"Boldly, when you see the little Lord, you can't greet him?"

One of the old men stood up and cheered.

Chen Ge didn't answer. He just looked at the sedan chair and kept his eyes closed. He seemed to be enjoying all this.

Even if the old man drank hard now, the little Lord did not open his eyes.

"Presumptuous, if I ask you something, why don't you answer it?"

The old man took a step forward.

It's about to break out.

The old man was suddenly surprised to find that Chen GE's figure had disappeared in situ?


He was terrified.

And when he reacts, a strong hand, lying on his shoulder.

It's like a mountain on your shoulders.

Kneel directly on both knees, and the floor tiles are deeply depressed.

"Let me salute, you salute me almost!"

Chen Ge gave a cold smile.

"Big brother!"

Another old man on one side also moved, but he just flew over and took out a purple clay pot in his palm.

This should be a kind of witchcraft.

We have to deal with Chen Ge.

But Chen GE's figure is quick, does not wait for him to react, already successively several mouth son draw out!

The old man lay on the ground in an instant.

There's no defense.

At this time, the little saint, who was high above, finally raised his eyes slowly.

"You are good, but you should not offend today!"

The little Lord smiles bitterly at Chen Ge.

"How about offending?" Chen Ge asked.


The little Lord said this sentence, very indifferent.

When people around him heard this, they fell back one after another.

They know that Shao Sheng mainly killed people!

"Today, I did not enter the hall. According to the group training, my feet could not leave the ground, but I can kill you as well

The subject of Shao Sheng is very indifferent. He puts the Buddha to see an ant.

At the same time, Chen Ge is also quite serious about him, looking at the boy breath, there is nothing extraordinary.

But listen to his words, there is a pledge, is he left behind?

"Can you kill me with your feet on the ground? I want to see what you can do

Chen GE's voice dropped.

And then you go straight.

And a hand will use six points of strength, to know that usually, Chen Ge only three points.

The light feathered sword turns into the sword awn, just like the waves of rain, the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, invincible.

In an instant, it exploded into the large sedan chair.


However, the little Lord's eyes, which were slightly narrowed, were completely opened.

His face turned pale and colorless.

He was quite conceited at ordinary times and defeated many masters of the holy religion, but these two old men were actually their servants.

Originally, he decided to use what method to kill this man, and at the same time, he was afraid of the people around him.

I didn't expect that he was so strong.

Not good!

He was so shocked that he flashed with all his strength.


The sedan chair broke into pieces and the debris flew.

On the other hand, although he had already neglected the ancestral precepts that his feet could not fall to the ground, he was still shaken out by the violent air waves.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, spraying all over the face.

I feel my internal organs have been abandoned!

How strong! Terror!

He was terrified.

The limbs trembled.

Chen Ge came to him with a frown:

"do you have any other means?"

Chen Ge couldn't believe asking.

"Rao Spare my life, I am the little Lord, and behind me is the whole holy religion

The little Lord's limbs were paralyzed, and he crawled back in confusion.

"Is that all?"

Chen Ge was shocked again and wanted to laugh.

Laughing naturally is laughing at himself. He was fooled by this boy just now, thinking that he is really a concealment master.

Otherwise, why are you so crazy!

After a while, he was a young man.

"Little Lord, I've heard your stories. You've done a lot of evil these years."

Chen Ge stares at him coldly.

"I I... "

He stammered.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly twisted, and then he suddenly waved his robe, and Chen Ge flashed back.

At the same time, reach out and grab.

As a result, only a black robe was caught, and the little Lord had disappeared.

"It's interesting to see the golden cicada come out of its shell!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.At this moment, two ears slightly move, is already aware of the trace of the little Lord.

Chen Ge quickly chased out.

All the way to a dense forest.

Now it was dark, and there were no street lights in this area.

The light is very dark.

"Strange, this boy's breath is clearly nearby. Where is it hiding?" Chen Ge can't help but wonder.

His eyes closed slightly, and when Chen Ge opened again, he had turned green.

After a week's scanning, I finally fixed my eyes on the side of the woods to irrigate the seedlings.

Chen Ge came to the barrel with a smile in his mouth.

There is a lid on the barrel. Kick it off with your feet. It's full of water.

It's just that the water is shaking slightly at the moment.

Chen Ge crouched down: "golden cicada shelling, clavicular skill, these are all skills of escaping from life. I am also proficient in witchcraft. There is no such Kung Fu in it. Can you teach you how to practice witchcraft? It seems that this kind of Kung Fu can not be practiced for decades! "

Chen Ge looked at the barrel and couldn't help but wonder.

The water shakes more violently.

Chen Ge shook his head helplessly and reached in his hand. His finger touched one of the acupoints of the little sage.

With a bang, the little Lord spread out his whole body directly.

Burst the whole bucket.

"Cough (cough)! "

The little Lord lay down on the ground and coughed violently at the moment.

"You Who the hell are you? We are the same age. Why are you better than my grandmother? "

The little Lord looked at Chen Ge in horror and almost cried.

"You don't care who I am. If you don't answer my questions honestly, I will make you die very painful!"

Chen Ge clapped him on the shoulder and warned.

"This This is not our holy religion Kung Fu. When I was eight years old, when I was playing in the sea, my fairy sister taught me to run for my life! "

The little Lord was so frightened that he said in a hurry.

"Fairy sister?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

This young master is indeed the same age as himself. According to the truth, even these two kinds of Kung Fu really need decades of hard work, and nine times out of ten, he will not be able to practice this realm in his whole life.

In addition to master Qin's performance, he can achieve twice as much in the world.


"You fairy sister, you teach you so many things, is to let you do evil? For example, adultery and plunder? If I hadn't come to Modao Island, I'm afraid my friend would have been poisoned by you! "

Chen GE's eyes are faintly killing.

If he had not given Chen Gelu these two unique skills, I am afraid he has now become a corpse.

"I I know that over the years, I have done a lot of evil, but that's not my original intention, because I hate, I hate women, all women hate! "

Lying on the ground, the little Lord tightly grasps the straw on the ground

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