This kind of evil heart method is called soul swallowing technique. It can quickly condense a strong Qi in one's body by sucking one's vitality.

The more you inhale, the more naturally you condense.

But these small minions obviously didn't expect Chen Ge to have such a skill. It was too late to escape. They did the same thing and were sucked into a pile of black ash by Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked at the deep night in the distance, and his eyes flashed a fierce color.

Now, their own strength has been restored to 30%.

He also knew in his heart, even if it was his peak state, he would never be Yunqing's opponent.

My first priority now is to find a woman in white, so I must get rid of her.

And Yunqing has a lot of powers, so it is not easy to deal with her.

Chen GE has already thought well, go to ask for the ghost operator again.

All his calculations have been fulfilled.

On that day, he once said that he still had a long-standing relationship.

But this cloud is clear, very likely is own predestination.

Ghost operator can calculate this step, then he must have good suggestions!

"Save them and leave quickly!"

Chen GE's eyes flashed a touch of essence, and without stopping, went to the land of witchcraft and holy religion.

"Stop, what are you doing? How can you break into the witchcraft cult

Chen Ge rushed to the foot of the mountain and was immediately stopped by a minion standing guard at the gate.

Chen Ge decisively shot, directly broke one of the neck.

The other one was scared dumb.

"Where is tie Hongxiang?"

Chen Ge grabs another man.

"Er ye, er ye, he is drinking with his friends in his mansion!"

That's a minion.

"Where are the old masters Fang and them who are locked up by him?"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

This momentum is very strong, coupled with the fierce and resolute hand just now, the minion knows that his life is hanging in a flash.

"If I say so, brother, don't kill me!"


Tiehongxiang mansion.

He is playing cards with some friends.

Tie Hongxiang had three hobbies in his life, except for his obsession with witchcraft.

That's beauty and mahjong.

Besides, I love the atmosphere of playing cards.

The huge living room was made into a chess and card room by him.

In the middle of the living room, there are some beautiful and charming women dancing.

When Tiehong Xiangzheng was immersed in the atmosphere and felt comfortable in his heart.

There's a bang.

The door was flung open.

I saw a boy, who was grabbed by the shoulder and walked in with the people behind him.


Tie Hongxiang looked up and saw that it was Chen Ge.

It made him wonder.

"What's more, it's impossible for you to find a way to get rid of the rubbish

Tie Hongxiang sneered and continued to play cards.

During the day, he had a fight with Chen Ge and found that he was not as powerful as the legend, so he couldn't help being contemptuous.

His several card friends, are not moving, all in the whole body perfusion card.

As if Chen Ge was a joke.

"This is Chen Da Shao? Who should I be? It turned out to be a yellow haired boy Two cakes

Someone sneered.

"Father, it was this man who killed the little Lord. Well, I was just going to see how he was hanged in the harbor. Unexpectedly, he escaped. Let me take him in person and wait for his father's fate!"

Behind tie Hongxiang stood a young man. His face was very white, but his mouth was full of ferocity.

"It's OK to go, but don't kill him. I'll keep him, and it'll be of great use."

Iron Hongxiang light road.

The young man walked up to Chen Ge with scorn on his face. "Boy, you are wrong. In the face of our witchcraft cult, you have to obey. There is never any condition. I'll make you tired of it today, and see if you don't hand in what my father wants!"

The young man chuckled.


Chen Ge is faster, and his figure is shaking, holding his head directly.


Waving a wave, the head was instantly torn off by Chen Ge, thrown aside, blood instantly gushing.

The young man's expression of astonishment was still on his head.


But tie Hongxiang, who is playing cards, and so on, was stunned.

In particular, tie Hongxiang, in the heart of crazy shock at the same time, incomparable pain.


Tie Hongxiang shivered all over his body and suddenly stood up, his heart was dripping with blood.He never thought that Chen Ge, who had no power to bind a chicken in his eyes, could have such power?

It's too late to regret. His only son has been killed by him.


This bloody scene, so that the dancing girls have scared scattered.

And Chen GE's sidekick took the opportunity to turn around and run, he knew the power of Chen Ge.

After running out for more than ten meters.

Chen Ge reaches for a breath.


The blood of the boy's whole body seemed to be burst open. Although people stood at the same place, all the blood had been spilt from the body, forming a strange blood mist in the air, which was diffused everywhere.

And his whole person, has become a black mummy!

Horror, cruelty, this scene makes everyone begin to scalp numb.


Several table players in the hall, seeing this scene, had only one thought in their hearts, that is, running.

We can see that he came to find tie Hongxiang's revenge. Although he is a card friend, there is no need to accompany tie Hongxiang to die here.

And it was a tragic death.

Now, these people are birds and beasts trying to disperse.

But it's no use. Tonight, Chen GE has planned not to live.

The murderer who killed Tiecheng is in front of him.

Tiecheng's death, let Chen Ge both sad and remorse, and Tiecheng died to save himself.

Although it's not about these people.

But I don't know why, Chen Ge just wanted them to be buried together, it was so simple.

Not one!

Chen Ge broke the army.

They run fast, but they break faster.

Before we got to the door, these people's heads had landed.

Tie Hongxiang shivered all over.

The anger of his son's killing has now been completely replaced by fear.

Standing in front of him, as if not a person, but a god of death, killing people without blinking an eye.

The aura of his body is automatically frightening.

Just like the disaster is coming, people think not of other, but to live!


Tie Hongxiang was shocked and knelt down directly.

"Chen Chen Shao, spare your life

He shivered.

"Are you obsessed with the ancient witchcraft? And you want to see, well, there is a secret method in the ancient witchcraft, which is very poisonous. I will plant it on you, and they will slowly corrode you until your internal organs rot away and become a pool of rotten meat. You can learn it slowly! "

In a moment, Chen's eyebrows are strange.

Listening to tie Hongxiang's scream and looking at the corpse, Chen GE's face is indifferent:

"Tiecheng, you die because of me, your revenge will be avenged!"

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