"Ah LAN, you hold your breath and try to see it again, or is it not this scene?"

Chen DIANCANG was in a hurry.

Qin LAN nods heavily.

Now, look at the sun again.

She frowned tightly.

nodded as like as two peas in the mouth. "Those five people are all dancing." Granddad, you have to save the song

Qin LAN cried.

"Father, is there any mistake in the prediction of the sun chart? The strength of Xiaosong is not the same as it used to be. How can it be?"

Chen Jindong also said.

Chen DIANCANG shook his head: "the sun chart never deceives people. It predicts that Xiaoge will die of dismemberment, so it will. But why? Who is it again? "

Everyone was silent at the moment.

Chen Ge looked at the relatives.

Although, the sun map predicted that he would die miserably, Chen GE's heart really rose a sense of sadness.

However, he didn't want his relatives to be in this state.

"Cough, father and mother, grandfather and sister, and LAN elder sister, don't worry. I'm not so good now. Moreover, my grandfather has said that I've stepped into a master. Although there are many people better than me in this world, it's not easy to kill me so easily!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

Chen DIANCANG shook his head: "Xiaoge, I know what you think in your heart. Although you have already surpassed the inner strength of martial arts and stepped into the master, you are not completely a master. I observed that you should be half a master. There is still half a step away from the master!"

"Half master?"

"Yes! If you really encounter an absolute master who wants to harm you, you still have no resistance. After all, although the half master is also a master, compared with the real master, there is still a huge gap between them! "

Chen DIANCANG said.

"Father, are we just watching Xiaoge cruelly killed by those mysterious masked men? Do you have to do something about it? "

Chen Jindong said urgently.

"Of course not. As long as we have a little way, we will always try. There have been too many things recently. I feel that something important must have happened. Maybe it has something to do with the holy water order."

Chen DIANCANG frowned.

"Holy water order?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Near East, you take everyone out, I have something to tell Xiaoge!"

Chen DIANCANG said.

The crowd soon went out.

"Grandfather, what is the holy water order? What's going to happen to it? Why have I never heard of you? "

Chen Ge doubts.

"Not long after you went to Longjiang, my grandfather received the holy water order in the legend. According to my grandfather's understanding, it should be the day when the holy water opens its spring. There is a force that invites masters from all over the world to gather to seize the holy water. It is said that drinking the holy water can lead to immortality."

Chen DIANCANG stopped and said:

"the covenant of holy water is once every 30 years, but it seems that no one has ever really owned holy water, because those who come back from the holy water contract will either disappear, or they will be stupid and die soon!"

"The father of Mo Canglong of the Mo family is said to have participated in the holy water agreement. After returning, he lived less than a year and died. This has always been a mystery of the Mo family."

"At the same time, it is also the mystery of those who step into the master!"

Chen DIANCANG said.

"The existence of a grand master is very rare. Why can there be such a strong force to call on masters from all over the country?"

"Yes, I have not participated in the holy water covenant, and no one will know the truth of the matter!"

"But little song, I'll leave you with an important clue to tell you!"


"I know that you have been investigating the sun alliance. The map drawn on the stone tablet of the sun alliance is very similar to the place described by the holy water order. I also want to study with you whether the sun alliance is closely related to the covenant of holy water?"

"It seems to have something to do with what my grandfather said. If we go to the covenant of holy water, we may be able to solve the mystery of the sun alliance, which has puzzled us for thousands of years!"

Although we know that those who go to the holy water covenant will not come back. Even if they come back, they will become stupefied.

But Chen Ge is still very excited.

What kind of existence is the solar alliance? Who are they?

For a year.

Can we finally break through the answer?

Now, Chen Ge finally understood that he consulted Qin Bo about Sun Alliance a year ago.

Why would he say that if he wanted to investigate the sun League, he would just wipe his neck and commit suicide.

Because only the master can touch the secret, and even if he does, the master will not bring the secret back to the secular world!

Because they must die or be mad!

"Grandfather, no wonder I've been watching you. I've been so worried recently that I've called on the whole family to observe the sun chart. It turns out that I have concerns here!""Yes, my grandfather may not be able to return this trip. If I don't leave the sun chart to you, I will be a big sinner of the Chen family!"

Chen DIANCANG shakes his head.

"Otherwise, grandfather, I will take part in the holy water agreement on behalf of you. Ha ha, anyway, the sun chart predicts that one day, if the covenant of holy water can solve the secret of the sun alliance, and even know the whereabouts of Mu Han and his second uncle, then I will die in peace!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"No, my name is engraved on the holy water order, which indicates that they call me to go. You are still a semi master, not a complete master, and they will not invite you! Xiaoge, your filial grandfather understands, but... "

Speaking of this, Chen DIANCANG, a hero, burst into tears.

"But my grandfather can't find a way to save you. My grandfather's life and death are uncertain. You are the future of the Chen family. Once you die, my Chen family will die!"

Chen DIANCANG cried.

He said how to find a way, but the sun map predicted here, what can he do?

Chen Ge also shed tears.

Chen Ge is not afraid of death, but now, if you want to die in vain for no reason, you should stay away from everyone.

Chen GE's heart is also sad.

"Grandfather, don't be sad, don't worry. I Chen Ge, even if there is such a day, I will fight with those people until the last breath!"

Chen Ge clenched his fist.

Chen DIANCANG looked at his grandson and nodded heavily.

Then he said, "I just don't know who the girl in white is, which seems to have a lot to do with you! Oh! It's really hard to understand Ah LAN really surprised me. According to your father, ah LAN saw the fallen stone from the stone tablet yesterday. Today, he can understand the sun map again This girl, in the end is what, your parents just picked up her from the seaside, I secretly investigated, at that time there was no basis, just let Grandpa did not expect that she will have such ability...... "

Chen Ge is silent.

He is in a state of confusion. It seems that some of them are not easy, but the truth is not far away from himself

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