"How did she know Chen Ge? Is Chen Ge in Longjiang? Or is it that Chen Ge is not alone with what he thinks? "

Yang Xue said in her heart.

However, with the news of Chen Ge, Yang Xue couldn't help but run up to ask

In the blink of an eye, it has been two days since Chen Ge left the Lu family.

Longjiang border, anling hinterland.

Anling has a history of thousands of years.

Mountain crisscross, dense jungle, anling is also growing a variety of creatures, lurking, looking for prey.

"Block the hole carefully. Don't let the beast slip again. It's too cunning."

A group of people are besieging the fox at a mountain entrance.

It was Chen Ge and his party.

Now, it's winbur in command.

Since I got Meng Kang's map of anling, it can be said that we can get twice the result with half the effort.

So, in the jungle, this is the same thing as the navigator.

Maybe it was early yesterday morning, Chen Ge and they successfully found the trail of the fox.

Unfortunately, the fox is too cunning.

It slipped away.

Yesterday one day time, Chen Ge and they have more than one confrontation with Linghu.

But, all underestimated this spirit fox ability.

They didn't have a rest all night.

After more than ten rounds of fighting, they were all defeated!

Now, I spent a lot of time to block it from the hole.

Winbur was very excited.

"Don't let the beast run away again. It's recorded in the book of beasts that it's extremely fast. Although its body is white, it's good at concealment. And the most important thing is that it can quickly find out our way to deal with it. Its IQ is higher than that of a normal human genius."

Chen Ge is nervous.

Before entering the mountain, Chen Ge read the classic of beasts all night.

Also in the Scriptures, I learned about this kind of animal.

I know that if you run, don't say catch, even if you find it's hard.

"The beast is coming out. Don't make a noise!"

Winbur made a silent gesture.

And Chen Ge also saw that inside the narrow hole, there was a pinch of white hair wriggling slightly outward.

Everyone held their breath.

The whole hole will be crowded and crowded.

On the other side of the hole, there are people who keep smoking.

This just smoked out the spirit fox.


It was about half a meter away from the cave.

Suddenly, a strong green smoke, directly from the hole out.

This thick smoke, extremely smelly, seems to be able to suffocate people.

And Chen Ge and they just lie at the cave entrance, too close.

Aside from Chen GE's mouth, she stepped back in time.

The others, they were all smoked seven meat and eight vegetables.


It seems to be laughing at people.

The fox calls.

With a flash of white light, he jumped out of the room.

"Let it run again!"

Winbur was upset.


Chen GE's reaction is also extremely fast.

Follow the spirit Fox's figure then rush past.

Will own the speed, promoted to the extreme.

Winbur, they're chasing.

But soon, Chen Ge got rid of him until he couldn't see the trace of Chen Ge.

"Mr. Wen, what should I do? We can't catch up with the little hall master

Someone said.

"Let's go after it first. It's really impossible. We'll go back and wait!"

Said winbur.

"Cheep Squeak

The fox rushed up to the top of the jungle, stepping on the leaves, galloping like an arrow.

At the same time, he made a mocking call.

Chen Ge, with all his strength.

Use the light weight method.

Feet off the ground, lightly step on the tip of the grass, the speed is not slow.

But there is no way, I don't know how long he ran. The spirit fox knows that he can't get rid of Chen Ge, and his body suddenly falls down.

The moment did not enter a piece of grass, no trace.

"Let you run again!"

Chen GE's heart a burst of depression, but also stopped.

Hold your breath and look for it carefully.

I'm afraid that when I don't pay attention, the spirit fox will disappear completely in the scope of this article.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us!"

At this time, a few people ran towards their own direction.

It's like running for your life, screaming in horror.

Chen Ge frowned.

Come early or late, but at this time!

Pooh Hoo Hoo!There were several screams.

Those who ran, fell to the ground in an instant.

But Chen Gecai had no time to pay attention to them.

"I can't help it. If you come in with me, you will know the way to come here. I have to kill you!"

At the same time, an old man, with his hands on his back, came to the two bodies and said with a cold smile.

Suddenly, the old man raised his eyes and saw Chen Ge standing in the jungle.

Especially after seeing Chen GE's face clearly, the old man's eyelids suddenly rose slightly.

"Is it him? Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in! "

The old man sneered.

"Chen Ge, Chen Shao, are you all right?"

The old man came with an obliteration in his eyes.

Chen Ge is listening to the movement around him, but he hears that someone here knows himself.

Subconsciously, he looked up at his eyes.

"It's you."

Chen Ge was stunned.

It is this Kung Fu that the spirit fox that has been hiding somewhere suddenly moves.

A leap is a leap into a valley.

In the valley, miasma filled the air and could not be seen clearly, but it quickly disappeared.

"Don't run!"

Chen Ge bit his teeth and jumped into the valley.

"Well? It seems that the boy has good skills. Now he has got the panacea. But he is a rich boy. He has rich clothes and rich food. If his heart is used as an introduction, it will be of great benefit to me. It is much more useful than these pickles! "

"Kill him!"

The old man made up his mind, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know when I can catch the beast!"

Chen Ge anxiously grabbed his hair and sat down with a stone in the valley.

He tried to think about the records in the book of beasts.

Suddenly, there was another idea.

Blood essence!

By the way, blood essence!

I just have to worry and forget this method. Chen Ge stood up and said with a smile.

As I said just now, the spirit fox is smarter than some talented human beings.

But there is a fatal weakness.

That's greed.

It likes to drink blood, especially the blood which is beneficial to it and has super physique.

Human blood, the biggest temptation to it.

As long as human beings can be refined into blood essence, the animal will certainly not be able to withstand the temptation.

Blood essence belongs to an extraction method, which can be understood as the purification of blood.

But soon, Chen Ge was depressed again.

Now I've run a long way, although I was killed by the man just now, I can use it.

But the distance is too far, when the time comes, the cunning fox is still in the valley.

And blood needs a lot.

You can't kill yourself, can you lead the spirit fox out?

Am I destined not to get the spirit fox, destined to become a bloodthirsty devil in the future?

Chen Ge was depressed.

At this time, not far away, suddenly came a rustling sound

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