Chen Ge soon jumped into the air above the underground sea.

Now, Chen Ge doesn't know how much vertical distance he is underground.

But this sea area looks boundless.

According to Chen GE's preliminary judgment, at least half of the Northwest has been completely covered.

"It's strange that there is this inland sea under the ground!"

While murmuring to herself, Chen Ge manipulated her body and kept flying along the sea, trying to find some clues.


Just then, under his feet, in the sea, there was a sudden buzz.

Chen GE's eyes ignore the night.

He quickly looked down and saw that a huge dark shadow flashed under the sea, very fast!

"Well? Is the secret at the bottom of the sea?"

Chen Ge looked around again and found that there was nothing strange around, so he focused on the bottom of the sea.

"Well, whether or not, it's better to search along the seabed than to float aimlessly on it."

Because Chen Ge looked up, he couldn't see any cave where he fell.

So simply, Chen Ge jumped down again and hit the bottom of the sea.

This sea water is very cold.

Not only is it cold, but once it comes down, it feels evil.

Chen Ge resisted the bitter cold and searched everywhere.

I don't even know how long I searched, but I couldn't find any trace at all.

Even Chen GE has never seen the shadow at the bottom of the sea just now.

"If this continues, even if I look for 10000 years, it is difficult to find any trace. It is like a place without boundary. In a twinkling of an eye, I have traveled thousands of kilometers with vertical golden light, but I can't find any exit at all!"

Chen Ge frowned and whispered.

Because if it is a normal sea area or an inland sea, it must have a head.

You can't find the edge of your own vertical golden light.

After thinking about it, Chen GE's sharp eyes suddenly sent out a fine light.

"I see! This is not a sea area at all, but a fairyland!"

"Is it like a magic power of the highest level of array recorded in the array collection of master Wuxiang, with heaven and earth in his sleeve?"

This magical power is just like Chen GE's environment now.

The caster, even with his sleeves, can create a boundless fantasy of heaven and earth.

Once in this fantasy.

No matter how vast your leap magic power is, you can't fly out of the boundless fantasy created by the universe in your sleeve.

Can only live trapped in it.

Heaven and earth are more like representing the universe.

No matter how powerful your magic power is, can you fly out of the universe? Flying around, but it's just standing still!

The more you think about it, Chen Ge is more and more sure.

Because the ground collapsed, I must not jump alone.

If someone comes down.

Then maybe everyone is close at hand in distance.

However, in the magic power of heaven and earth in this sleeve, even if the distance of one millimeter in reality is like a cosmic gap at the moment, I can't reach it or see it.

Yes, he was a strong man of real immortals. He could use this magic power. What's strange.

But I can't just be caught and trapped alive here, can I?

Chen Ge frowned and thought.

After thinking about it, I thought of the only magic power I have now. There is fetal transformation and easy form!

At first, with this magic power, I could even break through the weak water, but now the fantasy can also be?

Try again!

Chen Ge wants to do it!

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