Tie Hongxiang directly ordered people to capture Chen Ge.

"I ask you, do you have the secret of ancient witchcraft?"

In a secret room, tie Hongxiang asked coldly.

"The secret of ancient witchcraft? How can I have it on me? It's your witchcraft

Chen Ge looked at him faintly.

"Stinky boy, you're still playing garlic! Lao Tzu has planted Gu in Tiecheng with the ancient secret method. This kind of Gu will poison a person's heart, make him behave perversely and violently, and even die of madness. This ancient secret method was obtained by chance. However, when I saw Tiecheng just now, his ancient secret method had been removed, and he recovered his mind If it wasn't for the old woman who killed him with one hand, all my plans were in vain

Tie Hong Xiang glared at Chen Ge with red eyes and grabbed his collar.

"Tell me, are there any of you who know the ancient secret arts?"

Indeed, the day after Tiecheng, when the woods caught him.

Chen Ge uses mind reading skills to find that Tiecheng's heart is not bad, and his heart is always repenting.

But obviously, he had some uncontrollable demons.

When he was a child, he may have extreme emotions.

But it's not going to happen.

At that time, Chen Ge felt something was wrong.

Only then he found that he had been poisoned by people. This kind of Gu is very poisonous, and the place where it is planted is extremely ingenious and changeable. If it is not for mastering a certain method or the mystery of this ancient secret method, even if it is a master of Gu, it can not be seen at all.

Chen Ge was proficient in witchcraft and was taught by Qin Bo.

Nature is more orthodox than these people.

After that, he found an opportunity to take out the poison from Tiecheng.

This matter, Chen Ge also did not tell Tiecheng, want to wait for him to recover completely, tell him again.

This is why Chen Ge will be very good to him, because of his nature, very simple and kind.

But now, everything is late, Tiecheng is dead.

Because of his own death, but also by this tie Hongxiang from the obstruction.

Chen Ge looks at him with a look of murderous in his eyes.

"You don't answer me, and you look at me with a murderous face? Good, very good. I have many ways to make you such a trash talk! Although I can't kill you, I want you to suffer the greatest humiliation, so that you can't live and die

Tie Hongxiang's eyes are wide open.

"Come on, tie him up and hang him in the harbor for exhibition. When he wants to open his mouth, let him down! Ha ha ha... "

Tie Hongxiang raised his face and laughed.

There are already subordinates who have pinned down Chen Ge and bound Chen Ge in all kinds of ways.

Sure enough, Chen Ge was hoisted at the port.

Passers-by watched.

"My God, isn't this the old Chen Dashao?"

"What's going on? How did Chen Da Shao become like this? "

"You don't know, in fact, the Wugu holy cult is very dirty. It was Chen Shao who saw through them and uncovered their deception. Even the little saint has reformed and followed Chen Shao's side and announced that he has broken away from the witchcraft cult!"

"What's more, Chen Shao has also provided many economic projects to the cloud family. Now many projects in Modao are invested and developed by Chen Shao. Chen Shao is a good man!"

Some pedestrians said.

However, all the people did not dare to talk aloud, because the two minions of the witchcraft cult were watching from below. They would use Gu and kill them.

However, many pedestrians did not choose to leave, although dare not help, but some people choose to accompany.

At this time, a car slowly passed here.

"Miss Yunqing, look, it's It's Chen Shao! "

The driver saw the man who had been hoisted from the harbor and said in dismay.

The window of my heart was so clear that it couldn't move.

She wants to use her strength to release Chen Ge.

But she told herself.

This is just suitable for his own mind, only when he really can not bear, this person, will understand his good to him, he will come to ask for mercy.

Therefore, in order to this end, even if there is some heartache, but also to bear.

"Well, see, it's none of our business, drive!"

Yunqing closed her eyes again.

The driver didn't dare to say much and drove away.

"We must find a way to restore our strength! In this way, the covenant of holy water will be missed, but now, there is no way to contact my grandfather! "

Chen Ge thought.

It was late at night.

The guards of Chen GE's minions were afraid that someone would come to rescue him and drove away all the people left behind.

There was some silence in the harbor.

Chen Ge looked up at the moon in the sky.It's already noon.

It's almost time.

Now I urgently need to break the seal, but I can't manage so much.

The death of Tiecheng is a lesson.

I will not let anyone around me, because of me and accident!

Because in the afternoon, Chen Ge thought of a way to break the seal.

At the beginning, the ring jade pendant beside the God gave his mind a lot of mental memory.

Although Chen Ge was printed in his mind and tried to practice it, he found that he could not practice any other skills except some skills.

But there is a mental method.

Can quickly let themselves gather a force, used to break the three seals.

However, this mental method belongs to the evil power. If it is not careful, it will corrode a person's character just like the power of dragon and elephant.

What's more, the means are cruel.

Chen GE has been thinking about whether to take the risk all afternoon, but after thinking about it, there is no way out. Zuo Zhongtao and Zuo Zhongtao can't have any more accidents.

To practice this mental method, we need to practice at midnight.

Chen GE has long been enlightened.

It is not difficult to practice it.

The hour has come.

Determined Chen Ge, decided to practice a try.

Now suspended in the air, Chen Ge closed his eyes and sank his breath. He manipulated the circulation of his meridians according to the route of the mental method.

After running for a week.

Chen Ge found that his soul chant could be used.

Then, we can sacrifice to break the army!

Break the army!

Chen GE's heart murmured.

Whoosh! At the moment, the army broke out of Chen GE's sleeve.

Straight through the rope tied to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge falls to the ground.

But the body is a little weak, almost did not stand firm.


Chen GeChang breathed a breath.

"Sleeping trough! How the rope broke! Well, the boy hid a dagger. Fortunately, the second master sent us a few more to wait for us 24 hours. Otherwise, the boy would have escaped! "

There are Seven Saints in all.

They looked at Chen Ge and sneered.

Chen GE has collected and broken the army.

Although the next means are extremely cruel, but in order to break through the seal, Chen GE has no way.

"Boy, are you tying yourself up? Or shall we tie it? I think you are itchy and want to escape! "

The first one of the minions came bluntly.

I want to pat Chen GE's face and teach Chen Ge a lesson.

Let's see Chen Ge running the method, suddenly raised his head and grabbed the head of the minion.


A strange noise came out.

I saw that the minion was absorbed by some huge suction, and his flesh was surging towards his head.

And his cheeks, both of which were deeply retracted into his face bone.

He screamed in pain.

Face from pale, but also quickly into purple black, even the body is constantly shrinking.

Finally, it turned into a cloud of ash, crushed by Chen Ge, and fluttered in the wind


The remaining six people, all looking silly, screamed in horror

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