge.

Since Chen Ge first jumped down, his body was rapidly falling into a bottomless abyss by a powerful and irresistible suction.

I fell too fast.

And this abyss really seems to have no bottom.

Now Chen GE has fallen rapidly for nearly 20 minutes. Unexpectedly, there is no sign of hitting the bottom, and now Chen Ge can't use any mana at all.


I don't know how long it fell.

Chen Ge fell into a huge water area.

It aroused countless waves.

As Chen Ge continues to sink in the water, he feels it. No, it's not like a water area at all. It's more like a sea area!

And it's very dark around.

"Why is there a sea area at the bottom of Chang'an mountain?"

Chen Ge is going to be silly. When his body finally stabilizes, he feels he can control the true Qi. At present, he flies towards the sea

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