Chen Ge can't imagine going on, especially the black air that runs without trace.

It is like a time bomb hanging in Chen GE's heart.

"By the way, what about Tiecheng?"

Chen Ge suddenly reacts.

"The little Lord has been in a severe coma. Most of his injuries are injuries. His legs have been severely damaged. However, he woke up half a month ago and can't get out of bed now."

Said the bodyguard.

"That's good!"

There are some dramas about Tiecheng's acquaintance, but before he was in a coma, Tiecheng risked his life to protect himself, which greatly moved Chen GE's heart.

"Have you found anyone else but the two of us? Miss Gu Yuxiao, have you detected her signal? "

Chen Ge asked.

"Chen Shao, we have searched for seven days and seven nights, but we have not found any trace of Miss Gu!"

Said the bodyguards.

After listening to Chen Ge, he felt some remorse.

Originally, I took her to the sea to protect her.

However, even self-protection almost can not do, is the harm of Gu Yuxiao life and death is uncertain.

If she doesn't follow her, she might be OK.

Chen Ge tightened his hand.

Originally thought, own strength now, already can traverse in the earth.

But I didn't expect that I was just fishing for the moon in the water and cheating myself.

A few small ghost flowers will be their own integrity without the ability to resist, if not in advance to arrange a good person to meet, I am afraid that he has also been buried in the sea!

The most unfortunate thing is that the ancient rain is bleak.


Chen Ge looks pale.

And seeing Chen GE's expression.

Fang Huanan's original joy was gone, but there was only endless loss.

How could she be so lucky that Chen Ge could remember her so much.

Hehe, if it's himself, Chen Ge, I'm afraid he won't be sad?

Chen Ge looks at the coffin. It seems that the coffin is not fake.

Is it a woman in white who saved her own life?

Now the problem is one after another. My grandfather knows the origin of the ghost flower. When I see my grandfather, I believe I can understand some of the mysteries.

Yes, now a month and a half has passed, and the road of the covenant of holy water has been opened for a long time.

I don't know what kind of situation my grandfather and their masters are in now.

The original appointment was to find the female corpse recently, and then follow the same path as their grandfather.

But now, I don't know where the female corpse has gone

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, outside the manor, several bodyguards screamed.

Next came the sound of a broken wooden door.

"What do you do? You can't come in without an invitation

Chen Ge ran out in a hurry.

A look, his bodyguard is about 20 years old with a girl confrontation.

More than a dozen bodyguards were lying on the ground with their chests covered. They were seriously injured.

But the girl's expression is indifferent, a stranger not to enter the appearance.

"Looking for death!"

The bodyguards are flocking again.


I saw the girl raise her hand, one by one, it was like a broken kite, flying upside down, falling in all directions.

"Step back!"

Chen Ge looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyelids leaped fiercely.

He quickly stopped his men and made another move.

this woman wears makeup. Her eyes are purple and black, and her lipstick is darker.

She is very beautiful.

And Chen Ge is now to see clearly, she is actually Yunqing.

It's Yunlin's niece, who has a good heart!

When I saw her last month.

She was stopped by the children of the cloud family, and she helped herself.

Chen Ge thought she was sweet and warm at that time. There was no such kind-hearted girl in the world.

But now looking, the temperament of Yunqing has changed too much.

It used to be gentle, but now it's a little bit arrogant and fierce.

Besides, she is just an ordinary girl.

Now, where to come from such a strong internal force, even their own, have to be willing to bow down.

Chen Ge was surprised.

"What are you doing, sister Yunqing?" Chen Ge asked tentatively.

"I'll come to see you."

Yunqing carries her hands on her back and looks at Chen Ge with a touch of ghost in her eyes, just as if she is looking at a person who has not seen him for a long time.

"Thank you, sister Yunqing, for your kindness. But the way you come to see me is a little too much?"

Chen Wai looked at the bodyguard on the ground.

"If they don't worry about your anger, I will chop off their heads. It's all your face. You can imagine how important you are in my heart."Yunqing side said, while full of charm toward Chen Ge came.

No one has ever regarded a person's life as a joke.

Not to mention the death of a kitten, the dog will be sad for a long time sister Yunqing.

"Wait a minute! You Not Yunqing? Who are you? Yunqing is not like this! "

Chen Ge asked in a cold voice.

"You will always be like this. No matter what I do, you will doubt me. Although I will cheat, I will never cheat you. Even now, you will still doubt me for what I do!"

Cloud clear eyes suddenly become extremely bitter said.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I know you're not Yunqing's little sister!"

"Is Yunqing important? The important thing is that we'll be together in the future, and no one will take you away from me! "

Cloud clear suddenly complacent smile way.

Came to Chen GE's side.

Yunqing carefully stares at Chen GE's face and wants to touch Chen GE's face. Chen Ge quickly takes a step back.

Yunqing's hand is hanging in the air.

She looked at Chen Ge and said with a smile:

"well, I will not tease you. I will explain my intention. I will give you one day to prepare. Tomorrow is a good day, and we will get married!"


Chen Ge is surprised.

"I have a fiancee. How can I marry you? Besides, I am three or four years older than you!"

Chen Ge knows that Yunqing has changed a lot, even it is not Yunqing.

But Chen Ge can't see through her strength for a time.

Chen Ge didn't want to tear off the veil.

"I don't care. We'll get married tomorrow! I want to announce our marriage to the world

With that, Yunqing turned to leave.

"Wait a minute! Who do you think you are? Xiaoge has his love. Do you say you will get married when you get married

And Fang Nan stood up and stopped.

Yunqing stopped at the door.

She turned her face slightly and glanced at Fang Nan.

"I hate any woman around him, and I hate a woman like you who dares to go against my will!"

Her voice was cold and chilling.

Suddenly, she reached out of her hand and inhaled.

Fang's whole body drifted towards her.

"My daughter!"

Chen Ge immediately reached out to stop.

But she hasn't touched Fang's arm yet.

But first came across a strong inner force breath.

A bang.

Chen Ge was shocked several steps back.

The mouth of the hand was torn, and the green tendons of the whole arm were exposed. The blood flowed from the arms and palms in an instant.

Meanwhile, Fang Huannan, who has already arrived at Yunqing's side, is strangled by her neck

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