Chen Ge looks sideways.

It turned out that it was a little dog that was limping towards itself.

The dog was scarred all over.

I think I broke my leg.

At the moment, it lies down in front of Chen GE's feet.

Deep tongue, licking Chen GE's upper.

Chen Ge was stunned.

I can't believe there is such a little guy in the deep jungle.

It's a miracle that there are so many wild animals in the forest that it can survive.

"You want me to save you?"

Chen gedao.

"Wang Wang..."

It whispered twice and licked Chen GE's upper.

This little dog, unfortunately, is too small. Otherwise, it can be made from its blood.

This is Chen GE's idea just now.

But, at the moment, I see the dog is quite spiritual.

Can survive in this jungle hinterland again.

It is hard to avoid the heart of intolerance.

What's more, it's asking for help now.

How can I kill it ruthlessly!

"It's a pity that you didn't know who you were throwing at me

Chen Ge shakes his head.

Touch the dog's head.

"Well, I don't have much time here. I'll bandage you first. As for whether I can escape from the jungle, I can't help you!"

Chen Ge said.

At the moment, he was skillful, and soon, he stopped bleeding and bandaged the dog completely.

"Now, if Wenbo and his followers are OK, if we continue to make human blood, we can still attract the spirit fox again. However, we don't know how long it will take. If it is too late, we will not be able to lead the fox out of the valley."

Chen Ge is depressed.

But the dog, now lying in front of Chen Ge, head pillow in Chen GE's feet.

"Why? I said, I don't have time for you. I have something important to do now. "

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing at the fact that he was dependent on himself.

But the dog, how not to go.

At this time, Chen GE's ears suddenly moved.

There's movement.

It sounds like someone is coming towards them.

"Woof, woof!"

And the dog's hearing is also excellent, straight up, shouting a few times.

After calling, he blinked at Chen Ge, wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue.

"You are very alert! Not afraid to bring people in and kill you? "

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

And the dog, but to Chen Ge Yang head.

"Well? Can you understand me? You know I need human blood. Do you want to attract people?

Chen Ge read the book of beasts and was able to understand the movement language of these animals.

Just now, the dog was communicating with Chen Ge.

Now it nods again, and its tail wags happily.

"It's really spiritual!"

Chen Ge touched his head.

After a while, the figure was from far to near.

Come to Chen Ge.

"I said I couldn't find you, but you escaped here?"

The man who came after him was the old man just now. At the moment, he gave a cold smile.

And Chen Ge is happy to see him.

Touch the dog's head, indicating that it has made a great contribution.

"I didn't expect you were chasing me?"

Chen Ge said with a smile, this is a surprise.

"Yes, it's quite a waste of time. I still need a drug guide. We are also predestined. It's a pity that we didn't kill you in southwest province. But now, you deliver it yourself. Let's count it as Chen Shao."

The old man's eyes were bleak.

"In the southwest, you worked for the situ family. At that time, we didn't have a deep hatred. Moreover, I went back to the southwest half a year ago, and I didn't see you there. So you came to the North!"

Chen Ge looked at the old man.

The old man's face was half white and half black.

Like a man of yin and Yang.

For him, Chen Ge was deeply impressed. It was just the housekeeper who followed situ Yang, who called him Jiu Shu.

At that time, I felt that this man was not simple.

But when Chen Ge destroyed the situ family, he did not see him at all.

"I thought that the situ family would be able to move up to the Fang family sooner or later, and then destroy the Chen family with the help of the Fang family. However, Si Tu Hong secretly courted the Chen family by the reason of destroying the Chen family. Even if he was in power, I'm afraid he would not deal with the Chen family. I know him so well that I leave! "

"I want to further strengthen my own strength, so I come to anling to look for miraculous medicine. Now the herbs are well prepared and the correct and appropriate drug guide is used. Unexpectedly, when I met you, I happened to use the blood of the Chen family to help me refine the medicine. Ha ha ha, excellent, excellent!"Nine uncle hands on his back, laughing.

"What kind of hatred do you have with my Chen family? To make you so thoughtful? "

Chen Ge asked.

"Because you Chen family is so powerful that in a word, you can destroy a clan. At that time, our Liu family only hurt a young master of the Yang family, but you actually let me Liu family pay hundreds of lives! The Liu family, as one of the four big families in Yanjing, has disappeared like this! "

Liu Jiu's eyes flashed with anger.

Chen Ge remembers and hears from her grandmother that the four families of Yanjing were involved in that year. When her mother escaped from marriage, the Liu family retaliated and disabled the fifth uncle, leaving her uncle still a vegetable.

Then his father came back and destroyed the family.

It turns out that this man is the descendants of the Liu family.

"Ha ha ha, God help me, God help me! It's not a waste of my journey. Come to Longjiang

Liu Jiu is laughing again.

And Chen Ge, in the eyes, still can't help but flash a touch of sympathy.

"I'm sorry!"

Chen gedao.

"Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous. You're going to die and say sorry to me?"

Liu Jiu points to Chen Ge and shakes his head.

"No, I feel a little complicated about you now, and I don't know whether I should thank you or sympathize with you!"

Chen Ge is entangled.

"Thanks again?"

"Well, I'm in urgent need of human blood, and I'm worried about it. You're here. I see that your cultivation is not low. With your help of blood, I believe it's not difficult to lead that spirit fox out. You've helped me a lot! I don't know how to thank you. In this way, I'll give you a whole body, and I won't let you have any pain! "

Chen Ge is sincere.

But Liu Jiu frowned:

"you boy, I haven't seen you for a year. I'm afraid it's not a mental problem. You'll kill me?"

"I can't help it either!"

Chen gedao.

"Enough! I don't think you are ill. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Chen Shao, take your life. I really want to see how Chen Jindong will look when he receives your body. Ha ha! "

With that, Liu Jiu moved directly.

Towards Chen Gefei.

One punch.

And Chen Ge, the same blow back.


A sound.

With a click, there was a bone shattering sound.

Afterwards, Liu Jiu screams and flies backwards.

I fell heavily on the ground.

His mouth spat blood and his face was full of horror.

Just now, he seemed to feel the strongest power.

With one punch, it's like hitting the mountain.

Sheng Sheng was shaken back.

"You You

He froth with blood and couldn't believe it.

His meridians have been completely broken, only one punch. Why is he so strong?

It's only a year. How can it be?

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