"Chen Shao?"

Several girls were shocked.

"It seems that I have heard of this name, but I can't remember it!"

"Well, I've made a special investigation and said it to scare you to death!"

Said Yunfei.


"I heard that Chen Shao has a very big head, and his wealth is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In a word, he can give you as much money as you can ask for!"

Yunfei's eyes couldn't help but envy her.

"Really? How rich are you? "

Several boys immediately envied, envied and hated.

"That's nature! Not only do you have money, but Chen Shao is also a very big man. You family dandies can't match him! "

Yunfei couldn't help looking at her younger brothers and shaking her head.

"If we can't compare, we can't compare with him." Several men lowered their heads.

"In fact, I think that even if a person is rich, he will not be completely carefree to live. As long as he is a person, no matter whether he has money or not, he will have troubles. Maybe this Chen Shao also has the troubles that we ordinary people don't have. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself!"

Cloud clear at the moment sweet smile way.

Her words seem to be able to make people feel like spring breeze forever. The mood of several boys is much better in an instant.

But Chen Ge looks at this cloud clear, is sees more likes, has been used to Yang Xue Zhao Yifan such girl student, Yunqing this kind of, really already in the world rare.

Yes, even if you have half the earth's wealth, what can you do?

In the same way, you can't change your own destiny, change the fate of your family, and even protect your beloved woman.

As long as it is a person, there will be trouble!

Chen Ge thought about this sentence because he was distracted.

When pouring tea to Yunfei again, the tea leaked out and all of it flowed to Yunfei's clothes.

"Ah! Asshole, asshole

Yunfei stood up as soon as she was scalded, like a fox whose tail was trampled on.

"You bastard, are you blind?"

Yunfei looks at Chen Ge and says angrily.

It was this roar that attracted many people's attention.

And Yunfei is more energetic and raises her hand to smoke Chen Song.

In her eyes, the boy is just a servant. Now, she dares to offend herself in public. As soon as Yunfei's temper comes up, it's not easy to provoke him!

But when Yunfei's slap fell half a centimeter away from Chen GE's cheek, suddenly, a stabbing force like a needle came through his palm.

In an instant, Yunfei's palm was bloody.

It's like hitting a cactus.

"What a pain! so painful! My hand

Yunfei covered her hand and cried.

"Stinky boy, you dare to prick our sister Fei with a needle. You want to die!"

A few boys don't understand what's going on. They think it's Chen GE's plot. They are angry now.

We have to do it.

"Stop it, you guys, what are you doing?"

Suddenly at this time, a voice with panic, and incomparably angry voice sounded, a drink to stop is about to start a few people.

And the crowd at the scene also quieted down.

Because this person is Yunlin, the master of the cloud family.

Yunlin saw Chen Ge standing with a negative hand and indifferent expression.

His face was pale, and he rushed forward in two steps.

"Pa! Bang! Bang

Three loud slaps in the face.

Almost knocked three boys down.

"Dad, what are you doing? The three of them are just trying to get angry with me. You see, this dog slave has broken my hands!"

Yunfei saw that three cousins were beaten and jumped in anger.


And Yunlin backhand is a record of mouth son in Yunfei's face.

"Be bold! What kind of dog slaves? I don't know how you died

Yunlin's mouth twitched.

Yunfei was beaten and cried.

"Dad, why? It was this dog slave who hurt me

Yunfei didn't agree with her.


Another resounding slap in the face: "bastard, you dare to speak out and apologize to Chen Shao soon!"

A vicious warning from Yunlin.

Then he looked at Chen Ge and bowed respectfully: "Chen Shao, I'm ignorant. I almost offended Chen Shao. Please forgive me!"


Yunfei did not expect that her father would bow to the servant.

And a few young people are also stunned.

Looking at the scene in disbelief.

"For the sake of sister Qing'er, I won't argue with them. I just advise your daughter not to slap other people's faces in the future."Chen Ge said coldly.

Look at Xiang Yunfei.

Yunfei instantly blushed: "you Are you Chen Shao? The mysterious Chen Shao from Nanyang

She swallowed her saliva.

That legendary god Hao exists, is he?

"Stinky girl, fortunately, Chen Shao didn't care about you. You guys, don't apologize to Chen Shao quickly!"

Yunlin is in a hurry.

Others only say that Chen Ge is a rich man, but only those who have experienced his horror will know it!

"Yes I'm sorry

Although she felt incredible, Yunfei saw her father's attitude and knew that this was true. Now, Yunfei blushed and bowed her head to apologize to Chen Ge.

At the same time, a pair of beautiful eyes can't help but flow, watching Chen GE's expression to himself.

Perhaps, this simple conflict, with this has countless wealth of Chen Shao rub a spark of love?

But she thought wrong, Chen Ge didn't even look at her!

Then she turned her eyes to other places, which made Yunfei very disappointed.

The rest of them dare not speak.

Only Yunqing poushuo with a pair of big eyes, curiously looking at Chen Ge.

At this time, the crowd outside suddenly was a burst of noise.

Chen Ge and Yunlin's attention also immediately turned outside.

It is to see that there are thirty-two people in strange clothes, carrying sedan chairs, coming towards this side.

The sedan chair is very big.

It's like a living room.

There was a big chair on which sat a young man in a black robe.

Next to the sedan chair were two older elders.

As they walked along, pedestrians saluted them.

Chen Ge is really the first time to see this situation. He is even more domineering than the emperors in ancient times. Actually, thirty-six people lift the sedan chair.

"Is he the little Lord?"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

Yunlin wiped the sweat on his forehead, and now he is the most miserable.

Caught in the middle of the two gods of death, a little carelessness will destroy the whole door, and he dare not offend anyone.

At present, while greeting the little Lord, he respectfully answered Chen GE's words.

The rest of the people also saluted the little Lord, which is to say, bow down 45 degrees.

The two old people on both sides of the sedan chair nodded with satisfaction at the performance of all the people.

However, when they look at Chen GE's side.

But the eyebrows were frowning.

Because Chen Gezheng has his hands in his pockets and looks at them coldly

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