"I understand that you are so extreme, that is because you don't know what love is. Those so-called fame and wealth are just illusory things. Even if you get more, you will not be happy!"

"Because your heart is empty, you have been losing what you love, and the fame and wealth you get can't really make up for all this. You will suffer and continue to suffer."

Although Fang Fannan doesn't know who Yunqing is standing in front of her eyes, she doesn't care about her. Obviously, she is very powerful and extremely powerful, but she has fatal weakness.

She should be very hurt emotionally.

On hearing this, Yunqing can't help but stare at Fang Danan in surprise. She wants to kill her and make her face the fear of death, showing her ugliest side.

But she was wrong. Fang's indifference made Yunqing feel that she was a failure.

I seem to have been defeated by her.

"You are very clever, these words, also said in my heart! I want to tell you a story, you help me tell it, the story of the two little girls, who is right and who is wrong! If you can make it clear, I may let you go again! "

Yunqing sat down on one side, and her face finally flashed a touch of movement.

Fang Nan looked at her.

"They are twin sisters, but they are not the same in your sense. The two of them as like as two peas. The big one is called Qingyan and the youngest is Ziyan. The two sisters have a very good relationship since childhood. They share happiness and difficulties together! "

Until they were sixteen years old, they met a boy.

He was very excellent and hardworking. He was a young genius at that time. He was very handsome.

The sisters, at the same time, fell in love with him.

However, as you said, the so-called love, only later we know, at the beginning, this young genius, in fact, love is elder sister Qingyan.

At that time, three people hand in hand, to see the sun, and see the sunset, really beautiful.

But green Yan is not satisfied, she wants to keep all this forever, has all this, mainly wants to monopolize this all.

And she felt that her sister, in the future, would be the culprit of all this.

Because since childhood, two sisters will be put together to compare, the younger sister is clever and cute, and the elder sister, no one will praise.

At first, I felt nothing.

But since she had him, she began to pay attention to her sister, better than her own, more easily let others see her flash point.

As a result, Qingyan began to alienate her sister.

When they arrived, they began to target her again.

Ziyan will always let her sister.

But the more you give in, the more you shine.

So Qingyan wants to gather all the halos in her body.

She tried hard to practice, to fight for everything, and by all means.

Until later, she was deeply influenced by fame and wealth.

Lost their own, forget the original heart.

At that time, something happened. Qingyan did too much. Everyone was against her. Her sister broke with her completely. Even in the end, he, whom she had always loved, was hostile to her.

Yan Qing lost everything.

She was enveloped in anger and resentment.

Later, Qingyan has completely lost him, because he and Ziyan share weal and woe for many years, and they have a deep feeling.

At that time, Qingyan was completely baptized by jealousy.

I began to fight with my sister Ziyan. This fight lasted for a long time. The resentment of both of them was getting deeper and deeper. Either you died or I died!

In fact, Qingyan has had a chance.

If that time, she would give up all fame and wealth to save him, maybe it would ease up.

However, Qingyan hesitated at the most critical time.

At the critical moment, rushed to his side, desperate is Ziyan.

Qing Yan was defeated. She was defeated completely.

She is not willing, never willing, she will not admit that she is weaker than Ziyan, will not

Speaking of this, Yunqing's eyes are red.

Just listen to her story, although not much, but Fang Huanan can feel, she was a child, for this period of gratitude and resentment, very concerned.

"That green Yan, is that you?"

Fang asked tentatively.

It can be imagined that betrayal will make this woman's psychology become so distorted that she lost her love and affection. At the moment, she looks a little pathetic.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether it's no longer important. Anyway, I'll never stop with her until we die! And I'll get what I want! "

Yunqing is holding her fists tightly.

"But what does this have to do with Chen Ge?"

Fang asked in surprise."You won't understand. I just want to tell you this simple story. I won't tell you the details of the story. You are very smart. I won't let you analyze my weakness! Ha ha

Cloud clear cold voice.

"Who are you so defensive about? Does that include him? "

Fang asked.

"Yes, to him, too, so later he alienated me!"

Yunqing road.

"But this time, I'm going to win, and it's going to be complete!"

Yunqing took a deep breath, and her face changed into that cold feeling in an instant.

"Miss Yunqing..."

Just then a servant came up.

"What's the matter?"

"Master Chen Ge wants to see you!"

Servants are humane.

Yunqing took a deep breath and could not help flashing a touch of gratification on her face.

"I knew he would come!"

Yunqing looked at Fang Huanan: "come on, take Miss Fang down and serve her in the room. Without my command, Miss Fang is not allowed to leave the room for half a step!"

She gave an order, and she went outside with her hands behind her back.

And outside the living room, Yunqing a word, Yunlin they are in a hurry to leave the space.

Chen Ge is sitting on the living room.

Seeing Yunqing, Chen Ge stood up.

"Miss Yunqing, I don't know what we have to do with each other in the past, but these things, regardless of my friend's affairs, please let her go!"

Chen Ge asked.

"Are you here to let your friend go?"

But cloud clear originally joyful face, suddenly is covered by the frost.

What he said made the air in the whole room cool.


Chen gedao.

Yunqing looked at her coldly.

as like as two peas, "I can guess your identity in general, I don't know what you have to do with your sister in white, nor do you know what kind of resentment you have with the big brother of God. In short, though I am exactly the same as him, I am not him, nor will I love that white woman. What I love is only one person. Actually, we have nothing to tangle with!"

Chen Ge stood up and looked at her and said in a pleading tone.

, because Chen as like as two peas, who had made a careful analysis in the epitaph, had seen a man who was exactly the same as a woman in white but not a woman in white.

Eight people on the island were brutally killed by her.

So Chen Ge doubted that the woman who was rescued by herself was the woman that night. Looking at the momentum of Yunqing, it was really like what he described.

"You want to cheat me?"

On the contrary, Chen GE's explanation angered Yun Qing

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