Listen to some bodyguards.

In my imagination, the ghost of Chen Daohua was even more powerful than that of half a month.

It is different from Mo Canglong's attack means.

Ghost flower, as a medium, causes great spiritual harm to people.

Although his body has been refined to a very delicate point, but the spiritual strength is far from reaching, this time, nearly by the ghost flower to death.

However, the scene before the sea palace's own coma is still fresh in my memory.

The dark coffin seemed to pop open.

A black light of air came through, but he held the coffin tightly.

Since the coffin of longevity is still there, what else can be done?

Chen Ge turned up and came to a room in the backyard where bodyguards focused on their care.

Open the door and the coffin is in the center.

Chen Ge pushed the lid of the coffin open, and found that the coffin was empty, and the white elder sister was gone!

"Chen Shao, when we rescued you, the coffin of longevity was next to you. We fished it together. At that time, the woman in white in the coffin was still there. Seven days ago, there was an accident. The woman in the coffin disappeared overnight as if the world had evaporated and disappeared, leaving only this coffin!"

A bodyguard came up and said.

"It's unbelievable!"

Mr. Fang is here.

They had already gone to Haicheng and everything was settled down.

Just as he was preparing to leave for Southwest China, the bodyguard suddenly came to find Zuo Zhongtao, saying that Chen Shao was injured and fell into a severe coma.

Therefore, a group of people did not leave, directly came to Modao to visit.

Mr. Fang, who is nearly a hundred years old, is also incredible about the scene in front of him.

Chen Ge is also surprised. Is it hard to say that the funeral man's story was true? The woman in white in the coffin could really survive?

Chen Ge looks at the coffin carefully.

A ghost flower placed in the middle of the flower attracted Chen GE's attention.

See this thing, Chen Ge subconsciously want to step back, is really hurt by this thing out of shadow.

It's very neat, as if it's someone who stays here.

"Yes, Chen Shao, only this nameless flower is left behind!"

The bodyguard was ashamed.

Chen Ge a Leng looked at him: "how, do you recognize the nameless flower?"

This kind of flower is very rare. Chen Ge saw it for the first time on his grandfather's Island. At that time, she was regarded as a kind of flower and did not take her seriously.

Chen GE has never thought about this kind of flower.

Therefore, Chen Ge was surprised that his family's bodyguards, who were not from the soul hall, could recognize it.

"This It was old master Fang who told me that! "

"Oh? Do you recognize it, grandfather Fang? "

Chen Ge looks at different directions.

"Of course I do. When I was young, I was only 19 or 20 years old. I had a very good relationship with your grandfather. That year, I was a comrade in arms with your grandfather. He showed me this kind of flower! What do you say? This is unique to your Chen family! I asked him what flower it was called, and he said it was nameless flower! A flower full of weird mystery! The earliest totem flowers belong to a magical country in the western regions! "


"My grandfather had this kind of flower at that time, and he knew the mystery of it?"

Chen Ge was surprised to hear this sentence.

When I asked about this kind of flower when I was on the island before, Wenbo explained that it was after my grandfather founded the soul hall that he went to the western regions, that is to say, the Great Northwest. He accidentally got the seed and planted it as an art collection. He didn't know the magical effect.

But now, Mr. Fang's words have pushed things forward for decades, which is unique to our Chen family?

These are two completely different statements.

"Of course, nameless flowers, two flowers, one flower, one world, this is what the old boy told me at that time, which blinded me!"

Old master Fang shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"That's the word again!"

Chen Ge is as like as two peas. How can he be so similar to the strange old woman?

At present, Chen Ge listens to Mr. Fang carefully. What as like as two peas,

, "what do you mean by" the flower "?"

, "I asked him what he meant by this sentence and what it meant by" one flower and one world ". He told me that a space can be divided into two identical spaces according to the pattern of the nameless flower. You enter any space, you can see, hear and even feel the same for you, but it is two totally different spaces, and thus, flowers bloom for two. One flower, one world

"But grandfather, how could there be two identical but completely different spaces?"

Fang Nan stood aside and could not help asking.

"Yes, I asked him at that time, and he gave me an example. For example, the room we are standing in, the nameless flower has a magical effect, that is, it can modify people's spirit and senses. What you think is different is that the nameless flower will make you feel the same through its strange mental control. What you see is this room when you stand in another room As like as two peas in a room, you can see that another room is exactly the same as this one."In this way, you should understand. Anyway, I didn't understand at that time. I took DIANCANG as a strange force and criticized him for a while!"

Fang diferent shook his head and said with a bitter smile that he seemed to be in a melancholy year, but now he is already a man who has to go into the earth.

But after talking about it, Fang diferent and Fang Huanan found that Chen GE's face suddenly became extremely pale.

It's worse than when you're in a coma.

"Song, what's wrong with you?"

Fang diferent asked in unison with Fang Huanan.

Chen Ge frowned.

"It turns out that this is the real meaning of" one flower, one world ". At that time, the old woman had already entered the cave. She had no goldfish tail pattern. There was no reason why she could walk out from the other side of the sea king palace. She blocked her in the cave

And wake up again after a coma.

He and iron city into the sea palace, there is no trace of the old woman.

What's more, there is a big black coffin.

Yes, at that time, I was still wondering why I didn't see the skeleton of the dragon, and there was no description of the dark coffin on the mural.

Everything makes Chen Ge feel strange.

But Chen Ge only wanted to take the woman in white and the coffin of longevity.

When the tomb door can be opened according to the established procedures.

But the sky is falling.

It's not the same as a scene on a mural.

How could I have been so dispassionate? It seems that there is a force in seizing their own weak point, urgent point, in the same way.

Chen Ge thought.

Of course, that's not the point.

The most fatal thing is that Chen Ge is worried and worried.

Is it a real palace of the sea that you enter into? Is it a real woman in white?

What if one flower, one world?

I entered another space.

So Who is the one who rescued himself?

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