How strong!

Chen Ge was amazed.

Yunqing's strength is very different from Chen GE's usual contact. She just touched her gently.

Chen Ge found the gap.

Her strength and strength are just like that the sewage in the rotten pool meets the extremely high-end pure water.

Good or bad, at a glance, the gap is too big!

And Yunqing at the moment a little harder.

Fang's face turned red in an instant.


Chen Ge stopped in a hurry.

It is undeniable that as long as Yunqing wants to, Fang Huanan can die instantly.

"Don't worry. I can see that you care about her very much. I won't kill her like this. I'll wait for your answer. As for her, I'll take it first!"

Yunqing gently to Fang Danan, Fang Fannan immediately fainted and was taken away by her.

Chen Ge and Fang are different and chase each other out.

We can see that the team of the cloud family is already waiting, and several bodyguards are standing.

She took Fang Nan, who was in a coma, into the car.

Just before Yunqing got into the car, she turned to Chen Ge and said, "you can't hide. No matter where you go, I won't miss you again!"

With that, Yunqing enters the car and the motorcade leaves.

"My daughter!"

Fang was worried.


And Chen Ge at the moment suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Chen Shao!"

"Elder martial brother!"

Zuo Zhongtao and they immediately gathered around.

Chen Ge was severely damaged by guiduohua, and had just recovered six or seven points of strength. Just now, in order to save Fang Huanan, he contacted Yunqing's strength.

Too strong!

Almost broke up Chen GE's energy!

The old injury and the new wound add together, Chen Ge can't help but his blood is surging.

Of course, even at the peak of their own, it is difficult to block the attack of Yunqing.

"She's so powerful, elder martial brother. I think it's hard to be hostile unless our master is here!"

Zuo Zhongtao said.

"Yes Chen Ge shook his head bitterly.

"How could she have such strength when she was young? It's really incredible!"

Fang dif erence is also amazed.

"This is not her strength, Yunqing I know, as for who she is, I think I guess it should be about!"

Chen Ge endured the sharp pain in her chest.

"Who is it?"

Zuo Zhongtao and Fang diferent asked in unison.

Chen GE has no words, but glances at the location of the coffin in the manor

"No matter who she is, since this is because of me, I will not let the people around me get hurt, girl, I will bring her back!"

At the moment, the cloud family.

"Here we are, miss!"

The motorcade stopped and the driver looked at Yunqing, who was sitting in the back with his eyes closed.

Looking at Yunqing, the driver and several bodyguards of the cloud family, they are all very surprised.

Because the change of Miss Yunqing is so great.

About half a month ago, I found that Miss Yunqing was not quite right.

She locked herself in her room for a long time, and this morning, she let the family team go with her.

The tone of command is still used.

I have never seen Miss Yunqing like this, but it is the tone of this order that everyone is shocked and has to obey, because her aura is too strong.

Get out of the car and walk into the Yunjia manor.

The cloud family is obviously a small family activity today.

There are many people.

Yunfei is pacing back and forth anxiously.

Today, she rushed to the airport to meet a friend, but the team was actually taken away by Yunqing.


Yunqing is just a daughter of the third uncle's family and has no status.

How dare you use the family team that only you can use, it's just!

Yunfei is very angry.

At the moment, seeing the motorcade stop, Yunqing comes out from above.

"Father, I think the third uncle's Yunqing really needs to be well disciplined. She is more and more unruly and has less and less dignity."

Said Yunfei.

Yunlin didn't say anything.

"Miss, my daughter, I'll talk about him!"

Yunqing's parents are busy giving their daughter an excuse.

"She's using family resources. You say it's your business! I have to teach her a lesson! "

Yunfei said angrily.

Then, seeing that Yunqing didn't even call for help, she walked to her room.

She didn't seem to see a room full of people.

Yunfei was more angry: "Hello, Yunqing, did you not see us? Also, I would like to ask you, why don't you use the family team without permission? ""And

Yunfei said here and saw the bodyguards escorting a woman in.

Seeing this woman, Yunlin and they were all shocked.

"Miss Fang! This, this, this... "

Yunlin looked pale and finally sent him away. Now, he has abducted his girlfriend again. Isn't this harmful to them?

"Did you bring Miss Fang back?"

Yunfei is also surprised.


In the face of questions from Yunfei and her family, Yunqing looks up and stares at Yunfei.

In an instant, Yunfei wanted to fall into the ice cave. When she looked at her, she was surprised and frightened, and she shivered.

"From then on, everything in the cloud family, including you! Step back

Yunqing cold drink, raise a hand.

Yunfei flew out.

And it was just this drink that a chilling chill enveloped the whole cloud family. Everyone dared not speak, including Yunlin!

It seems that this sentence is an order, an order that has to be obeyed!

Yunfei falls on the ground. She is scared to get up and swallows her saliva. She looks at Yunqing and Fang Yannan leaving in horror

"I've seen Yun Qing. She's gentle and kind. My grandfather and sister and Dr. Zuo are all relying on her to help them secretly. You can't be so rude!"

Yunqing brings Fang nan to the room. Fang Nan stares at her and asks coldly.

"You Not afraid of me? Not afraid I'll kill you? "

Yunqing is very interested in looking at her.

"I'm not afraid. I die for Xiaosong. I die for the one I love. I will. I won't be afraid of you! If you want to take me to coerce Xiaoge into marriage with a poisonous woman like you, then you are really wrong, because once you threaten me, I will become a corpse and let Xiaoge have no worries about it! "

Fang Huanan shows no weakness.

But Yunqing's eyelids gave a fierce jump, which seemed to make her get a great stimulation:

"why? You are a great lady. There are so many men in the world. Why do you love him? Even, to die for him? Give up all you have for him, and don't hesitate! Why? "

There was a flash of jealousy in Yunqing's eyes, as if this sentence had caused her some painful memories.

"Because I love, so I will do anything for him, there is no need to tangle!"

Fang Nan said.

"I won't believe in love, and I won't believe that a woman, especially a woman who is higher than him, will give up everything to him, because I can't And it's because I can't do it that I've suffered all my life! "

Yun Qing clenched her fist tightly. Because of her great strength, her sharp nails fell into the palm of her hand, causing a burst of pain

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