"The sun has not yet fully risen, you little boy, you are wailing here. Is it difficult to make the old man cry in the funeral?"

Although the old man was old, his eyes were shining.

However, his body is covered with spider webs and skin and bones, giving people the feeling that he is a very old man, not weird.

But Mo Changkong is very respectful.

I haven't seen the third uncle for 20 years.

He swallowed his saliva:

"third uncle, help, help, I was chased and killed by Chen DIANCANG and his grandson, and these two people killed your two descendants. They all died miserably!"

Mo Changkong cried again.

"Chen DIANCANG, an old man, I have dealt with him in the early years. Unexpectedly, he has returned to the secular world. Ha ha, it's interesting and interesting. But how could he have the same insight with your younger generation, and how could he have killed your two sons

Mo Canglong asked lightly at the moment.

"I don't think it's your two sons who caused trouble and ultimately killed yourself?"

He said again.

"My two sons, even though they were naughty, how could they have died miserably? My third son, Mo Jian, was thrown into the poisonous Valley by the mosquitoes, and forced my son Mo Yu to hang himself! Third uncle, you can't stand idly by. Chen DIANCANG's strength is the best in the world. No one can defeat him. Changkong is not his opponent. If the third uncle doesn't come forward to ask Chen DIANCANG to spare my life, I might as well die in front of the third uncle and preserve the face of Mo family! "

With that, Mo Changkong looks at a big tree and runs away, which will kill you.

But Mo Canglong, the figure suddenly dissipates, and when it reappears, already has a hand, has grasped Mo Changkong's head.

"Son of a bitch, I'm a member of Mo's family. I'm afraid Chen DIANCANG can't beat Chen DIANCANG. I'm Mo Canglong. I'm ridiculous! Ridiculous

Mo Canglong's old eyes narrowed slightly.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Don't worry about Changkong. As long as I'm here, you can't do anything to you! On the contrary, I, Mo Canglong, have to ask for justice for you and settle accounts with Chen DIANCANG! "

Mo Canglong said coldly.

"Uncle Xie!"

Mo Changkong pours into Mo Canglong's arms, holding Mo Canglong is a burst of crying.

Suddenly, he touched Mo Canglong's arm.

But I was shocked.

"Ah! Third uncle, your arm? "

Mo Changkong suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ha ha, you mean, why didn't the uncle's right arm?"

Mo Changkong nods heavily.

Because the third uncle was wearing a robe, he could not see it.

The original third uncle's right arm, has no, let Mo Changkong be astonished.

"Twenty years ago, when I saw you, you were fine. How could it be?"

"Ha ha, my right arm was cut off by me ten years ago!"

"Ah? So... "

Mo Changkong can't help being depressed.

"Ha ha, you are worried that the third uncle will not be able to fight Chen DIANCANG without his right arm, right?"

"Nephew, how dare you doubt the strength of the third uncle!"

"Your eyes betray you!"

Mo Canglong shook his head. At the moment, he raised his hand and gently stroked a big tree beside him.

This big tree, enough to three people around, in order to hold it over.

Suddenly, Mo Canglong suddenly made an effort.

There's a big bang.

Then we can see that the big tree has been climbing upward from the root, withering down.

In the end, it split apart.

Although the skin is intact, the inside of the tree is rotten.

"My God! Third uncle

Don't swallow in the sky.

I was scared by the scene.

"Oh, are you still worried?"

"No! The third uncle is the real crown of the world, invincible in the world, you two grandchildren of the revenge, you can revenge! My nephew, welcome the third uncle out of the mountain

Mo Changkong is excited.

"Ha ha, in fact, if you don't come to me, I'll be out of the mountain soon!"

Mo Canglong smiles bitterly.

Mo Changkong suddenly woke up: "yes, twenty years ago, when the third uncle closed down, he said to his nephew that we should prepare for the holy water agreement. The holy water agreement, once every 30 years, is coming soon. And the third uncle who successfully became a master ten years ago can represent the Mo family and attend it."

"Well, yes, my father took part in the covenant of holy water and fell there. From then on, I swore that I would break the covenant of holy water when I joined the master in my lifetime."

Mo Canglong's eyes flashed a touch of memory.

"By the way, uncle, speaking of the covenant of holy water, I think of one thing, that is, you showed me the landscape map of nameless mountain 20 years ago. Yesterday, I saw again, the master and grandson of the Chen family are also looking for this area. It is said that they want to solve the mystery of the sun alliance!"Mo Changkong road.

"Hahaha, solve the mystery of solar League? The sun alliance, which has not been solved for nearly a thousand years, is like a curse. No one can resist its law. It is illusory and even more elusive. When my father was so powerful, he also wanted to solve the legend and secret of the sun alliance, but he could not solve it all his life. This is too much for him to do! "

Mo Canglong laughs.

"However, according to the clues that my grandfather said at that time, the covenant of holy water is closely related to the Sun Alliance..."

Mo Changkong road.

"Mm-hmm, yes. Before my father went there, he called me to talk in his secret room. Because the holy water agreement held every 30 years, only those who entered the master could receive the holy water order. My father was the holy water that he suspected could make people immortal, which was provided by the Taiyang League. Just to solve the secret of the sun alliance, my father went, but after he came back, he was crazy and speechless. He died within a month. He only brought back this map of nameless mountain! "

Mo Canglong melancholy way.

"In that case, uncle, otherwise you don't go. Mo's family can't leave you! I mean, in case you have an accident, the Mo family will be finished... "

Mo Changkong worried.

"Ha ha, there is a life and death. I have worked hard for so many years just for the sake of holy water. How could I give up?"

"Well, don't worry. Before I go, I will clear all the obstacles for our Mo family! Before the sun rises, you are tired. Go back and have a rest first

Mo Canglong said with a smile.

"Uncle Xie San!"

At the same time.

Chen family.

Yesterday, my grandfather called the Chen family members into the secret room to let people understand the sun map, the treasure of the Chen family.

Chen Ge also understands.

However, it is only a way to realize the power of dragon and elephant.

As for others, there is no gain.

Now, Chen Ge is meditating on the floor of his room, practicing breathing.

And Qin LAN, in bed still early rest.

She was so tired.

Can't help, grandfather also regards LAN elder sister as granddaughter-in-law.

That's what parents and sisters mean.

So Chen Ge can only have a different bed with sister LAN.


And LAN sister at this time, as if in a nightmare.

He was sweating and shaking his head.

"A nightmare?"

Chen Ge laughs bitterly, will cover the quilt to LAN elder sister.

"Who are you?"

But LAN elder sister, at this moment suddenly nervous asks a way.

She still closed her eyes tightly and looked very scared, as if What did you dream of

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