It's a mountain with dense forests.

The mountain is covered with miasma, which is very gloomy, some of which can be feared.

Qin LAN walked alone in the mountains, she was very afraid.

Because there seems to be no one here.

However, she came out of a mountain forest, and her eyes suddenly opened up.

In front of you is a stream, you can clearly hear the sound of water splashing.

On the Bank of the stream stood a woman in white.

In such a lonely environment, anyone who sees a woman with long hair in white will feel afraid.

"You Who are you? "

Qin LAN saw her back to himself and asked softly.

"Save me, only you can bring him to save me!"

The woman's voice came with a sad cry.

"Who can save you?"

"Save me, only you can bring him to save me!"

The woman cried again.

Then, Qin LAN is to see her, is slowly turning around.

Qin LAN stares at.

But it is to see that his eyes are covered with blood.


Qin LAN screamed.

"What's the matter, sister LAN?"

By the ear, came the voice of Chen GE's concern.

Let Qin LAN gradually stable.

Qin LAN rushed to Chen GE's arms, her heart pounding.

"A nightmare?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, it was a terrible nightmare. I dreamed that I ran into a dark forest without anyone, but in the end, I met a woman with bloodstains on her face. She said that she would be rescued!"

Qin Lan said what she saw in her dream.

"Maybe there are too many things happened recently. You are too tired. Sister LAN, there is still a moment before dawn. You can have a rest. I will accompany you. It's OK!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

"I can't sleep. Ever since I saw the nameless picture, I've always been insecure. I always feel that something has happened and there are songs. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the woman's back looks like a person!"

"Like a man?"

"Yes, I told you, I saw a stone statue of a woman in the nameless picture. She was interrupted by a man's waist and lay on the ground. The stone statue, really like a woman in white in a dream, really like!"

Qin LAN blushed with fear.

"It's OK. It's normal. Maybe, don't be frightened by the nameless picture. Take a rest again."

Under Chen GE's persuasion, Qin Lan was helped to the bed to lie down.

And Chen Ge didn't take it to heart.

As soon as it was light, the two men got up separately.

"Young master, the old master has issued an order. This morning, the whole family will bathe and change clothes, and watch the sun again. The young lady has to go too!"

Then a servant came up and said.

"I see!"

Chen Ge nods.

My grandfather attaches great importance to the sun chart. Since yesterday, he has let all the people come to watch it.

After all, a person's Huili is always limited, and many clansmen will be able to observe many mysteries.

Chen Ge understood that grandfather was worried about the sun chart's curse prediction that the Chen family would be destroyed.

So I'm always preparing.

In the early morning, all the Chen family gathered in the large-scale secret room.

Chen Ge also walked in with sister LAN.

It's very quiet in the secret room. Even three-year-old children are watching quietly.

Granddad, they've been watching it for a long time.

Chen Ge takes LAN elder sister and sits down on one side.

"Sister LAN, this is the sun chart of the Chen family's heirloom. Since your grandfather asked you to watch it, you can have a look at it too!"

Chen Ge said softly.


Qin LAN nods heavily.

To tell you the truth, the picture of the sun is very empty, and you can't see anything at all.

But Qin LAN has a lot of thoughts in her heart.

After all, she has found that Xiaoge is gradually accepting herself, which is undoubtedly the best news.

As for the rest, for Qin LAN, they are no longer important.

But when I see Chen Ge, I'll take a closer look.

Qin LAN is gently toward Chen Ge side lean on, also holding the fragrant cheek to observe.

Once the mind is collected, one's mental strength will be highly concentrated.

Qin LAN is the same.


But Qin LAN, at this moment eyebrow suddenly frowned.

She sat up straight with a look of horror in her eyes.

"No! Don't

All of a sudden, Qin LAN covered his head and cried wildly.This scene scared everyone.

"Sister LAN, are you ok?"

Chen gedao.

"Alan, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Chen DIANCANG also stood up.

Towards Qin LAN came.

Qin LAN pointed to the sun in horror: "I see I see... "

She was too frightened to speak.

Chen DIANCANG and Chen Ge look at each other.

"What do you see?" they asked in unison

Qin LAN looked at Chen Ge: "I see Xiaoge, he was killed by someone

She cried with fright.

"Killed? What's the matter, Alan, don't worry, tell me all you see! "

Chen DIANCANG asked.

To be honest, when he first met Qin LAN, he felt that his granddaughter-in-law was very good.

Of course, it's not just about looks and temperament.

It's a feeling.

But I didn't expect that her granddaughter-in-law was so savvy that she could understand the sun chart.

Therefore, Qin Lan said all that she had just seen.

Just now

Qin LAN looked at the sun map, the sun map suddenly changed.

A strange scene appeared.

It's in an open cave.

There is a high stone platform in the cave.

A strange sound came from the flowing mountain stream.

A woman in white is climbing towards the stone platform.

On the stone platform, a young man is firmly bound by five thick iron chains.

A few people with ferocious masks are pulling five chains, stretching around.

And this young man, not someone else, is Chen Ge!

With the stretch, the song screams with pain.


Qin LAN wants to rush to save Chen Ge.

But I found that I couldn't move at all.


With a disgusting sound, Xiaosong's body is torn apart by life, and blood spurts wildly!

Qin Lan said.

I'm already crying.

"How can it be, Alan, are you sure it's a little song?"

Chen Jindong can't set up a channel.

Chen GE has a solemn look.

Even Chen DIANCANG's face was extremely ugly.

"I don't think it's a coincidence. The woman in white, I just dreamt about her this morning, and now it's her again. How could that happen?"

Qin LAN is tearing her hair.

"The sun chart never lies!"

Chen DIANCANG was worried.

"This should be a prediction soon after, a little song, will be dismembered to death!!! What's more, the song seems to have no resistance

Chen DIANCANG said.

"Dad, how could it happen? You all said that Xiaoge has stepped into the master's realm. Ordinary people can't harm Xiaoge at all. How can this be possible?"

Yang Yuping and Chen Xiao are also afraid. After all, even Chen DIANCANG is a little flustered.

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