"I didn't cheat you. What I said is true. I'm not the person you're looking for!"

Chen Ge looks at her.

But after thinking about it, Chen Ge decided not to say that he knew the whereabouts of Tianshen brother.

Because the situation is very obvious now, the female corpse rescued by oneself is not the elder sister in white that he is looking for.

She even exists in another sea palace.

In the absence of a real find her, God brother whereabouts, or do not say it.

"How can you believe me if you don't think about it tomorrow?"

Yunqing gently stares at Chen gedao.

"How can marriage be a trifle, and if there is no love between us, what can we do even if we get married?"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Ha ha, you mean you don't have any feelings for me, do you? She is all in your heart? "

Cloud clear eyebrow a congealed way.

Chen GE has no more words.

"I see, I understand what you mean, OK, very good, but you remember, you do not love me now, does not mean you will not love me in the future, one day, I will let you stand in front of me, sincerely beg me!"

Yunqing stares at Chen Ge.

Then, see the wrist move, respectively to Chen GE's two shoulders, and tianlinggai direction quickly.

She's very fast.

And a hand, there is a force bound Chen Ge, let Chen Ge simply unable to respond.

Chen Ge looked at her shoulder with one hand on her back, just like a queen's temperament: "what have you done to me?"

"I have touched the Three Acupoints of your body and sealed your inner strength. Now you are no different from an ordinary person. I can give you enough time to think about it. If you want to restore your original strength and go closer to find the answer you want, you can propose to me. Of course, if you want to propose to me again, you must kneel down on me In front of you

Yunqing a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Chen Ge coldly.

She took a deep breath and deliberately showed a cruel look to Chen Ge: "you go back, slowly think about it!"

Then he turned and left.

And the cloud family, all stand outside the door respectfully listening.

Yunlin is even more cold-blooded. Originally, he thought that the wusheng cult was the most powerful, but unexpectedly, a more powerful Chen Ge Chen Shao came.

Chen Ge Chen Shao should have reached the summit.

It's not easy to send away the God of killing. As a result, the cloud family ushered in a more terrifying Yunqing.

Yes, we have guessed in our hearts that this cloud is not the clever one before.

She has become someone else.

But Chen Ge, at this moment already felt that can not use any strength.

And no strength to resist, his body injury, let him more pain.

There's always a way to deal with her!


Chen Ge speculated in his heart.

Is about to turn to leave, and Yunfei looks at Yunqing has not gone far.

As soon as her eyes congealed, she came to Chen Ge in a hurry.

He roared fiercely: "hum, you scum man, you betray our family Qing'er's good intentions. You dare to come here to flaunt your power, and I won't kill you!"

Know Chen Ge no strength, and so weak.

Yunfei raised her hand and hit.

She just wants to show her kindness in front of Yunqing.

As a result, slapping has not yet fallen.

I was caught by someone.

It's cloud clear.

"Hit him? You deserve it! Go away

Yunqing was thrown away by Yunqing and flew out directly.

Yunqing glanced at Chen Ge obliquely: "one day, you will understand what I mean to you. I hope you don't let me down! Because if I can't get something, I will destroy it. Nobody can get it

Chen Ge almost left the cloud family with his own body.

I didn't expect that I met such a difficult opponent this time.

Even Chen Ge tried several times, simply told her the whereabouts of the God, let her go to find.

You can get rid of it.

But Chen Ge can't tell himself.

Because that God really seems to have something to do with myself.

What's more, Fang Nan is still in her hands.

Back to Modao manor.

Chen Gecai saw that the manor was surrounded by people.

It's a group of people in strange clothes.

Nearly a hundred have come.

Block the gate of the manor.

On the ground, there are dozens of Chen's bodyguards brought by themselves.

"Chen Shao is back!"

"Chen Shao!"And the bodyguards were overjoyed to see Chen Ge.

Zuo Zhongtao and Mr. Fang also came.

"Xiaoge, this group of people are from the witch holy sect, and the leader is the Lord. They want to see you!"


Needless to say, Chen Ge knows what they are here for!

"Are you Chen Ge?"

On the other hand, an old lady led the way.

She was over eighty, but she was radiant.

There were few wrinkles on his face, and he didn't look old at all.

She is Tiehong, the holy master of wusheng cult. She heard that a very powerful young man came to Modao.

Those who fight against the holy religion are not qualified to fight back.

She took away her grandson.

This has never happened in the centuries of the church.

Therefore, Tiehong came to the door in person today.

"I am!"

Chen Ge nods.

"You? Sick? Is it as powerful as it is in legend? "

Iron red eyes slightly squint: "nonsense less, Chen Ge, others are afraid of you, I iron red will not be afraid of you, hand over my grandson, we will slowly calculate this account!"

Iron red cold voice.

"I didn't kidnap Tiecheng. He is willing to stay. I also take him as my friend. No matter what decision he makes, I will support him. If he is willing to go back with you, I will not stop him! Of course, if he doesn't, you don't want to take him, because he is making atonement

Chen Ge said.

"What a big voice! Chen Ge'er, you really regard yourself as a character. Well, let's let you experience the power of our Witch holy religion today! Two elders, go

Tiehong waves her hand.

At once, an old man in his sixties stood up.

His name is tie Hongxiang, the two elders of the holy religion.

At the moment, his eyes slightly coagulate, straight toward Chen Ge leap.

"With him, I also want to deal with my elder martial brother, who kills him with one hand!"

Zuo Zhongtao said with a light smile.

However, it took less than three rounds to fight the Ironwood army.

You can see that Chen GE's figure has been disordered.


Finally, he is kicked in the chest by iron Hongxiang, and Chen Ge flies out directly.

The mouth vomited blood.

"I think you have how much ability, waste, it is bluff

Tie Hongxiang sneered.

"He He is not the opponent of Tiecheng at all. I don't know what means he used to take Tiecheng away. The two elders will not waste words with him and kill them all! "

Iron red cold channel.


Tie Hongxiang sneers at Chen Ge and raises his right palm.

"Waste, you're worth our trip for nothing. Go to hell!"

"Stop it

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